First Lady of Rio Blanco

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The First Lady of Rio Blanco is the wife of the President. Should the President be a female and she has a husband, the title of her husband is First Gentleman. The current First Lady is Roxanne Heller, Bill Stanmourne's wife.

The First Lady has no official duties and recieves no salary. The title is not honorary, and it is technically kept for life, but there is no formal role attached to it. The First Lady recieves a pension when her spouse leaves office, and while her spouse is President she is entitled to identical levels of protection, and recieve the same travel benefits.


# Image Name Consort From To Date of marriage
1 Ada Lanceton
(née Ahlström; 1833-1917)
Edwin Lanceton 1876 1880 1862
2 Josephine "Jo" Garner
(née Muncher; 1831-1904)
Montrose Garner 1880 1884 1859
3 Julie Vynn
(née Hodgson; 1841-1913)
John S. Vynn 1884 1888 1871
4 Hannah Pence
(née Knoxley; 1835-1914)
Gregory Pence 1888 1892 1865
5 Frances Carlson
(née Fox; 1856-1921)
Hugh Carlson 1892 1896 1887
6 Edith McDenn
(née Van Streek; 1859-1931)
William McDenn 1896 1900 1890
7 Mary Stagmann
(née Brainridge; 1861-1939)
Emmett Stagmann 1900 1904 1890
8 Caroline Coxbourne
(née Hymann; 1865-1933)
Philip Coxbourne 1904 1908 1894
9 Jane Stanson
(née Appleton; 1870-1947)
Henry Stanson 1908 1912 1901
10 Sarah Thornton
(née Cossler; 1879-1951)
Warren Thornton 1912 1916 1910
11 Judith Van Oyle
(née Whiteley; 1870-1958)
Timothy Van Oyle 1916 1920 1900
12 Ellen Kaczorowska
(née Moult; 1883-1957)
Ryan Kaczorowski 1920 1924 1913
13 Rose Caines
(née Harberry; 1875-1939)
Paul Caines 1924 1928 1905
14 Mary LaGausse
(née Roston; 1884-1961)
Scott LaGausse 1928 1932 1914
15 Claire Stowley
(née French; 1880-1952)
Jack Stowley 1932 1936 1917
16 Frances Coxbourne
(née Gladstone; 1898-1969)
Jamie Coxbourne 1936 1940 1930
17 Grace Collins
(née Starr; 1896-1971)
George Collins 1940 1944 1928
18 Mary Eldridge
(née Stephanidis; 1890-1969)
Richard Eldridge 1944 1948 1920
19 Louise Munstell
(née Magrelli; 1904-1989)
Jonas Munstell 1948 1952 1936
20 Arianna Giannizzari
(née Dell'Alto; 1899-1991)
Alfred Giannizzari 1952 1956 1930
21 Rhonda Carlson
(née Wyatt; 1925-)
Bruce Carlson 1956 1960 1948
22 Steven Lamber
Delia Roughton 1960 1964 1944
23 Jocelyn DiLeo
(née Murrell; 1921-2012)
James DiLeo 1964 1968 1951
24 Rose Krzywydzieska
(née Holston; 1927-)
Nigel Krzywydzieski 1968 1972 1958
25 Amanda Rutkowska
(née Keggs; 1930-)
Larry Rutkowski 1972 1976 1957
26 Jocelyn DiLeo
(née Murrell; 1921-2012)
James DiLeo 1976 1979 1950
- Brenda Klaudes
(née Stahler; 1924-2011)
Chris Klaudes 1979 1980 1956
27 Yvonne Radigan
(née Caulker; 1937-)
Lawrence Radigan 1980 1983 1968
- Anna Kirchenauer
(née Washton; 1933-)
Thomas Kirchenauer 1983 1984 1962
28 Anne Gamkrelidze
(née Jorjadze; 1932-)
Russell Gamkrelidze 1984 1988 1963
29 Rachel Johnson
(née Dewell; 1948-)
Robert Johnson 1988 1996 1980
30 Tonya Chambers
(née Andrews; 1960-)
Frank Chambers 1996 2000 1991
31 Cynthia Colston
(née Robson; 1962-)
Darryl Colston 2000 2004 1985
32 Michelle Sladger
(née Keffner; 1961-)
Carl Sladger 2004 2012 1992
33 Roxanne Stanmourne
(née Heller; 1965-)
Bill Stanmourne 2012 Incumbent 1995