2010 Yarphese War

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2010 Yarphese War
A map showing both sides of the conflict. Blue: UK and its allies. Red: Yarphei and its allies.
DateJanuary 11, 2010 - February 14, 2010
Result Calgary Conference (The Grand Yarphese Republic claims that the Grand Yarphese Republic won the war.)

File:Flag of Yarphei.png Grand Yarphese Republic

File:Flag of the East Asian Federation.png East Asian Federation
Flag of the United Kingdom.png United Kingdom
Flag of Cascadia.png Republic of Cascadia
Flag of the United States.png United States of America
File:Allied States of America.png Allied States of America
Flag of Everett.png Union of Everett
File:West Africa Flag.jpg West Africa
Commanders and leaders

File:Flag of Yarphei.png Tranh Chup-yar

File:Flag of the East Asian Federation.png Kumiko Akimoto
File:Flag of the East Asian Federation.png Yasukiyo Ôuchi
Flag of the United Kingdom.png Gordon Brown
Flag of Cascadia.png William Ledigh
Flag of the United States.png Barack Obama
File:Allied States of America.png Ricardo Black
Flag of Everett.png Kaitlyn Rachel Spencer & Jason M. Harris

File:Flag of Yarphei.png Vietnamese Liberation Army
Unknown (1,713,200 confirmed in Falklands conflict, 10,000 estimated in Chagos campaign, ~2,000,000 in Invasion of Britain)

File:Flag of the East Asian Federation.png East Asian Federation armed forces
122 (Crew of the FAF Leviathan and 1st Elite Air Wing)
Flag of Cascadia.png Cascadian Robotic Army
approx. 300,000
File:Allied States of America.png Allied States Armed Forces: 1,386,040(800,000 Wales, 586,040 Yarphei)
Flag of Everett.png Union of Everett Military: ~4,500,000 (750,000 Marines, 90,000 Navy, 65,000 Air Force, 3,500,000 HADv2 total (150,000 Marines, 500,000 HADv2, 15,000 Navy, 1,500 Air Force deployed to UK) ~25,000,000 militia reserve defensive forces, ~55,000,000 total trained gun owners on HDS response
Casualties and losses
File:Flag of Yarphei.png Estimated: 7,512 (7,300 Falklands, 212 Diego Garcia) Flag of Cascadia.png Estimated: 5,000 droids
File:Allied States of America.png Estimated: 13,342
Both sides celebrated victory after the peace signing.

File:Flag of Yarphei.png
This article is part of the series on Yarphese History.
Southeast Asia
Formation of the Republic
Yarphese March
Completion of the Republic
Grand Yarphese Plan
Treaty of Singapore
First Thai Occupation
Kampot Bus Rebellion
Movement of Capital City
Phuket Heat Wave
Second Thai Occupation
Southern Ideology Crisis
2010 Yarphese War
Allied Revolution
Oirat War

The 2010 Yarphese War (commonly World War III or WW3) is an ongoing global conflict between the Grand Yarphese Republic and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Here is a list of all the present and past battles of the war, in order:


On 14 February 2010, Tranh Chup-yar declared that the war was solely initiated for the annexation of the Falkland Islands. While the reason for this is unclear, several sources have reported that the Falkland Islands would open up Yarphese influence in the Western Hemisphere, and give Yarphei a strategic position in relation to the new Antarctic Territory gained by the 2010 Antarctic Treaty. In addition, it would provide economic progress to otherwise "wasted" islands, and hopefully settlement of the islands. Finally, some sources report that the war was initiated to display Yarphese power to western nations.

Course of the war (battles)

Invasion of the Falklands

The Vietnamese Liberation Army landed in the Falkland Islands at 00:20 UTC-4, 11 January 2010 and shortly cut off all communication with London. By 06:00 on 11 January, the VLA had complete control of the archipelago. With the exception of minor skirmishes in and around Stanley, there was little local resistance. After several failed attempts to re-establish communication and the inexplicable disappearance of several Flyglobespan flights out of RAF Mount Pleasant, a British investigation revealed the Yarphese Invasion. Shortly after, Britain declared war. After this occurred, Cascadia issued an ultimatum to Yarphei demanding the vacation of the Falkland Islands, specifically the small territory on the island captured from Cascadia. It was promptly ignored and an hour later Cascadia declared war, although Cascadia has said no humans will be in direct combat.

Just 4 hours before February 8 came to a close, Cascadia and the United Kingdom announced that the Falkland Islands has been recaptured from Yarphei and are now cleaning up and driving the remaining Yarphese out of the islands.

One day later, it is reported that guerrila forces hiding out on the islands successfully reclaimed the Falkland Islands. Cascadia and Everett engage in a heavy battle for the British repossession of the Falkland Islands.

Capture of the Chagos Islands

On 1 February 2010, a VLA army and navy combined force of unknown size quickly landed and overwhelmed the 4,000 British and American troops and civilians stationed in the British Indian Ocean Territory to create a new front to the current engagements between British and Yarphese troops in the Falkland Islands. The United States of America has since declared war on Yarphei, further straining American global military levels, as President Obama plans to send several thousand troops and the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier battle group to reclaim the Diego Garcia joint base, mainly of unused soldiers and formerly in Iraq soldiers.

On February 10, 2010, early morning, Iraqistani troops totalling 20,000, backed up by a force of 2,500 HADv2 droids and around 5,000 British and American marines landed in the Chagos Islands with aid from 250 Militant Forces agents and commensed an attack against the estimated 10,000 occupying Yarphese troops. A French destroyer, previously stationed in Somalia, also joined the force. Australian naval craft from Perth arrived an hour later.

By February 11, Iraqistan announced it had captured the Chagos Islands and detained 5,540 Yarphese troops. The 4,000 British and American forces were freed and joined the Iraqistani forces in detaining the Yarphese. The islands were secured by the early morning hours of February 11th. The USS Ronald Reagan joined forces and maintains air superiority over the islands. Three Yarphese ships have been captured before successful scuttling.

Landing at Cardiff

After the successful capture of the Falkland Islands from the British, the Vietnamese Liberation Army continued its sweeping assault on the United Kingdom. An estimated half of Yarphese forces remaining in the Falkland Islands were redeployed, in addition with reinforcements from the mainland, to the North Atlantic Ocean. On February 3, 2010, Yarphese forces landed in Cardiff, Wales and began asserting territorial control.

The same day as the Yarphese invasion, the Allied States Second Fleet has been dispatched to Wales to assist the British. Reserve forces are on standby at the Allied States Military base in Scotland, Legion AFB. General Ricardo Black is incharge of the Allied States Armed Forces in Europe, and Admiral Trevor Mckenzie of the naval units.

Attack on Yarphei

File:ASA Ships.png
Several Allied States ships near Yarphei

After intense fighting in Britain, the Allied States government decided to take the battle to the Yarphese, and launched a siege of the country. The Allied States First Fleet departed from its base in Chile on February 6, 2010 and arrived off the coast of Yarphei late February 7, 2010. The fleet has deployed several special forces squads but has until now not launched a major offense. Among the ships is a ASA submarine carrying a nuclear missile.

At approximately midnight in Yarphei, February 9th, the global coalition force of combined NATO, Iraqistani, Commonwealth forces, Everetti, Allied States, United States, Cascadian, Malaysian, Thai and Vietnamese forces commensed the official ground invasion of the Grand Yarphese Republic with an expected additional reinforcements to arrive within days from NATO, Everett and Iraqistan. The Vietnamese Front commensed invasion of Yarphei an hour later, commensing Naval and air bombardment of Saigon and ground troops entering combat along the Vietnamese/Yarphei border with aid from U.S. Marines, Canadian forces and New Zealand forces. Along the Malaysian Front, Malaysian troops aided by Everetti Marines, Australia armed forces, Allied States forces, NATO and Iraqistani troops begun to force across the border of Malaysia into Yarphei, entering heavy combat. Air strikes led by Everett, NATO and U.S. forces began against Yarphese border armies.

Sạ́-myạ́ Naval Blockades

In an act of retaliation to the Siege of the Grand Yarphese Republic, the Vietnamese Liberation Navy sets up three heavy naval and air blockades. The name, literally translated, means three-sixteen, the date on which the blockades took place by the Yarphese calendar (three is the year, sixteen is the day of year). There were three blockades. The first blockade blocked off both the Strait of Juan de Fuca and the Queen Charolette Sound, rendering trade with the ports of Vancouver and Seattle impossible. The second blockade cut off the port of Houston near Galveston, making trade with those ports impossible. The third stretched to both sides of the Thames River Estuary, making trade with the port of London impossible.

In response to the appearance of Yarphese ships in North America, Everetti submarines guarding the coasts in Maya Coast, Louisiana and Yucatan launched torpedos and ballistic missiles at Yarphese ships in the Gulf of Mexico with aid from fighter aircraft, bombers and droids deployed from those states to rush and overtake Yarphese ships. Land based rockets and missile vehicles fired at Yarphese ships from northern Maya Coast and western Louisiana. The Everetti military announced their intentions of capturing the Yarphese ships, trapped inside the Gulf of Mexico. Fighter aircraft retain air superiority over the Gulf with fighter squadrons joining from the Allied States, United States and Everett. Mexico quickly placed its air force on alert in response to Yarphese presence.

The Vietnamese Liberation Air Force manages to stall Everetti advance through several air skirmishes. Despite the repeated attacks, the Yarphese Navy gains a firm grip on Galveston and nearby bays. Tranh Chup-yar declares that the Yarphese ships and air force vehicles have no intention of releasing any grip on Galveston.

Meanwhile, Cascadian droids stormed Yarphese vessels and put holes in their hulls, causing them to sink. Then drones and other droids began combat with VLA planes as SDI turrets from Everett arrived to protect cities (Vancouver and Seattle) from attack.

After several hours of being pelted heavily, several Yarphese ships scuttle, leaving the ports inaccessible. The blockades in North America are cleaned up allowing trade with the ports in just 3 days, but in the United Kingdom a storm prevents it from being completely cleaned up. Cascadia announced its intent to shut down the storm using captured weather control technology.

Invasion of South Georgia

Yarphese and Argentine ships planned to land at Grytviken, South Georgia in order to claim the islands. However, both countries' invasions were stopped by British patrol boats in the area. In response, the RAF and Cascadian Air Force patrolled the islands in addition to air raids over the Falkland Islands.

Hurricane Alex

File:Atlantic Ocean MQB.png
The official map showing locations of Yarphese MQB weather stations.

Hurricane Alex was a category three hurricane that began as a tropical depression of the coast of northern West Africa, and was used for meteorological warfare against the Union Everett. It was controlled by Yarphese Ma Qua Bar weather stations, but it was stopped by Tranh Chup-yar with the signing of the Calgary Conference before making landfall on the Yúcatan Peninsula. It promptly fizzled out and the remnants of it made landfall on the Yúcatan Peninsula and later northern Mexico.


Impact on the world

United Kingdom

The British sustained heavy loses and lost control of the Falkland Islands completely. However, with the help of Coalition forces, the British mainland went unconquered.

Allied States

The Allied States did not sustain heavy loses on any front, but heavy damage was caused to the Allied States' infrastructure during the brief hurricane caused by Yarphei. The Allied States is now kept on high alert against Yarphei, and want to try the Yarphese leader for crimes against humanity. Following the damage done to Britain, the Allied States contracted several construction and other organizations to help the Welsh.

Several vessels were lost in the Allied States First and Second fleets, however casualties were kept to a minimum seeing as the Allied States played only a supporting role in the war. Improvements which followed the war included several more advanced early-warning systems to warn the country against incoming storms and such. Allied States ships now regularly patrol the Gulf of Mexico.

Union of Everett

The Everetti mainland suffered moderate damage as a result of the Yarphese generated hurricane with an estimated 234 deaths of Haitian earthquake survivors, civilians. Damage also occurred in the state of Yucatan, with one citizen submitting a lawsuit against the Yarphese government for the destruction of his car. Everetti human troops in Yarphei and the United Kingdom mainland suffered about 9,200 losses total and about 28,000 droids were destroyed. In response to the hurricane attack, Everett has begun a search of the oceans for weather control stations.

Grand Yarphese Republic

The Vietnamese Liberation Army lost approximately sixty-thousand soldiers in the conflict, but overall Yarphei wasn't damaged militantly. The biggest losses were national landmarks and military bases. Yarphei suffered damage in four of its most major cities. Tranh Chup-yar ordered everything rebuilt within two months. Despite this, most Yarphese celebrate the victory.


During the course of the war, two new alliances formed. One is the Council of East Asian States, which includes five members in East Asia. The CEAS formed on 13 February by the Tavoy Conference.

See Also