2008 General Elections of Lusitania

The 2008 General Elections of Lusitania are the most recently elections in Lusitania, made on 15 October 2008. The Union Socialdemócrata won the election with 32% nationally. They got 74 seats of representatives, but were second in the senate. So they had to make a colaition with the Centro Laranja and Verde, because Conservatives and Liberals had united together. but they still have the minority in the senate, so the government has a dangerous position. The monarquists and Nationalists did not get a minimun of 5% so they do not have any seats.

General results

Party name Votes in percent
Union Socialdemócrata 32%
Conservative Party of Lusitania 27%
Liberal Party of Lusitania 16%
Centro Laranja 12%
Verde 6%
Partido Monarquista 4%
Partido Nacionalista 3%


Party Seats
Union Socialdemócrata 74
Conservative Party of Lusitania 62
Liberal Party of Lusitania 36
Centro Laranja 22
Verde 14
Partido Monarquista 0
Partido Nacionalista 0


Party Seats
Conservative Party of Lusitania 25
Union Socialdemócrata 19
Liberal Party of Lusitania 17
Centro Laranja 10
Verde 7
Partido Monarquista 0
Partido Nacionalista 0