List of cities in Atlion

State capitals

City State Population
Stauffenberg Ackerland
Northridge Atlantia 2,025,700 (city)/3,111,400 (metro)
Port James Broker 2,873,092
New Gloucester Edwardsland
City Intima
Luminaire National Capital Region 2,686,440
Robinson City New Welland 1,656,000
Endroit d'Doré Sagesse 5,871,461
Riddense Valenmark 732,186 (1,390,669 metro)
Kanrajev Vlorast 1,653,000
Yinshen Wushan 7,645,028

Largest cities of the states

Cities that are also state capitals are marked with *

City State Population
Stauffenberg* Ackerland
Northridge* Atlantia 2,025,700 (city)/3,111,400 (metro)
Statesport Broker 8,750,000
Luminaire* National Capital Region 2,686,440
Ellsworth New Welland 3,009,212
Endroit d'Doré* Sagesse 5,871,461
Riddense* Valenmark 732,186 (1,390,669 metro)
Vilutze Vlorast 2,848,000
Yinshen* Wushan 7,645,028

List by population

Rank City State Population
1 Statesport Broker 8,750,000
2 Yinshen Wushan 7,645,028
3 Endroit d'Doré Sagesse 5,871,461
4 Saint Sebastian Sagesse 4,257,093
5 Kennsley Broker 3,234,345
6 New Brighton Broker 3,228,234
7 Ellsworth New Welland 3,009,212
8 Dwightford Broker 2,912,341
9 Port James Broker 2,873,092
10 Vilutze Vlorast 2,848,000
11 New Sarum Broker 2,720,894
12 Luminaire National Capital Region 2,686,440
13 Kennsley West Broker 2,223,912
14 Northridge Atlantia 2,025,700
15 Stutton Broker 2,019,910
16 Vyaalong Vlorast 1,977,000
17 Robinson City New Welland 1,656,000
18 Kanrajev Vlorast 1,653,000
19 Roux Broker 1,612,034
20 Fort Randall Hill Broker 1,481,402
21 Nova Genoa Sagesse 1,337,421
22 Riddense Valenmark 732,186