News:Chancellor Whitmore gives New Years speech in Diet

The Diet immediately following the speech.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Chancellor Bobby Whitmore has given his first New Years speech in the Diet of Brazoria on the first in-session Tuesday of the year as according to tradition. Despite weeks of continuous and violent protests, which have morphed from issue-specific affairs into general demonstrations against both the CAS and the Green Social government, the Chancellor used the floor to urge unity among Brazorians, calling for the restoration of national sovereignty through a unified act of the public in the exit of Brazoria from the Conference of American States.

The first part of his speech addressed the protests which continue to smoulder across Brazoria. Many on the political right have been calling for the Chancellor's resignation, to which the Chancellor announced that he would "never yield." Afterwards, he spoke of the hypothetical Brazorian exit from the CAS, to which Whitmore stated that "there will not be some future where the history books talk of a foolish bluff and fold. The citizens of this Republic deserve a leader who knows when the pot is too large to fold. We are not talking about simple issues of immigration and public safety. We are talking about the futures of millions of people, the children of those watching us now, and their own children to be born after them. Right now, our great nation has pocket aces, and we just have to hope and pray to God that the globalists don't have three-of-a-kind, or, Heaven forbid, a flush."

The Chancellor went on to address the state of affairs between Brazoria and its fellow Anglo-American nations, with which relations have significantly cooled in the past months following the reintroduction of border controls, which many in the CAS have denounced as a violation of the Treaty of St. Louis. The Chancellor said that "storms are brewing to our east and west, but our nation will not bow to the rain and thunder. We will not quiver and shake like dogs in a lightning storm. We will stand resolute against the tide, holding together, and so long as we are together, we shall surely hold back the storm. And, of course, should any ill befall our people because of my government's actions, then you can be sure that we will swoop right back in to bring back whatever peace we have thereafter taken from you. Brazorians deserve more than to serve as a market for foreign oligarchs, Brazorians deserve the best that their country can give them. And so long as our hands are tied in the red tape of Amerocrats and Continentalists, then we cannot act as the true representative of our free, strong people."

The Chancellor's speech was well received on both sides of the political spectrum in Brazoria, though throughout the rest of Anglo-America it is said to have deepened concerns that Brazoria will fully and assuredly depart from the CAS. Brazorian officials working in the CAS administration have already been officially recalled, and the Brazorian government is reportedly drawing up plans for the recreation of a fully-dedicated national border protection service.