Pacífica (Disunited States)

The Kingdom of Pacífica, also refered to as Pacífica and rarely as Royal California, is a sovereign country located in Western North America. Along with its central North American territories, Pacífica also owns many islands in the Pacific Ocean, including Pacífican Samoa and Guam. The Kingdom of Pacífica borders the State of Deseret to the east, the Republic of Cascadia to the north, and the Republic of Sonora to the southeast. Pacífica also shares maritime borders with multiple island nations, including Japan, Kingdom of Hawaii, and the Republic of Taiwan.

Kingdom of Pacífica

Reino de Pacífica (es)
Königreich Pacífica (de)
Flag of
Coat of arms of
Coat of arms
Motto: "Unity through Diversity"
Anthem: God Save the King (Royal)
Pacífica Forever (National)
Location of Pacífica
Location of Pacífica
Capital Sierravista
Largest city Los Angeles
Official languages English
Recognized languages Spanish
Demonym(s) Pacífican
Government Federal Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
• King
James I
Alberto de Sol
David Lockmeade
Legislature House of Deputies
Independence from Mexico
• Declared
September 9th, 1841
• Recognized
May 5th, 1842 (as the California Republic)
• Constitution
September 7th, 1842
• 2019 estimate
GDP (PPP) 2018 estimate
• Total
$3.12 trillion
• Per capita
HDI (2018) 0.899
very high
Currency American Dollar
Time zone Pacific Time Zone
Driving side right
Calling code +909
Internet TLD .pac

Pacífica is a Federal Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy. The Monarch, who is known as either the King or Queen of Pacífica is the ceremonial and hereditary head of state and acts as a national symbol and figurehead during times of hardships. The Prime Minister is the elected head of government and acts as the representative of the people. The national legislature is unicameral and is composed of the House of Deputies. The House of Deputies is charged with creating federal legislation, known as bills, and the Prime Minister and their cabinet are responsible to the House. The national judiciary is the Pacífican High Court, which is in charge of the upholding and the enforcement of federal law.

Centuries before European discovery and colonization, the lands that make up modern-day Pacífica were inhabited by hundreds of Ameroindian tribes, who acted as individual city-states. During the Discovery Era, Pacífica was discovered and colonized by Spanish settlers and was placed under the control of the Viceroyalty of New Spain. After Mexico won its independence from Spain in 1820, Pacífica was reorganized as a Mexican state. During the late 1820s and 1830s, Pacífica saw a major increase in immigration from American settlers, known as the Great Migration. In 1841, American settlers (who were now the majority in Pacífica) declared independence from Mexico, eventually defeating the Mexicans in 1842. The Kingdom of Pacífica was officially established on August 4th, 1842 by the Constitution of Pacífica, replacing the California Republic. During the late 1800s, Pacífica expanded its influence in the Pacific Ocean and in the North American Continent. Pacífica stayed neutral during the First World War but joined in the second one along with other North American nations after a series of surprise attacks were conducted on them by the Empire of Japan and the Mexican Social Republic. After the Second World War, Pacífica aligned with the West against the Soviet Union in the Cold War and experienced rapid progressive change. After the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, Pacífica assisted former communist nations transition towards democracy.

In the Modern Era, Pacífica is considered one of the world's leading nations and is predicted to become a world superpower in the near future. On the Human Development Index, Pacífica ranks very high and on the Overall Development Index, Pacífica classifies as a first-world nation. Pacífica also has one of the best economies, ranking sixth in the world and second in North America. Pacífica is a founding member of the North American Union, PATO and the League of Nations, in which it serves as a rotary member of the LoN Security Council. Pacífica is also a member of the North American Free Trade Pact, the Amerozone Monetary Union, and is an observer of ASEAN.



Settled by successive waves of arrivals during the last 10,000 years, Pacífica was one of the most culturally and linguistically diverse areas in pre-Columbian North America. Various estimates of the native population range from 100,000 to 300,000. The Indigenous peoples of Pacífica included more than 70 distinct ethnic groups of Native Americans, ranging from large, settled populations living on the coast to groups in the interior. Pacífica groups also were diverse in their political organization with bands, tribes, villages, and on the resource-rich coasts, large chiefdoms, such as the Chumash, Pomo, and Salinan. Trade, intermarriage, and military alliances fostered many social and economic relationships among the diverse groups.

Spanish and Mexican Control

The First Europeans to explore Pacífica, or at the time referred to as California, was a Spanish expedition led by Spanish captain Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo in 1542. Years later, English explorer Sir Francis Drake would also explore and claim an unknown portion of Pacífica. The first Asians to set foot in Pacífica when Filipino sailors arrived in Morro Bay. In 1602, Sebastián Vizcaíno was able to map out the coast of Pacífica.

Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo is credited with discovering the "Californias".

Despite ground expeditions proving otherwise, Cabrillo's idea that Pacífica was an island still remained popular well into the 18th century. After a numerous amount of expeditions into the heart of Pacífica, Spanish Catholic missionaries began setting up a chain of Catholic missions in an attempt to convert the Native population to Christianity. Also during this time, many small forts and towns began popping up around Pacífica. These missions and small towns would be the beginning of some of Pacífica's biggest cities, including San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas.

Politically, Pacífica was apart of the Alta California Territory, which was apart of the Viceroyalty of New Spain. This would remain so until 1820 when revolutionaries in New Spain were able to win independence and become the First Mexican Republic. Once under Mexican control, the missions in Pacífica were secularized and large chunks of land were granted to wealthy aristocrats, known as Rancheros, who established large plantations across Alta California. These Rancheros would dominate local politics until the arrival of American settlers. In the late 1820s, due to another economic recession and few work opportunities, settlers from the Federal Kingdom of America began migrating in large amounts to the Mexican West, beginning an event known as the Great Migration. By 1838, American settlers greatly outnumbered native Mexicans in Pacífica.

In 1830, in response to the first wave of American settlers, the Mexican Government granted equal rights to every settler arriving in Mexico, however, once the American settlers began outnumbering Mexican settlers, the Mexican government began to crack down on settler rights. In 1836, the Mexican Congress passed the Advancement Act, which gave the right to grant and take land to and from American settlers to the Mexican Government. Almost immediately afterward, the Mexican Government began taking away lands that American settlers owned. In 1838, the Mexican Congress passed the Taxation of Foreigners Act, which raised taxes on ethnic Americans, even those who were already Mexican citizens. In 1840, the Mexican Government stripped the citizenship of every American and encouraged native Mexicans to take American land, either peacefully or by force. In response to the oppression of the Mexican Government, an assembly of representatives from every town and city in Alta California and Texas met in San Jose to discuss a response to recent events.

Although independence was not a major talking point, it became one after Mexican President Jose Carlos de Anna signed an executive order seizing all land owned by American settlers. Jose Carlos de Anna also threaten to use military force if the settlers refused to comply. On August 6th, 1841, the assembly of representatives voted overwhelmingly in favor of independence, and on September 9th, the San Francisco Agreement was signed and sent to the Mexican government, declaring the foundation of three separate nations: the Federal Republic of Texas, the Free State of Deseret, and the California Republic (which would eventually become Pacífica). In response, the Mexican government mobilized the Central Mexican Army and began to march towards Texas, beginning the Western Revolution.

Western Revolution

On September 7th, 1841, the California Provisional Government was established and elected William J. Pierson, the future Prime Minister of Pacífica, as Head of the Provisional Government. Pierson's first act as Head of the Provisional Government was establishing the California National Army, a precursor to the Royal Pacífican Armed Forces, with former American colonel Joseph M. McCarthy appointed as Supreme Commander. During the first months of the war, the Western Coalition was constantly being defeated by the Central Mexican Army, who captured the city of San Diego in early November. However, the tide of the war began to turn when the Federal Kingdom of America entered on the side of the Coalition on December 3rd, 1841.

The Siege of La Paz (1842).

Though it is largely unknown why the Federal Kingdom would get involved in the conflict, a majority of historians believe that the F.K.A wanted to destabilize Mexico, as it was its chief rival in North America. The Royal American Army, led by Robert E. Lee entered Texas on December 6th and joined with the Grand Army of Texas in the future city of Houston. Together, the Royal American Army and Grand Army of Texas were able to defeat the Mexicans at the Battle of San Antonio, which is seen as the true turning point in the war. Trying to capitalize on the recent victories, the California National Army, led personally by McCarthy, took back San Diego and routed remaining Mexican forces from California in January of 1842. In March of 1842, McCarthy began a campaign to conquer the territory of Baja California.

On April 15th, 1842, the California National Army took the city of La Paz after sieging the city for ten days, fully conquering Baja California. Although plans to invade Sonora were drawn up, they were never acted upon as the Mexican government surrendered on April 30th after Texan and Deseretian soldiers occupied Mexico City. On May 5th, 1842, the Treaty of St. Louis was signed, forcing Mexico to recognize the independence and sovereignty of the three nations of the Western Coalition, officially ending the war. A month later, the First Mexican Republic would collapse into civil war.

Birth of Pacífica

On May 15th, 1842, a constitutional convention was called by the California Provisional Government, with representatives from every corner of the nation attending. According to historical sources, over one hundred representatives attended the convention, with an additional twenty attending later on. During the first initial weeks of the convention, representatives agreed on a flag and national symbols, however as the convention got into more serious topics, arguments and debate began. The main debate revolved around what type of government California would have. Representatives led by Peter K. Carlson supported creating a republic based on a parliamentary system, with a ceremonial elected head of state and an executive head of government. Representatives led by William Olsen supported creating a federal constitutional monarchy, like the Federal Kingdom of America. These two sides would constantly debate and argue, slowing the convention's effectiveness.

On June 23rd, 1842, William J. Pierson, who was the current head of the convention, ordered both sides to write separate constitutions that would be voted on by the convention. On August 1st, both sides presented each other's constitution, with both having striking differences. In the Republican Constitution, citizenship and voting rights would be only granted to first and second-wave American Settlers, leaving out the third and fourth wave American settlers along with minorities. In the Monarchist Constitution, the name of the country would be changed to Pacífica and the elected government would follow the same system as the F.K.A. On August 3rd, the Monarchist Constitution was voted in favor for, with many representatives citing the ridiculous citizenship law as the main reason for voting against the Republican Constitution. On August 16th, the Monarchist Constitution would be presented to the California citizenry in the first ever national referendum, in which Californians voted overwhelmingly in favor of a monarchy.

Although personally a republican, William J. Pierson respected the wishes of the Californian populace and began the transition into a monarchy. On August 23rd, the constitutional convention met for a final time to elect a monarch. Although a long list of possible candidates was presented, the convention settled on two final candidates: Prince Ferdinando of Savoy and Louis of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. On August 26th, the convention voted in favor of Louis and officially invited him to take the newly-created throne of Pacífica. Louis, who was touring the Kingdom of Ontario at the time, graciously accepted the offer. Louis arrived in San Francisco on September 1st and was greeted by large crowds of celebrating citizens. After his arrival, final preparations were made and on September 7th, 1842, the Constitution of Pacífica was officially made into law and a day later Louis was crowned King Henry I of Pacífica.

Mid 19th Century

Gold Rush

In 1848, six years after independence, gold was discovered in Pacífica, this being an event that forever would alter the nation's demographics, finances, and culture. Soon afterward, a massive influx of immigration into the area resulted, as miners and prospectors arrived in the thousands to make it rich in the newly-discovered gold mines. Immigrants background widely differed, with many immigrants being Chinese, German, American, and Mexican, resulting in large cultural diasporas in many of Pacífica's major cities. By 1850, the Pacífican population multiplied to 100,000 and by 1854 it jumped up to 300,000. Pacífica was suddenly no longer a sparsely populated backwater, but seemingly overnight it had grown into one of North America's major population and cultural centers.

Prospectors searching for gold (1849).

Although reactions to the increase of immigrants were received well by the Pacífican government and businesses, many Pacíficans were against and very hostile to immigration. In 1850, the Pacífican Native Party was formed and won a significant number of seats in the House of Deputies. In 1853, nearing the end of the gold rush, the House of Deputies passed the Immigration Act, which placed heavy restrictions on immigration from distant countries. This act would later be repealed in 1867 and the Pacífican Native Party would lose all their seats in the next general election.

Imperialization in the Pacific

On July 6th, 1859, Pacífica adopted the Frémont Doctrine, named after Field Marshal John C. Frémont, proclaiming all the islands of the Pacific under the protection and authority of the Pacific States. Despite this, the Pacific States allowed certain nations to continue to expand into the Pacific, including France, Britain, and Russia. On October 8th, 1861, the Pacífican Royal Navy began a week-long blockade of the Kingdom of Hawai'i, eventually forcing the nation's king, Aui I to abdicate in favor of his sister, Maoura I, who allowed the fishing port of Pearl Harbor to become a Pacífican naval base. Pearl Harbor would later be opened as a joint military base between Pacífica, the Federal Kingdom, and Texas.

In 1871, Pacífica established its first Pacific colony on the island of Guam, and in 1877 purchased the Phillipines from the Kingdom of Spain. In 1873, Pacífica, along with Britain and Russia, began pressuring Japan to modernize in an attempt to increase their influence and trade in the nation. When this did not work, the three powers supported the overthrow of the Shogunate by Emperor Meiji and helped westernize the nation, in turn helping create the Empire of Japan. In 1880, Pacífica invaded the island of Samoa, conquering it later in the year. In 1883, the Pacífican Association of Islands was created to ensure the representation of newly-conquered territories in the Pacific. Unlike most colonial powers in the region, Pacífica has not given up a majority of its Pacific territories, attracting controversy in the region.

Texan Civil War

On June 5th, 1865, Pacífica and Deseret intervened in the Texan Civil War on the side of the Federalists, who supported a strong central government and the preservation of the federal republic. The Pacífican Royal Army entered Texas on October 5th and united with the Deseretian Free Army and Federalist forces in Santa Fe, New Texas on November 16th. After a month of preparation, the combined armies began marching across western Texas, defeating a majority of the Confederate Army in the west. The Pacífican Royal Army engaged in its first battle on January 19th, 1866 after Pacífican soldiers cut off the retreating Texan Liberation Army after being defeated by Federalist forces at the Battle of Dallas. The Pacífican Royal Army suffered its first defeat a few days later on January 26th, 1866 after being ambushed by Confederate guerrilla fighters after occupying Waco.

Pacífican forces assisted in the Liberation of Austion on July 7th, 1866 and on December 7th, 1866, the Pacífican Royal Army participated in the Battle of Houston, which resulted in the surrender of Moses Blackwood and the end of the civil war. On February 1st, 1867, the Treaty of Santa Fe was signed, which affirmed Texas as a federal republic and increased the power of the federal government over states.

Late 19th Century


Inside of a Industrial Revolution Factory (1878).

During the late 1860s to the early 1900s, Pacífica went through a period of increased industrialization, known as the Pacífican Industrial Revolution. The cause of the Industrial Revolution can be rooted back to 1869, when the Private Farms Act was passed in the House of Deputies, allowing once publically owned farms to become private, forcing many people from the rural areas to the major cities in search of work. This eventually led to the urbanization of many cities and the construction of large factories. These large factories began appearing around Pacífica, mass-producing basic items, such as clothing, footwear, furniture, etc. These products were mass-produced by newly-developed machines, which replaced the slow-moving traditional worker. Also during this time, new creations were invented and used, such as steam-powered engines, electric-powered lightbulbs and transportation, and later on the automobile. Mining also saw a boom during this time, as silver was discovered in the east while a small amount of oil was discovered in the south. Unlike other industrializing places in the world, large farms did considerably well, supplying the large populations of cities with food. However, smaller family-run farms began to disappear around the country as they were bought by large farms.

Social and Political Reforms

Along with the changing economy, the late 1800s brought a considerable amount of social and political change. As the amount of money increased, the freedoms and rights of workers decreased. This led to the formation of the first worker unions in Pacífica, who led massive strikes and protests against the horrid working conditions in the factories. Because multiple unions supported the ideals of Socialism, Marxism, and Republicanism, many unions were targeted by the Pacífican government and forced to disband. After the May Day Strikes of 1881 and the success of the Socialist Party in the 1882 elections, the Pacífican Government began granting protections and rights to workers, forcing the employers to respect said rights or be punished. Along with worker's rights, women's rights were also expanded upon.

The Industrial Revolution greatly changed the role of women in society. During the early 1800s, women were seen as homemakers and caretakers for future generations, but due to an increase in wealth inequality and poverty during these times, women were forced to work in the factories to provide support for their families. However, women had a considerably low amount of rights and protections, even after working protections were granted to workers by the government. In 1886, the Congress of Working Women was established, hoping to work as a pressure and support group for the increase of women's rights. In 1893, after years spent protesting and striking, the House of Deputies passed the Advancement of Women in Society Act, which granted women a multitude of rights, including the right to vote, own property, and to run for office. Pacífica became the second country to grant such rights, following the Union of Dakota. Despite an increase in rights during this time, minority rights were moderately expanded upon and would not be increased until the mid to late 1900s.

Early and Mid 20th Century

First World War, Great Depression, and Second World War

In 1914, the Austro-Hungarian Empire invaded the Kingdom of Serbia, beginning the First World War. After the Zimmerman Telegram was publically released, revealing Germany's plan to convince Mexico to invade Texas, Texas and the Federal Kingdom of America declared war on Germany and the Central Powers. Though supporting its ally with logistical and economic support, Pacífica declared neutrality, citing the First World War as a "European conflict". Despite not joining the war, Pacífica was given almost all of German's Pacific territories, to the dismay of Japan, who actually fought in the war.

After a decade of economic growth and the rise of new industrial sectors, known as the Roaring Twenties, the New York Stock Market crashed, starting the Great Depression. Although not affected at first, Pacífican Economy collapsed in 1932, causing widespread poverty and panic. By 1935, over 10 million Pacíficans were unemployed, making the Pacífican unemployment raise from 2.3% to 19%. Pacíficans in the northern provinces suffered the most, as many were farmers or relied on goods shipped from the south. Because of the widespread poverty and chaos, many desperate Pacífican began supporting radical ideologies. Many farmers and lower-class citizens began supporting communist and radical republican parties, while others supported fascist movements. In 1935, the Socialist and Democratic parties united under John Hamiliton to form the Social Democratic Party. The Social Democrats would go on to win the 1936 general election, winning a large number of votes. Under Hamilton, Pacífica went under extensive economic reforms, with the Great Depression ending in Pacífica by the start of the Second World War.

On September 2nd, 1939, Nazi Germany invaded Poland, beginning the Second World War. On December 7th, 1941, Pacífica, along with other North American nations, were attacked in a preemptive strike conducted by the Empire of Japan and the Mexican Social Republic, who were members of the Axis Powers. In response to the attacks, Pacífica declared war on the Axis powers on December 9th, 1941, entering the war on the side of the Allies. Three days later on December 12th, Pacífica joined the North American Defensive Pact, which is a precursor to the North American Union. [[File:1stAlameinBritDefense.jpg|left|thumb|190px|Pacífican troops awaiting the Mexican advance at the Battle of Sonora City. Pacífica played a leading role in the War in the Pacific and the War in the Desert, relieving distracted Allied forces in both theaters. In 1943, the Mexican Social Republic would surrender after the Liberation of Mexico City and in 1945, the Empire of Japan would surrender after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the Federal Kingdom. During the war, the Pacífican government authorized multiple discriminatory laws against Pacíficans of Japanese descent, both foreign and natural citizens. The Pacífican government would not apologize or condemn its actions until 1989.

Cold War and Progressive Era

After the signing of the Treaty of Potsdam, officially ending the war, the Soviet Union began establishing communist satellite states in Eastern Europe and Asia, creating an "eastern bloc" of communist and socialist nations. Tensions between the Soviet Union and the Allies would continue to rise as the West resumed its anti-communist and anti-soviet stance. Eventually, the formes allies would split in 1946, beginning a period known as the Cold War.

Immediately at the start of the Cold War, Pacífica aligned itself with the West, adopting a policy of containment. During the 1950s, Pacífica would experience an economic boom, known as the Roaring Fifties, and multiple "red scares", which was when members of the public and social elite were accused, arrested, and tried for being communists or Soviet agents, despite evidence suggesting otherwise. Many historians compare the red scares to the Salem witch trials, as many people use the increase in paranoia to punish political or personal enemies. During the 1960s and early 70s, Pacífica experienced a period of progressive change, known as the Progressive Era. During this time, the political and civil rights of minorities and women increased and cultural changes also took place. In 1991, after a period of peaceful and violent revolutions in the Eastern Bloc, the Soviet Union and its satellite states would collapse, ending the Cold War in a Western victory. Pacífica would assist former communist nations, including Cascadia, in their transition into democracy

Late 20th Century

North American Union

In 1992, the North American Defensive and Monetary Pact was reformed into political and customs union similar to the European Union, known as the North American Union. Pacífica would become a founding member of the union and would become the union's first General-Secretary. In 2000, Pacífica and other members of the North American Union adopted the American Dollar as its official currency, hoping to unite the continent's economy.

Modern Era

After the invention of the internet and computers, Pacífica became the home of multiple big tech companies, including Apple, Google, and Sandstone, becoming known as the "Technological Capital of North America". On September 1st, 2001, the World Trade Center in Federal Kingdom of America was attacked by Islamic militants, prompting the North American Union to enter the War in the Middle East.

Student Strike of 2006.

On May 5th, 2006, the Social Democratic-controlled House of Deputies passed the Secondary Language Act, which required students to be proficient in the three major minority languages before entering college and required teachers to begin teaching in the three major minority languages instead of teaching solely in English. The act would result in thousands of students losing their college scholarships and teachers losing their jobs. In response, millions of students, teachers, and parents participated in the Student Strike of 2006. After Prime Minister of Pacífica Susan Caren refused to repeal or amend the act, King James I used his royal privileges to veto the act, becoming the first monarch in history to use such power. In response to the veto, Caren and her government apologized to the Pacífican populace.

On March 16th, 2015, members of the Islamic terrorist group known as Al-Shigog fired upon crowds in San Bernardino, resulting in the worst mass shooting and terrorist attack in Pacífican history. In response, Pacífica increased its involvement in the War in the Middle East, which would eventually result in the collapse of Al-Shigog in 2019. In 2018, Mexico would drop its claims on Sonora in turn lifting sanctions placed by Pacífica. However, in 2019, Mexico resumed its claims, prompting the Pacífican sanctions to resume as well.


Population and race

n Racial Breakdown of Population
Racial composition 1990 2000 2010
White 64.3% 62.5% 59.5%
Asian 18.7% 19.1% 21.3%
Black 10.1% 9.8% 10.9%
Other or Mixed 4.9% 8.7% 8.7%

According to the Royal Census of 2010, there were exactly 61,100,291 Pacíficans and in a 2019 estimate, the Ministry of Internal Affairs predicts that the number of Pacíficans has expanded to around 65 million. Currently, Pacífica is the second most populated country in North America, following the Federal Kingdom and is the twenty-third most populated country in the world, following Thailand. If current standings are to be believed, Pacífica will have a population of around 86 million in 2050.

The largest racial group in Pacífica are White Pacíficans, both Hispanic and Non-Hispanic, however, the Non-Hispanic part of that group has seen a decline in recent years. The second-largest racial group are Asian Pacíficans, with Pacífican Chinese and Filipinos making up a majority of that group. However, in recent times, Pacífican Korean and Japanese ethnic groups have seen a rise, especially in the North. The third-largest racial group are African Pacíficans and have seen a small increase in recent years.

Immigration to Pacífica has been primarily from its neighbors, mainly Cascadia and Mexico. Recently, the number of immigrants from these countries have increased, with Cascadia experincing a devestating recession and Mexican government's authoritarian nature. It is expected that by 2020, over 2 million immigrant will have arrived in Pacífica.


Religious affiliation in Pacífica as of 2018
Affiliation % of Pacífican population
Christian 79 79
Catholicism 48 48
Evangelical 21 21
Mormonism 5 5
Washingtonianism 2 2
Other Christian 2 2
Other Faiths 9 9
Irreligion 10 10
Spritual, but not religous 2 2
Total 100 100

According to the Constitution of Pacífica, the freedom to worship any religion is protected by law and any attempt made by the federal government to enforce or favor a certain religion is illegal. Since the country's founding, Christianity has been the dominant religion in Pacífica, with Roman Catholicism being the most popular denomination. Following Catholicism, Evangelical Protestantism is the second most popular denomination, with Mormonism being third. Other faiths, including Islam, Confuscianism, and Buddhism have a small following in Pacífica. Atheism and Agnosticism are also present in Pacífica, but are minor.

Although Roman Catholicism has dominated the religious side of Pacífica, it has been on a slow decline since the 1970s. In its place, Evangelical Protestantism and Washingtonian Christianity have become popular with younger Pacíficans, especially with Generation Z, or "Zoomer", population. Unlike the trends seen in Europe, Atheism and Agnosticism have seen a sharp decline since the 1990s, with many atheists and agnostics converting to Christianity. Minor faiths such as Islam and Buddhism have also seen a decline, with many members abandoning their faith. Ethnic divisions in religion have been the same in Pacífica, with Pacíficans of Hispanic and German descent being predominantly Catholic, while Pacíficans of English descent being predominantly Protestant. Pacíficans of English descent also makes up a majority of the small number of atheists and agnostics.


According to the Constitution of Pacífica, English is the official language of the Kingdom of Pacífica and its government. Along with a multitude of other things, citizenship applicants are also tested on their ability to speak English, however, it is not required to achieve citizenship. English is also the official language of Pacífican public schools and businesses, making it the most important language in the country. The Constitution also protects a series of minority languages, with the three most spoken minority languages being classified as recognized languages. The three most spoken minority languages are Spanish, German, and Chinese. A majority of people who speak a minority language can also speak and understand English.

Government and politics



The Monarch is the ceremonial head of state and sovereign of Pacífica. As a hereditary non-partisan member of the executive government, the monarch enjoys limited powers over the nation and relies on the democratically-elected Prime Minister, his or her cabinet, Parliament, and those who are authorized to work under the monarch's name to execute authority over Pacífica. Despite many limitations, the Monarch has special privileges, known as "royal privileges", that can be used without the approval or restriction of parliament. This includes, but is not limited to: the royal assent, the royal veto, the royal decree of emergency, the royal mobilization, and the royal dissolution. These powers can be enacted at any time, however, the monarch usually only uses the royal assent and the royal veto, with his or her other powers being reserved for national crises.

Prime Ministership

The Prime Minister of Pacífica is the head of government and the de facto executive of the country. The Prime Minister is also the head of the Cabinet of Pacífica, which is a council of an official in charge of each national ministry. In addition to being the leader of the government, the Prime Minister is also the leader of the largest party in the House of Deputies and generally commands a majority in the House of Deputies. The Prime Minister is appointed by the Monarch after every general election.


The House of Deputies is the uniacameral house of Parliament, meaning it is the sole national legislative body. The House of Deputies has the power to create and pass federal legislation, known as bills. Since Pacífica follows the Westminister System, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet, who make up a majority of the executive government, are responsible to the house, with the Prime Minister being selected by the House to govern.


High Court

Provinces and regions

Political division in Pacífica is unique when compared to the rest of the world. Pacífica is divided into 28 separate provinces, each with their own state governments and leaders. These provinces also make up each of the three historical regions of Pacífica, which include: California, Nevada, and Western Sonora. Historical Regions are governed by a Governors-General, who is a person appointed by the Monarch to govern in their name. In turn, a Governor-General is also the Governor-General of the provinces their historical region is made up of. Despite this, historical regions have no power or jurisdiction over the provinces they are made up of.

Parties and elections






