Template:Infobox government cabinet

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Wikipedia logo This page uses material from the Wikipedia page Template:Infobox government cabinet, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License (view authors).


{{{cabinet_number}}} {{{cabinet_type}}} of {{{jurisdiction}}}
Date formed {{{date_formed}}}
Date dissolved {{{date_dissolved}}}
People and organisations
Head of state {{{state_head}}}
Represented by {{{represented_by}}}
Head of government {{{government_head}}}
Head of government's history {{{government_head_history}}}
Deputy head of government {{[deputy_government_head}}}
No. of ministers {{{members_number}}}
Ministers removed
Total no. of ministers {{{total_number}}}
Member party {{{political_party}}}
Status in legislature {{{legislature_status}}}
Opposition cabinet {{{opposition_cabinet}}}
Opposition party {{{opposition_party}}}
Opposition leader {{{opposition_leader}}}
Election(s) {{{election}}}
Outgoing election {{{last_election}}}
Legislature term(s) {{{legislature_term}}}
Budget(s) {{{budget}}}
Advice and consent {{{advice_and_consent1}}}
Incoming formation {{{incoming_formation}}}
Outgoing formation {{{outgoing_formation}}}
Predecessor {{{predecessor}}}
Successor {{{successor}}}
{{Infobox government cabinet
| cabinet_name            = 
| cabinet_type            = <!-- an alternative name for "cabinet"; defaults to "cabinet" -->
| cabinet_number          = 
| jurisdiction            = 
| flag                    = 
| flag_border             = true
| incumbent               = 
| image                   = 
| caption                 = 
| date_formed             = <!-- {{Start date|YYYY|MM|DD|df=y}} -->
| date_dissolved          = <!-- {{End date|YYYY|MM|DD|df=y}} -->
| government_head         = 
| government_head_history = 
| deputy_government_head  = 
| state_head              = 
| members_number          = 
| former_members_number   = 
| total_number            = 
| political_party         = <!-- or | political_parties = -->
| legislature_status      = 
| opposition_cabinet      = 
| opposition_party        = <!-- or | opposition_parties = -->
| opposition_leader       = <!-- or | opposition_leaders = -->
| election                = 
| last_election           = 
| legislature_term        = 
| budget                  = 
| advice_and_consent1     = 
| advice_and_consent2     = <!-- up to 5 times -->
| incoming_formation      = 
| outgoing_formation      = 
| predecessor             = 
| successor               = 

Separate multiple values using {{plainlist}}.

Multiple images

For an array of up to four images, use

| image                  =
| image_size             = x85px
| image2                 =
| image_size2            = x85px
| image3                 =
| image_size3            = x85px
| image4                 =
| image_size4            = x85px

Tracking categories

See also