International Patrol (EV)

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International Patrol
File:ERTF Logo.png
Logo of the ERTF
Agency overview
Formed October 2005
Jurisdiction Department of Defense
Headquarters Pentastar, 3912-3954 Airport Avenue, Everett City, New York
Employees 425 Combat, 182 Civilian
Annual budget $10 billion
Agency executive
  • Colonel
  • Lieutenant Colonel

The International Patrol is a division of the Everetti Planetary Security Forces, designated for immediate crisis deployment and response. The International Patrol utilizes primarily sea and air based response teams that maintain secretive presence in many locations worldwide. Both sea and air based vehicles and craft are designed specifically for both ultra stealth in hard-to-penetrate zones and are designed to maintain a level of superiority in combat, survival and effectiveness in the event of an incursion.


Air Force

A major part of the International Patrol is Everetti air force presence in the skies above specific nations; either those a threat to Everett and or it's allies or those who are immediately threatened by such enemies. International Patrol aircraft currently use the SF-09 Predator for potential wartime WMD deployments. A single Predator aircraft may be accompanied by one or two SF-22 Raptor II fighters. The Everetti military is working to quickly replace these aircraft with the EF-100 Triad and the XX-200 craft. Due to the Raptor II's and Predator's superiority over much of the world's air forces and the altitude of travel, International Patrol aircraft go undetected.


File:Quebec-class Fusion SSBN.png
Quebec-class SSBN submarine.

A second part of the International Patrol is by sea craft. The ultra stealth submarine, the Quebec-class Fusion SSBN submarine is primarily used. The goal of submarine is to monitor enemy sea craft and maintain key attack points against enemies. The Quebec-class submarines used in the International Patrol have the ability to deploy high grade fusion warheads to wipe out enemy shore lines with mega-tsunamis in the event of a WMD holocaust. The submarines are also capable of launching fusion weapons while submerged to strike enemy targets on land. EMP weapons are also equipped on International Patrol subs which can either be used against enemy territory on land or against fleets of enemy vessels. Torpedoes armed with fusion weapons can also be deployed against enemy fleets to sink large numbers of surface vessels. International Patrol subs generally carry a fully equipped ERTF team, which can be deployed from the submarine to missions around the globe.

Emergency Response Task Force

Unmarked black helicopters in Iran during the Iraqistan War.

The ERTF is a special forces branch of the PSF International Patrol. The Union of Everett's ERTF is deployed into "hot zones" in varying operations from VIP rescue and emergency combat missions including assassination and sabotage. The ERTF transports via unmarked, black vehicles such as helicopters commonly as well as armored AZV SUVs and VTOL aircraft like the CV-22 Osprey. The ERTF has been deployed into operations, sometimes along with Everetti Militant Forces, to rescue VIP targets. The ERTF has deployed into Iran, Somalia and China. ERTF works with FEMA, the PCI, the CDC and Everetti Militant Forces, Israeli IDF special forces and Iraqistani special forces on most occasions.


Date Operator Target Description
February 11, 2010 Israel Iran Iranian nuclear facility is bombed by fighters.
March 2010 Union of Everett Iran ERTF deployed to rescue Green Opposition leader. 29 enemy combatants KIA.
September 2010 Taiwan People's Republic of China ERTF rescue Chinese political prisoner Liu Xiaobo. 11 enemy combatants KIA.
February 2011 Union of Everett Libya Fighters shoot down Libyan warplanes bombing civilians. ERTF are later deployed to rescue two Everetti citizens violating the Terror Countries Act. 17 enemy combatants KIA total.
March 2011 Union of Everett Libya ERTF is deployed to rescue a Libyan woman from Gadhafi forces custody. 22 enemy combatants KIA. 1
July 2011 Union of Everett/India Philippines ERTF joint mission with Militant Forces to rescue two Everetti citizens kidnapped by Abu Sayyaf terrorists in Basilan island Autonomous region. 37 enemy combatants KIA.
November 2012 Union of Everett United Kingdom PSF agents assassinate Abu Qatada, a convicted terrorist in Jordan, freed by the British after a failed court deportation back to his homeland. 1
May 2014 Union of Everett/Israel Nigeria ERTF black ops ground assistance to Militant Forces/Nigerian Army operations in rescuing approx 200 kidnapped schoolgirls from Islamist terror group.
May 16, 2014 Union of Everett/Israel Sudan ERTF team raids prison holding woman condemned to death for converting to Christianity. 8 enemy combatants KIA. Woman and husband reunited and evacuated to secure location.

Weapons & Equipment

Vehicle Inventory of the International Patrol
Name Type Number in service Origin Notes
S-ATV Utility Truck 35 Union of Everett Humvee replacement modified for special operations. 25 more on order.
MH-60 Black Hawk Stealth Utility Helicopter 5 Union of Everett
MH-6 Little Bird Light Utility Helicopter 25 Union of Everett
AH-6 Little Bird Light Attack Helicopter 12 Union of Everett
V-22 Osprey VTOL Transport Helicopter 4 Union of Everett/United States
SF-22 Raptor II Stealth Air Superiority Fighter 20 Union of Everett
SF-09 Predator Stealth Fighter-Bomber 6 Union of Everett
AC-130 Fixed-Wing Gunship 2 Union of Everett
RQ-170 Sentinel Stealth UAV 3 Union of Everett
RQ-11 Raven Remote Controlled Drone 150 United States
EF-100 Triad Ultra-Stealth Starfighter 2 Union of Everett
Quebec class Submarine Stealth Ballistic Submarine 5 Union of Everett Officially under Navy jurisdiction, however contains an ERTF team aboard as part of its crew.
HADv5 A L.A.I. Drone 25 Union of Everett HAD series droid designed for special forces operations.