Iraqistan War

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Iraqistan War
Part of War On Terror
File:Iraqistan War.png
Aerial strikes against Iranian military facilities.
DateMay 5, 2008 - August 16, 2008
North Iraq, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Persian Gulf
Flag of Iran.png Islamic Republic of Iran
Flag of Syria.png Syria
File:Flag of Hezbollah.png Hezbollah
File:Flag of al-Qaeda.png Tanzim Qaidat al-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn (al-Qaeda In Iraq)
File:Flag of Iraqistan.png North Iraq
Flag of Everett.png Union of Everett
File:Flag of Israel.png Israel
Flag of the United States.png United States
Flag of NATO.png NATO
Flag of the United Kingdom.png United Kingdom
Flag of Kuwait.png Kuwait
Commanders and leaders
Flag of Iran.png Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Flag of Syria.png Bashar al-Assad
File:Flag of al-Qaeda.png Osama bin Laden
File:Flag of Iraqistan.png Jalal Talabani
Flag of Everett.png Kaitlyn Rachel Spencer
Flag of Everett.png Jason M. Harris
File:Flag of Israel.png Naomi Yasmin Ivry
Flag of Iran.png Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran 945,000
Flag of Syria.png Armed Forces of Syria 296,000 Troops
File:Flag of Hezbollah.png Hezbollah Terrorists ~11,000
File:Flag of Iraqistan.png North Iraq Security Forces 100,000 total
Flag of Everett.png Everetti Automated Forces 75,000 HADv2CD/10,000 HADv4R UE Ground Forces 10,000 Marines, Militant Forces, UEAF, UEN
File:Flag of Israel.png IDF 250,000
Casualties and losses
Flag of Iran.png Iranian Armed Forces 28,000
Flag of Syria.png Syrian Armed Forces 17,000
File:Flag of Hezbollah.png Hezbollah Terrorists ~8,000-9,000
File:Flag of Iraqistan.png North Iraq Security Forces 27,000
Flag of Everett.png Automated Forces 47,000, UE Ground Forces 155
File:Flag of Israel.png IDF 104
The United States, United Kingdom and some NATO forces contributed to operations in Syria and Lebanon. Some armed incidents between Everetti and U.S. forces occurred.

United States 2003 Iraq War

Coalition of the Willing

Union of Everett Intervention

False Accusations

North Iraq Secession

Everetti-North Iraqi Pact

U.S. - Everett Conflict

North Iraq & South Iraq Reunion

Al Qaeda Terrorism & Insurgency

War With Iran

War With Syria

War On Lebanon

Iranian Defeat

Formation of Iraqistan