Outer Mandrionilia

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Outer Mandrionilia is a small island continent on Atherille. It is the second smallest of the nine continents, and the smallest of the island continents. Discovered by Erasmian explorers several centuries before the Founding, Outer Mandrionilia has been settled by humans of Erasmian descent for nearly three millenia. By the second century, small nation-states had arisen along the coast, the interior remaining unpenetrable jungle. Incursions into the interior had made headway by the tenth century, and city-states rose amongst the dense jungle. In CY1053, a small civilization of mountain gnomes was discovered in the low mountain range that characterized the eastern coast of the continent. The gnomish civilization grew with that of the humans on Outer Mandrionilia, and by the thirteenth century, the entire continent was divided into nations. Wars on Outer Mandrionilia were common throughout its civilized history, with the boundaries of the nations changing constantly. However, by the twentieth century, the militaristic turmoil that had marked the last fifteen centuries had abated, leaving a tumultuous peace that lasted until the twenty-second century. Presently, Outer Mandrionilia is divided into many small, warring nations.