2010 Invasion of Myanmar

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FGC Invasion of Myanmar
DateJune 5, 2010 - September 28, 2010
Result ???
File:Flag of the Franco-German Commonwealth.png Franco-German Commonwealth
Flag of the United Kingdom.png United Kingdom
File:Flag of Myanmar.png Myanmar
Flag of the People's Republic of China.pngPeople's Republic of China

The 2010 invasion of Myanmar (from June 5, 2010 to September 28, 2010) was an interventionist campaign in the Union of Myanmar to forcibly remove the nation's nuclear capabilities, considered a threat to the attacking Coalition (led by the Franco-German Commonwealth). Military analysts are watching to see how the new nation handles the crisis, from what tactics are used to the technologies deployed.


A report published in the Sydney Morning Herald in August 2009 revealed that Myanmar was working to develop a nuclear weapon before 2010 ended, which became a reality early in June of the year. The reported effort, purportedly being undertaken with assistance from North China, involves the construction of a nuclear reactor and plutonium extraction facilities in caves tunneled into a mountain at Naung Laing, a village in the Mandalay division . The information cited in the newspaper story reportedly originated from two high-ranking defectors who had settled in Australia.

On June 3, 2010, a five year investigation by an anti-government Myanmar broadcaster, the Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB), found evidence that allegedly shows the country's military regime begun a programme to develop nuclear weapons. The DVB claimed that evidence of Myanmar's nuclear programme came from top-secret documents smuggled out of the country over several years, including hundreds of files and other evidence provided by Sai Thein Win, a former major in the military of Myanmar. A UN report stated that there was evidence that China had been exporting nuclear technology to Myanmar, Iran and Syria.

In 2009, pictures of a network of tunnels, allegedly built with the assistance of China, was smuggled out of Myanmar. After investigating further, the government of the French determined that Myanmar had very likely reached nuclear capability. French officials also found that Myanmar had purchased North Chinese ballistic missiles. This led them to conclude than an invasion to destroy nuclear capabilities would be needed.

Destruction of Nuclear Facilities

On June 5, at approximately 1:30 UTC, known nuclear facilities in Myanmar experienced massive damage. Forensic analysis and Myanmarese officials stated that they did not find any traces of explosives, only mysterious trace amounts of vaporized tungsten. In response to the attack, the Myanmarese government began attacking rebels and enemies of the state, and sealed off remaining nuclear facilities in undisclosed locations.


At dusk over Burma, strange lights were seen decending from the sky. At daybreak the next day, a force of some three-hundred twenty-one Franco-German, Italian, and British troops gathered at the border between India and the Saigaing province of Burma and maintained control easily, through the use of humanitarian aid to the locals and assistance to the local militia groups, as the feeling of liberation, having long festered within the hearts of the Burmese, making them very willing to yield to the European forces. The coalition easily moved into the Chin and Rakhine provinces, gaining a valuable seaside foothold, as well as gaining a further clutch on the nation. Magwe and Mandalay followed shortly after. Next, the main target, the Rangoon province, was met, unexpectedly, with some significant resistance. Though the civilians were on the side of the French and her allies, the city of Rangoon was heavily fortified. So, General Louis Carson, who was in charge of the campaign's success and had performed beautifully, organized a blitzkreig campaign to utilize the coalition's technological advantage to its fullest. With state-of-the-art weapons technology all designed for quick response yet heavy force, the Coalition forces stormed the capital, with Eurofighters providing close air support. The European forces eventually seized control of the western half of the country, due to Chinese troops providing support with tanks and arms. A large portion of the nation, which was what retained the name "Myanmar" was left intact to serve as a buffer between China and the southern straits. A line was built up on the border with Bengladesh to prevent retaliation. Among the precautions included a blockade of 3 nuclear submarines and one British Invincible-class aircraft carrier along the Bengladeshi coast. The Chinese threatening to enter into the war even further; consequently, Louis Carson signed a ceasefire with the Chinese, but reserved the right to defend their soldiers. The European forces remain in Burma, keeping a close watch on the nation's activities. Eventually, an EU-Protectorate, similar to that established in Kosovo during the early 2000's, was enacted. Coalition forces stayed in the territory seized, which became known officially as North Burma Protectorate. Eventually, the Europeans, deciding to focus on the broader world at hand, partially transfered authority for the territory to the [1]National Coalition Government of Burma and the Indian government, retaining some authority so as to remain able to oversee the reconstruction process of a democratic Burma.