Skandinavian Ministry of Defence

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Ministry of Defence
KU Monogram FVDP.png
Agency overview
Formed 1953
Jurisdiction Skandinavia
Headquarters Christiania, Skandinavia
Employees 1,390
Agency executives
New Forsvardepartementet complex in Akershus
Former Forsvardepartementet building at Myntgata 1, now building of the Royal Skandinavian Defence College

The Forsvarsdepartementet (Ministry of Defence) is a Skandinavian government ministry in charge of the formation and implementation of national security and defence policy, and for the overall management and control of the activities of subordinate agencies. The ministry is located at Christiania. The ministry is headed by the politically appointed Minister of Defence, currently Göran Bildt. The ministry controls a large group of defence-related agencies, not to be related with Ministry of Foreign Affairs that controls other intelligence-related agencies in the country.

Core tasks

  • Strategic analysis, research and development (R&D)
  • The development of long-term policy including future strategic concepts and doctrines
  • Perspective and structural planning
  • Planning, budgeting and implementation in the medium and short term
  • Overall management of agencies’ activities during the budget year
  • Operational policy, planning and management at a strategic level
  • Exercise policy, planning and management at a strategic level
  • Emergency planning, policy and management at a strategic level
  • Crisis management
  • Development and implementation of security policy, both nationally and internationally
  • Development of defence cooperation with allied- and partner countries
  • Strategic personnel management
  • Information, communication and press relations
  • Strategic leadership and management in the field of ICT
  • Organisational development
  • Preventive security at a strategic level
  • Legal questions
  • Controller / Internal audit
  • Internal administration


  • Department of Personnel and General Services
  • Department of Security Policy
  • Department of Operations and Emergency Planning
  • Department of Defence Policy and Long-Term Planning
  • Department of Finance and Management
  • Joint Chiefs

Subordinate agencies