Conworlds:Content assessment

 This is a Constructed Worlds Wiki administration page.
Content assessment pathway for articles

The Constructed Worlds Wiki employs a system of content assessment which is handled by the Constructed Worlds Wiki administration to assess content articles based on quality. The system is based on a letter grade scheme which reflects the level of comprehensiveness, breadth, detail, professionalism, completeness, and aesthetics of an article. The majority of letter grade assessments are done by trusted members of the Constructed Worlds Wiki (such as the administration team). Since April 14, 2022, all featured articles are assessed and determined through community review and consensus.

It is important to emphasize to contributors that the assessments of their contributions are not meant to be taken personally. Assessments are done to encourage writers to put out their best work and strive for excellence through dedication and improvement. Poor assessments are not meant to denigrate or degrade a contributor's work, but to encourage the contributor to refine their articles to achieve a more favorable grading. Featured article status is one of the highest achievements and honors on the wiki, and such articles are a source of pride and respect for the community.


Letter grade assessments
Icon Class Criteria Category Examples What to type
Symbol s class.svg S

Finished avant-garde or specialized articles of the highest quality.

More detailed criteria

The article is exceptionally and professionally well-written and is about a topic that is unconventional, unique, or groundbreaking. It should meet all the requirements of an A-class article and may meet or closely meet the criteria of a featured article. The only issues the article may have are minor style issues or other details that need to be addressed before submission as a featured article candidate.

Category S-class
Symbol a class.svg A

This article is fully complete and of an exceptional quality and length.

More detailed criteria

This article provides a well-written, clear and complete description of the topic, with all sections that would be expected for an article of its type. Its information is presented in a well-organized manner with section headings, links to other materials, templates, images, tables, and other elements where appropriate. An article in this tier is generally of a significant length for the wiki (~50,000 bytes or more) and demonstrates a strong level of development and creativity. The article demonstrates no major errors in style or wiki conventions.



Symbol b class.svg B

The article is of great quality or more complete than previous tiers, going beyond the average quality of an article.

More detailed criteria

The article meets the five B-class criteria:

  • The article reasonably covers the topic, and does not contain obvious omissions or inaccuracies. It contains a large proportion of the material necessary for an A-Class article, although some sections may need expansion, and some less important topics may be missing.
  • The article has a defined structure. Content should be organized into groups of related material, including a lead section and all the sections that can reasonably be included in an article of its kind.
  • The article is reasonably well-written. The prose contains no major grammatical errors and flows sensibly, but it does not need to be "brilliant". The Manual of Style does not need to be followed rigorously.
  • The article contains supporting materials where appropriate. Illustrations are encouraged, though not required. Diagrams, an infobox etc. should be included where they are relevant and useful to the content.
  • The article presents itself in an appropriately understandable way. It is written with as broad an audience in mind as possible. The article should not assume unnecessary technical background and technical terms should be explained or avoided where possible.


Symbol c class.svg C

This article is of good quality and mostly complete, showing significantly more development than previous tiers.

More detailed criteria

This tier represents the average article on the wiki, and is of generally good quality. For some niche or concise topics, the article may have reached a state of completeness at this stage, but does not move higher due to its relative brevity when compared to higher tiers.

Alternatively, for articles on essential topics especially, the article has reached a presentable but potentially incomplete state, either lacking some minor sections still or development within its sections.

An article in this tier may also be held back from advancing higher due to having significant gaps or missing elements, problems with flow or clarity, or any remaining violations of wiki conventions.



Symbol d class.svg D

This article is developed beyond the minimum requirements, with additional sections and details, although is still lacking work in some areas or is a significant work in progress.

More detailed criteria

The article is better developed in style, structure, and quality than C-class, by meeting the requirements of an E-class article and having 1-3 more additional sections filled out, but is still mostly undeveloped and a work in progress. It continues to have significant gaps and missing details on the page that will require additional work. The article may be missing crucial elements and/or may not be written in an encyclopedic style.



Symbol e class.svg E

This article meets the general minimum requirements for an article of its kind and may be considered entry level.

More detailed criteria

To be considered entry level, this often means the completion of an infobox or other major template, as well as a completed introductory section of similar length, making the page more developed than a stub. The article may or may not have outlined sections, but lacks substantial content in multiple sections as to graduate it into D-class.

Although not necessarily poor in quality, the article only satisfies the bare minimum of what is to be expected from an article (it may be able to summarize the main points of the article within the lead paragraph and/or infobox). It is not substantial enough in material to provide a meaningful or enriched reading experience.

An article may also be prohibited from moving past E-class if it includes any major errors or unreadable sections. In this case, the article requires cleanup to ensure its contents meet the wiki's policy standards.



? F

This article has significant problems which may violate the wiki's standards, requiring immediate cleanup. It could also be an article that has been retained due to its quality evoking the saying of "so bad it's good".

More detailed criteria

The article has significant quality issues that compromises or jeopardize the wiki's standards and reputation. Although violations of content policy and guidelines may make an article subject to deletion, articles of this class are retained for historical interest or archival purposes. The article may be bizarrely-written or regarding an incredibly niche topic, and/or may be written in a manner that could be construed as trolling. Such articles may blur the lines between genuine ignorance and secret genius.

Category F-class
Miscellaneous assessments
Cscr-featured.svg Featured

Finished and comprehensive articles of the highest quality. Featured article articles are voted upon by the community, and should typically be either S-class or A-class to be considered.

More detailed criteria

A featured article exemplifies the wiki's best work and is distinguished by professional standards of writing and presentation.

  • It must be:
    • well-written: its prose is engaging and of a professional standard;
    • comprehensive: it neglects no major facts or details and places the subject in context;
    • well-researched: it is a thorough and representative survey of the relevant history; claims are verifiable against high-quality reliable sources
    • neutral: it presents views fairly and without bias;
    • stable: it is not subject to ongoing edit wars and its content does not change significantly from day to day
    • original: free of plagiarism or too-close paraphrasing
  • It follows the style guidelines, including the provision of:
    • a lead: a concise lead section that summarizes the topic and prepares the reader for the detail in the subsequent sections;
    • appropriate structure: a substantial but not overwhelming system of hierarchical section headings; and
    • media: it has images and other media, where appropriate, with succinct captions
    • length: it is of a considerable length; it stays focused on the main topic without going into unnecessary detail and uses summary style
Category FA
Symbol support vote.svg Good

The article is well-made and complete, usually serving an auxiliary or utility role (e.g. list articles)

More detailed criteria

An article of this class shows a high degree of development, effort, and completeness, while usually not meeting the requirements of A-class or B-class due to being relatively brief, repetitive, or outside the scope of a typical wiki article. The most common articles in good-class are list articles, which serve an important role in directing people to other pages, while lacking significant prose or expansion themselves.

Category GA
Symbol start class.svg Start

This article is newly created and a work in progress. It may be listed as Start to signify it has not yet been properly rated, or that significant revisions are pending.

More detailed criteria

Articles in this tier have just been started, but usually are short of the minimum requirements necessary to meet the status of E-class. For example, they may have an infobox and an introductory section but the introduction is very short, or they may be missing one or the other. A Start-class article may also signify that the article is new and is awaiting a proper rating, or that the author is signifying that significant revisions are still pending before a proper rating is given. While brief, a Start-class article exceeds what would be considered a Stub.

Category Start
Symbol stub class.svg Stub

A very short article; may also have content issues.

More detailed criteria

The article is either a very short article or a rough collection of information that will need much work to become a meaningful article. It is usually very short, however, if the material is irrelevant or incomprehensible, an article of greater length may also fall into this category. Although Stub-class articles are the lowest class of the normal classes, they are adequate enough to be an accepted article. A Stub is usually shorter than a Start-class article, and/or is differentiated in that it is not a work in progress, has been abandoned by its author, or represents an older idea that has yet to be revisited.

Category Stub

Non-standard grades


See also