Einar, Goði of Lágrstrǫnd (Merveilles des Morte)

Einar (1280 - 1311) was a Goði of Lágrstrǫnd from 1302 until his death, succeeding his father Ásvaldur the Defender. Einar ascended to the throne of Lágrstrǫnd during the turbulent Ekkert War period, in which Lágrstrǫnd faced invasion from many of its neighbors, including Ásólfsnes.

Goði of Lágrstrǫnd
Reign 1302 - 1311
Predecessor Ásvaldur the Defender
Successor Tjordrek the Swimmer
Born 1280
Died 1311
House House of Farsærk
Father Ásvaldur the Defender
Mother Þorbjörg Hafgrim
Religion Christianity

Little is known about Einar's life or reign. He is said to have been 22 years old at the time of his ascension, and lacked the necessarily skills of his father or grandfather to lead a coalition. He was likely a warrior who fought alongside his father and other kinsmen, but little are known of his exploits in war. He appears to have saw the Ekkert War to its conclusion after the death of Jörundr III the Mountain, avenging his father Ásvaldur, although Einar had little to do with this result. Toward the end of his reign he is said to have gotten an illness that left him immobile for much of his reign, leading his brother Tjordrek to govern in his stead on occasion. Accounts differ on what happened to the young goði. According to the Norðstríða, the primary source for the events of the war and its aftermath, Einar's mother Þorbjörg of the Hillingar Islands prayed in desperation to the old gods for her son's recovery. Einar was miraculously healed but also cursed, and now free to walk again for the first time he quickly walked out of the realm, never to be seen again and dying in the wilderness. Others claim this brother eventually assassinated him. Regardless, his brother Tjordrek the Swimmer succeeded him.

 This article is part of Merveilles des Morte.