Conservative Party (Skandinavia)

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Conservative Party (Skandinavia)
Leader Christian Skey
Parliamentary leader Christian Skey
Founded 1884 (in Norway)
Headquarters Stortingsgaten 20, Christiania, Skandinavia
Student wing Conservative Students
Youth wing Skandinavian Young Conservatives
Membership  (2018) 103,290
Ideology Liberal conservatism
Economic liberalism
Political position Centre-right
International affiliation International Democrat Union
Nordic affiliation Conservative Group
Official colours     
81 / 359
Filker (Counties)
16 / 55

The Conservative Party (Høyre) is a Liberal conservative political party in Skandinavia.

Founded in 1884 in Norway by Emil Stang, the Conservative Party is the second oldest political party in Skandinavia after the Social Democrats. After the founding of Skandinavia in 1953, the party was recast with the union of the conservative parties of Denmark and Sweden. After the Social Democrats it is the party that has been more times in the government.


Høyre is considered a reform party profess to the moderately conservative political tradition, adhering to the thoughts of Edmund Burke. The party is committed to fiscal free-market policies, including tax cuts and relatively little government involvement in the economy. However, it does support the continued existence of the Skandinavian welfare state.

The party supports free markets and personal freedom and has historically been the essential force for privatisation, deregulation, lowering tax rates, and a reduction of the public-sector growth rate. Other issues emphasized by the party are such as actions against violent crime, increasing and promoting the value of working and quality in the educational system.



The party is organised on national, county and municipal level. Currently the party has around 1200 local party associations and 55 county associations. Each county or city association sends delegates to the party congress, which is held every third year. The 200 congress delegates elect a party chairman, two deputy party chairmen, and members of the party board. The party board appoints a party secretary.

In December 2018 the party's reported membership was 103,290 people, the second largest membership after the Social Democrats.

Affiliated organizations

The Conservative Party has the following affiliated groups and organizations:

  • Conservative Students, organizes students
  • Skandinavian Young Conservatives, organizer young members


2019 General elections

The electoral results in the 2019 generals have not been as expected and the party has fallen back to historic lows. The only positive is that they have fallen below what the polls predicted and that the Vikings have not surpassed them.

The political fragmentation of the Storting and its refusal (discussed internally) to agree with the Viking Nasjonalistpari has led it to abstain and allow a new minority Social Democratic government. For many analysts and party members, this position far from serving to stop the Viking rise, will be suicidal for the party.

Party leaders

Prime ministers