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.ev is the top level internet domain for the Union of Everett's civilian access internet. It was assigned on August 1, 2003. Civilian access government, education and organization websites or Everetti versions of websites are marked with .ev. The United States and Everett both share the .gov, .edu, .mil subdomains and therefore use the following examples:

  • .ev.gov
  • .ev.mil
  • .ev.edu
  • .ev.org
  • .ev.com
  • .ev.net

Civilian Access Websites

These are government or military websites that can be accessed on the civilian internet. These websites are in no way connected to the military internet which connects to Everett's military servers, vital information, documents, utilities and infrastructure. Some examples include:

  • www.Navy.ev.mil
  • www.AirForce.ev.mil
  • www.FBI.ev.gov
  • www.UECU.ev.gov
  • www.supremecourt.ev.gov
  • www.executivemanor.ev.gov
  • www.Marines.ev.mil
  • www.DOJ.ev.gov
  • www.ssa.ev.gov

States also have their own SLDs:

  • .ny.ev (New York)
  • .fl.ev (Florida)
  • .qc.ev (Quebec)
  • .on.ev (Ontario)
  • .pr.ev (Puerto Rico)
  • .mc.ev (Maya Coast)
  • .yu.ev (Yucatan)
  • .il.ev (Illinois)
  • .ha.ev (Haiti)

Military Internet

Everett's other top level domain is .ue. This domain is used for Everett's military internet which is not accessible from civilian internet. This network connects the various government agencies, departments, offices and infrastructure together on a secured line that cannot be hacked, attacked or altered. Some examples include:

  • www.Navy.ue.mil
  • www.AirForce.ue.mil
  • www.FBI.ue.gov
  • www.UECU.ue.gov
  • www.supremecourt.ue.gov
  • www.executivemanor.ue.gov
  • www.Marines.ue.mil
  • www.DOJ.ue.gov
  • www.ssa.ue.gov