1995: Nuclear Uprising
This timeline explores world history after Doomsday - October 23th, 1995.
A worldwide nuclear exchange caused by a Military Russian Uprising obliterates much of human civilization. This ATL covers everything from the direct aftermath up to the present worldwide situation.
This is a "live" timeline - its story continues to unfold NOW, in real time.
The Point of Divergence of the 1995: Nuclear Uprising timeline is October 23th, 1995, on which a Russian Military Uprising, has global implications.
This decision leads to a different outcome of a well-known, though often underestimated, event that took place on October 23th, 1995.
In our timeline, a group of high officers Russian of the Communist Old Guard with his troops raised arms against President Boris Yeltsin. Within hours, the rebel troops were besieged by the Loyalists to the President, but the Traitors got the three Cheget; three rigid case briefcases full of electronic devices ready to alert their holders simultaneously. Inside each one is a portable terminal, connected to the command and control network for Russia's strategic nuclear forces.
The traitors imprisoned in despair ended up launching Russia's nuclear arsenal. NATO observing how the Early Warning Systems warned of the massive nuclear launch, did the same by attacking its objectives of the Cold War era. The Commonwealth of Independent States did the same.
The results of this total nuclear exchange are close to the forecasts of almost complete worldwide destruction and the "nuclear holocaust" as predicted by many scientists of this time. This results in as many as a billion people killed initially, and another billion in the subsequent environmental disaster that followed shortly thereafter.
With the world largely devastated, and most of the Northern and parts of the Southern Hemisphere in ruins, the estimated 700 million survivors in these areas desperately try to keep together what is left of human society. They are facing challenges that are seemingly impossible.
After an incredibly horrifying first few years post-Doomsday, a handful of regions, territories, and countries stabilize and master basic problems such as food and medical supplies. As time passes and the recovery continues, new (sometimes surprising) alliances are formed. A new, fragile world order emerges from the ashes. Initial hopes of some survivors for a united mankind (or at least warfare and destruction being ended forever) quickly prove false. Indeed, the world is light-years away from any Utopian imaginations. Famine, disease, and lack of resources provoke conflicts and wars in large parts of the world, thus devastating all the carefully achieved recovery.