1st Emblem and Constitutional Convention (Allied States)

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The First Allied States Emblem and Constitutional Convention is a constitutional convention which took place from 10 - 14 July 2011 at the Federal Convention Center in the New Bay City FAC. The Convention was purposed by Senator Trevor Prince and received positive feedback from the rest of the Senate. It was approved on 30 June, 2011. The idea was to address several issues and work towards a more advanced and simpler government, national emblems, and constitution.


In total, 712 delegates were invited to take part in the Convention. Senator Trevor Prince suggested that all governors and Senators attend, and a few mayors from larger towns.

  • President of the Allied States: Timothy Mac
  • Vice President of the Allied States: Beatrice Washton
  • Governor of the Federal State of Texas: Frank Todd
    • Superintendent of the New Bay City FAC: Lewis Wagner
  • Governor of Comanche: Susana Martinez
  • Governor of Apache: Jan Brewer
  • Governor of San Andreas: Jerry Brown
  • Governor of Kansas: Sam Brownback
  • Governor of Rocky State: John Hickenlooper
  • Governor of Nebraska: Dave Heineman
  • Governor of Iowa: Terry Branstad
  • Governor of Dakota: Dennis Daugaard
  • 50 Texan Senators
  • 50 Kansan Senators
  • 50 Comanchean Senators
  • 50 Apachean Senators
  • 50 Rocky Senators
  • 50 Dakotan Senators
  • 50 San Andrean Senators (including Senator Trevor Prince)
  • 50 Iowan Senators
  • 50 Nebraskan Senators
  • 250 mayors from randomly selected cities/towns with a population exceeding 3,000.



  • Clone Right (suggested by Senator what'shisname). Clones are to be seen as equals in society to a degree. Clones may not vote in any governmental elections, or belong to any political party. Clones may enjoy basic human rights, excluding the right to protest. Clones may only serve in the Allied States Military, or a respective police force. These terms are not applicable to the ORIGINAL (person who was cloned).
    • Votes: TBA - TBA (CONCLUSION)
  • Disabling Act (suggested by Senator Trevor Prince). The Disabling Act is the only action in government which may suspend the entire, or parts of the Constitution. A large majority vote of the Senate is needed to activate the Disabling Act.
    • Votes: TBA - TBA (CONCLUSION)


  • New Flag (suggested by Governor what'shisname). The Flag of the Allied States to reincorporate the 13 stripes of the original British Colonies, however retain their vertical positioning.
    • Votes: TBA - TBA (CONCLUSION)


See Also