45th Congress of the National Social Unity Party of Hæland

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The 45th Congress of the National Social Unity Party of Hæland (HNSEP) took place in Lysbjerg, Hæland, between 12 January and 15 January 2010. The Congress elected Klaus J. Schulmann to the leadership of the Party and state as Fører, and elected members of the Førerting. Frode T. Storgaard, Sigurd N. Olsen, Simon L. Borg and Ulf T. Iversen were elected full members of the Førerting.

Congress of the HNSEP election to appoint Klaus J. Schulmann as Fører

For/Against Total votes Percentage of ballots cast
Klaus J. Schulmann 168 84%
Against 22 11%
Abstain 10 5%

Hæland National Social Unity Party Larger Logo.png
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