Abenassett (Tepkunset)
Abenassett is one of the geographic and cultural regions of Tepkunset. Though it lies West of the Pertinacia Mountains, it is still one of the most isolated areas of the continent; as it is far to the North, and it is separated geographically by the Great Woods. The Abenassett terrain is predominantly grasslands, hills and sparse forests inland; while the coast is covered with thinly-grassed sand dunes and beaches.
The Abenassett people mostly live in small coastal hamlets, where fishing dominates the economy. The only other significant industry in these communities is retail - there is usually a general store, as well as some specialist shops, in every village. Roughly twenty or thirty percent of the area's population live inland, in a similar lifestyle to the maritime Abenassett, except that farming replaces fishing as the main industry.
Each community is governed by a mayor, and all major decisions are decided directly by the people, at Town Meetings. The towns are not connected politically in any way, and Abenassett is not an overall country, so the area has no central government. Warfare is rare, but not unheard of - though it is almost always against Raiders and Pirates from the North.