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Flag of Amberport
Coat of arms of Amberport
Coat of arms
Aliceport Map1.png
and largest city
Official languages Nalronian, Harcathic
Recognised regional languages Kouryssan, Lorvish
Government Autocratic Monarchy
• Princess
Amberia Malver
• Total
18,100 km2 (7,000 sq mi)
• Estimate
Currency Harcathic Regum

Amberport is one of the petty kingdoms of the Lorven Peninsula, situated south of it's sister and rival state Aliceport, west of the Kingdom of Nalron, and north-west of the Kingdom of Harcath. Amberport controls 7,000 square miles of land, and hosts a population of 228,000. Amberia Malver is the first and current princess of Amberport . Her sister Alice Malver is the princess of Aliceport. The daughter of Percin Malver, Prince of the Two Ports, Amberia fought against her sister to claim the throne of her father, but instead has resulted in the land being split in two. Currently, Amberport has a truce with Aliceport after a stalemate war. It was agreed in this truce that Alice would take the lands north of Deadhelm, and Amberia would take the lands south of it. To this day, the truce remains a fragile peace.


Like Aliceport, nearly all of the land controlled by Amberport is covered in lush temperate rainforest.


Princess Amberia is seen as an important figure within the nation. She delegates her power to a variety of local lords and bureaucrats and has somehow maintained a significant amount of power and authority over the merchants. Amberport is ruled as an autocratic monarchy, with Princess Amberia being the most powerful person within the realm. Day-to-day administration of the realm is delegated to the Ruling Council of Amberport, a group of powerful and influential individuals who manage various institutions within the government.


Amberport is primarily culturally Nalronian, since it used to be a part of the kingdom of Nalron, and the Lorven Empire before that. There is a significant population of Harcathians in the southern regions along the border with Harcath. Like her sister state Aliceport, Amberport keeps Nalronian as it’s official language, but has officially declared Harcathic as its trade language, as most economic activity takes place with Harcath rather than Nalron.


In Amberport, differing from Aliceport, the Harcathic religion has a presence within the country. The main religion is Nalronian, with a sizable population of adherents to the Kouryssan religion in the city of Amberport.