American Civil War (Eastern Manifest Destiny)

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American Civil War
Date12 April 1861 - 12 July 1865
United States and parts of Texas, Aritomo, and California
Result Union victory

File:US flag with 27 stars by Hellerick.svg United States of America North American Coalition

Flag of the Confederate States of America (1861-1863).svg Confederate States of America Southern Alliance

  • Flag of Texas (1836–1839).svg Texas Free State
Commanders and leaders
Casualties and losses

The American Civil War was an armed conflict that was between the United States of America and the newly seceded Confederate States of America that took place between 1861 and 1865. It ended with the decisive defeat of the Confederacy the Battle of Appomattox. This was the first time in the history of the United States where an Asian power fought on North American soil. 

The American Civil War was mainly fought over issues of States' rights and slavery. The southern parts of the United States relied on slavery for most of its economy, but the United States government was hostile toward the idea of slavery and demanded the southern states relinquish their slaves. The south refused and seceded from the union, which enraged the US, but the US refused to go to war. It was not until the Confederacy attacked the US-held Fort Sumter, leading to five union deaths, did the latter declare war. 

The Texas Republic, an autonomous region of the United States, declared slavery illegal following the beginning of the American Civil War. This enraged slave-holding farmers, who in turn took up arms and declared the Texas Free State as an associated nation of the Confederacy. This forced Texas to join the American Civil War on the side of the United States.

Many foreign fighters also joined to fight for both sides, most notably with the Japanese Empire, California Republic, and Oregon joining the war against the Confederacy. Mexico joined the war on the side of the United States in 1862, following Texas Free State incursions into the Mexican province of Chihuahua. Other foreign fighters joined from the United Kingdom, France, the German lands, China, and Russia. Two of the most notable foreign regiments were the Guangzhou Freedom Fighters and the Prussian Blue Regiment, which fought on the side of  United States and Confederacy, respectively. Reasons to join the war ranged from the issue of individual rights to the issue of slavery. 

Reasons for War

United States

Confederate States




Japanese soldiers marching through western Georgia, 1863.