Antilles–Portugal relations

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Antilles–Portugal relations


Diplomatic mission
Embassy of the Antilles, Lisbon Embassy of Portugal, Columbia City
Ambassador Ronald Tillerson Ambassador TBD

Relations between the Antilles (United Commonwealth of America) and Portugal were first established in 1942 by the request of King Duarte Nuno by the ruling Estado Novo regime. Relations were created as a result of efforts by Antillean and Portuguese politicians with the Antilles seeking to maintain contact with the outside world while Portugal sought to retain warm ties with its former war-time allies in the defeated Entente Imperiale, an alliance during Great War I that the Antilles was a part of during the six year war.

Due to shared opposition towards the Continental States and Landonism, allies during the First World War, and having a large ethnic Portuguese population from the American mainland, both nations were able to establish proper relations and fufil Amelia Abarough's goals of preventing complete diplomatic isolation for the Antilles. Both the Estado Nova and Abarough governments were right-wigh authoritarian regimes and shared many comonalities; support for corporatism, opposition to organized labour, anti-Landonism, and a desire to recapture the mainland and restore the pre-revolutionary government.

The Estado Nova government collapsed in 1974 as a result of civilian-sponsored revolution and the country's modern democratic constitutional monarchy would be established. In spite of this, Portugal continues to recognize the Antilles as an independent nation and is one of ten nations to do so as of 2022, having restated its recognition in 2014 during a session of parliament. The Antilles maintains an embassy in Lisbon while Portugal maintains their own embassy in Columbia City.

Historical background


Establishing relations

Interwar developments

Great War II

Cold War relations

Present day

Country comparison

Diplomatic missions

See also