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Aragonia is a large interior nation on the continent of Outer Mandrionilia. Founded about eleven decades ago from the remains of several smaller nations, Aragonia is sparsely populated, namely due to the nearly impenetrable jungle the covers most of the nation's land. The capital of Nurmensis, deep in the jungle, is the largest town in Aragonia with a population of only 12,600.

Aragonia is ruled by the three Protectors of Aragonia: the Protector of the North, Protector of the South, and Protector of the Interior. This military junta has remained consistent throughout Aragonia's reletively short history. The main line of transport through the jungle nation is the Aragonian River, which winds its way through the jungle. Nurmensis is situated along the Aragonian River.

The population of Aragonia is approximately forty percent Tahllic, twenty five percent Godless, with the rest of the population following nativist religions. The total population of Aragonia is 108,000 at the last census.

Protectors of Aragonia

The three Protectors are the three highest ranking soldiers commanding the three Aragonian armies. They are chosen by their predecessors and serve for life.

Protector of the North

Protector Lifespan Reign Notes
Protector Anslow Bertrardian CY2351-Present CY2405-Present
Protector Richard Krineldo CY2334-2405 CY2389-2405
Protector Thomlin Bertrardian CY2325-2389 CY2382-2389
Protector Fredrik Lansos CY2312-2382 CY2365-2382
Protector Donal Lansos CY2308-2365 CY2362-2365
Protector Maximilian Bertrardian CY2298-2362 CY2354-2362
Protector Sylvanus Bertrardian CY2274-2354 CY2331-2354
Protector Rentaldo Nixx CY2265-2331 CY2320-2331
Protector Horace Bertrardian CY2248-2320 CY2303-2320
Protector Argusto Sargentio CY2241-2303 CY2297-2303
Protector Wencelaus Bertrardian CY2223-2297 CY2288-2297 First Protector of the North

Protector of the South

Protector Lifespan Reign Notes
Protector Yorgen Dule CY2346-Present CY2397-Present
Protector Paulus Tortensen CY2337-2397 CY2392-2397
Protector Doman Hugh CY2331-2392 CY2385-2392
Protector Carlemon Drake CY2320-2385 CY2376-2385
Protector Philip Risen CY2319-2392 CY2371-2376 abdicated CY2376
Protector Tolar Drake CY2296-2371 CY2350-2371
Protector Mandros Luren CY2291-2350 CY2344-2350
Protector Handel Rees CY2277-2346 CY2331-2344 abdicated CY2344
Protector Kendrall Miese CY2274-2331 CY2328-2331
Protector David Higgins CY2263-2328 CY2318-2328
Protector Hammish Miese CY2248-2318 CY2302-2318
Protector Donovan Kraken CY2243-2302 CY2295-2302
Protector Mandros Turelle CY2230-2295 CY2289-2295
Protector Louis Denvers CY2223-2289 CY2283-2289 First Protector of the South

Protector of the Interior

Protector Lifespan Reign Notes
Protector Adam Cardala CY2359-Present CY2411-Present
Protector Silas Yarmacle CY2350-2411 CY2403-2411
Protector Mathias Lormak CY2339-2403 CY2392-2403
Protector Roget Meierson CY2336-2392 CY2387-2392
Protector Harald Treeslayer CY2309-2387 CY2361-2387
Protector Viktor Illeyena CY2307-2361 CY2357-2361
Protector Franklin Formac CY2297-2357 CY2349-2357
Protector Randolf Gratlin CY2288-2349 CY2342-2349
Protector Ulric Delphin CY2281-2342 CY2333-2342
Protector Drago Hayne CY2275-2333 CY2325-2333
Protector Erek Quin CY2266-2325 CY2320-2325
Protector Zerlanen Lightbringer CY2254-2320 CY2311-2320 First Protector of the Interior