Bane's Calendar

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Bane's Calendar was the standard measurment of time used by the Vagabonds. It centered around Bane's solar cycle. Great War was used as the most recent epoch to determine calendar eras. PGW stands for Pre-Great War and AGW stands for After the Great War.


The calendar was invented by the Wanderers. The first epoch was the date of their crash-landing on the planet (3124 year by the Confederacy's reckoning). 315 years had passed before the outbreak of the Great War, which lasted next four years.

After the nuclear conflict, Scillians also adopted the modified version of the calendar. Great War served as a new epoch. PGW and AGW served as the new eras' indicators.

The calendar was eventually replaced by the Confederate Calendar, after Bane joined the Confederacy of Iliard in 188 AGW (year 3631).

Time Measurement

The calendar was based on the size and rotation of Bane. The standard unit of time was the standard second. Sixty standard seconds made up each standard minute, and sixty minutes made up each standard hour. Each day consisted of 25 standard hours. A standard week was 5 standard days, and each month was six weeks (making 30 standard days each regular month). Each last day of a month was considered a 'weekend'. Seven months had an additional day, treated as an extra free day. The year consisted of 367 local days (12 months).

The calendar did not take into account the additional 18 standard minutes each local day had, and as such, it was somewhat imperfect. Over the course of the years a single day was added a few times to the calendar as an attempt to recompensate the difference between the local and the astronomical time.

The week

  • The week flows as follows:
    • Monday
    • Tuesday
    • Wednesday
    • Thursday
    • Friday (which was actually 'free')
    • Sunday (additional free day)

Note: Scillians used different names for the corresponding units of time.