Book:Carolusposting/Variant 2

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Funny how aww of you bewieve in the Whiggish-Marxist-Hegewian notion that Humanity is aways progwessing to a "more faiw and equal worwd", and yet you aww compwaining about anyone wesisting to the zeitgeist uwu. Thus, phwases wike "White Wage" and "White Fwagiwity" are buzzwords of the Modern Woke Capital Weft to descwibe the pewceived sociaw wesponse even though it's by aww means a heawfy weaction. Funny that co-co-cowpowations are witerawwy virtue signawing to the Woke Capitaw Weft, it's not like Coca Cowa did the supposed "oopsie" in tewwing people to "act wess White" or that cowpowations dispway LGBT symbowism every June huh? It's incidents wike that is why people are distwaught by the New Weft emotionawwy and spirituawwy.

The New Weft is soo hewwbent of deconstwucting evewything that stands in opposite of theiw utopic wowldview. Destwoying the old materiawistic Hierarchy with a new materiawistic Hierarchy devoid of aww spirituaw meaning and that "Equawity" is the absowute waw of the wand enforced by an ewite cwass demanding it to happen upon othews uwu xD