Few users have ever left an indelible impression which linger long after they have made their presence known as Robball. An enigmatic, sui generis individual, he arrived at a time when the Alternate History Wiki had fallen into a pitiful state of malaise and stagnation. He was shunned and ridiculed by the majority of his peers, especially veteran writers, who mistook his fresh and playful manner of writing and enthusiasm as malicious, inflammatory intent. Few recognized the innate talent and ingenuity he possessed, which only became more evident as time passed, allowing even his more stone-hard critics to reconsider their initial assessment of him. His early contributions treaded the line between sardonic satire and sincere pastiche as he made contributions to major projects such as 1983: Doomsday and Differently. He faced premature backlash which unfairly damaged his reputation, but he was able to capture the hearts and minds of a minority of those who peered deeper into his revolutionary work. Ultimately, Robball's genius was fully realized and vindicated after he won his first Multiverse Awards. Although he suffered a character assassination attempt and vendetta by an Old Guard Althistory administrator, even his most hardened critics came to his defense. Finally accepted, Robball shifted his attention towards a deeper, closer analysis of the philosophical underpinnings which defined the Althistory Wiki as a whole. Few could claim to have left as great an impact as he has been able to, much less in the span of no more than three years.
Selected Works
- Letters - 2021
- "Robball Nation" (December 2021)
- "Robballers Anthem" (December 2021)
- "Wake Robball Inside!" (December 2021)
- Letters - 2022
- "Everything in this World is Falling Apart" (January 2022)
- "Robball Freestyle II" (January 2022)
- "Cambridge Computing" (February 2022)
- "Remember my Father" (July 2022)
- "Robball's M.A.N.I.F.E.S.T.O." (July 2022)
- "On Losing a Friend" (December 2022)
- "Let's NOT Get Down to Business" (December 2022)
- "Caucus of Wiki Justice" (December 2022)
- On Deletion (November 2022)
- Poem for EoGuy (January 2023)
- Sticks and Stones (April 2023)
- A Contribution to the Critique of Althistorian Society (April 2023)
- The Disorder of Order (April 2023)
- The Althistorian Ideology (April 2023)
- Letters - 2023
- "Questions on Philosophy" (April 2023)
- "Admins and Villains" (May 2023)
- "On the Paradox of Convergent History" (May 2023)
- "Response to "Dear Mods"" (May 2023)
- The Convergence of Paradox (May 2023)
- Dialogue with Max Sinister (May 2023)
- Our Mission is the Liberation of All Writing (May 2023)