Book:So who's gonna be the new Libertarian leader?

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>So who do you think is gonna be the new Leader of the Libertarian Party? Ravi is resigning and thus far four candidates have entered the field. Debates begin in June and candidates have until the end of May to join into the race, though I heard that the National Convention might actually extend the deadline to early or mid June.

>My money's on Porter. He's campaigning as the sensible supporter of civil liberties and rights, the same platform he did back when when he was elected in 2004 and it's worked out for him since.

>Porter is a bit boring tho. I'd rather see Behrman or Kasen take over as party leader. They bring energy and their nationalism is very appealing and something that can spice up the party.

>Behrman is insane tho and she's commonly cited as the example of the modern stereotype of the Libertarian Party as the party of crazed bitches that obsess over anything that isn't deemed "free enough" in their eyes. Kasen seems cool I'm not gonna lie, but he comes off too much like a McComb clone and let's just say that's the last person you'd want to model yourself after since his little scandal in 2017. Also, idc if you believe his victims or not, the fact of the matter is that his legacy is in ruins and modeling after him is not gonna go over well.

>Don't Walsh and Behrman support a second CAS membership referendum? If so that's not a good idea.

>Don't you wanna see a free Sierra? Don't you want to see us free from the incompetence, bureaucracy and corruption of the CAS and their parliament? I do and I wanna new referendum.

>Most Sierrans don't even support a second referendum and there are more pressing matters ahead of us. Both Walsh and Behrman come off as out of touch fools obsessing over issues that aren't important or relevant. And besides, neither the SocDems, the DemReps or the Greens are gonna allow for a second referendum. Not even the crossbenchers are gonna allow it so they should move on to more relevant issues and bring up a second referendum when it's relevant.

>Didn't the Three-Day War stir up Sierra's membership in the CAS?

>It did, but the CAS as a whole did not intervene in the TFF insurgency and only Sierra, Brazoria and Superior did. Three member states getting involved doesn't mean the whole Conference is getting involved in the war and besides the CAS passed that military act to restrict CAS military activity and prevent something like the Three-Day War from happening which is good since that whole fiasco was a fucking waste of time and lives. Almost a thousand dead Sierrans and for what? No wonder Heartwell lost.

>Porter was at least consistent with his anti-war stance and called out Heartwell's bullshit for intervening in Tournesol. Ravi did it at the March 6 debate, but he pack-peddled a bit and just avoided the issue all-together. At least with Porter he'd be honest and force his party to campaign in a consistent matter.

>I'm supporting Porter since he knows that the most pressing matter for the Libertarians is rebuilding the party after it got btfo'd at the last election. So much ground was lost and almost all of crown country fell to the Christ Dems.

>Honestly I joined the Christian Democrats last January and haven't regretted it since. I'm only interested in the Libertarian Party election since McCellen is actually polling well despite being the weird nerd who's somehow an MP.

>Dude same. McCellen is a cool guy even if he comes off as the weed-loving hippie. He's surprisingly polling well and I won' be surprised if he makes it to the second round.

>I love how Porter knew his party was gonna lose badly so he focused on holding his seat and McCellen knew it to. The bastard blogged about it and it came true.

>Regardless of whoever takes over and succeeds Ravi as party leader, the Libertarians are gonna be spending years recovering from the mess they're in now and frankly only Porter and McCellen seem to understand this completely. Walsh knows it to, but he seems too focused on wanting to rebrand the Libertarians as a Libertarian version of the McComb Royalist Party and Behrman is just...Behrman or whatever thing she's doing.

>Is it wrong to call the Libertarians a third party now? The Social Democrats now have more members than they do and they're the governing party. They also lost most of their historic strongholds and their presence in the house was halved from 32 seats in 2016 to 14 seats in 2020. Really whoever becomes the new party leader needs to understand that the party is on the verge of becoming a third party and being pushed to the sidelines like the SocDems were until the 90s.

>The Libertarians can still rebuild tho and Porter is the best man to do it. Hell even McCellen knows it and I'm pretty sure he's just running to become like deputy leader or whatever. Porter promised that he'd welcome a second or third place candidate a position as deputy leader.

>Behrman has a lot of energy she can bring into the party and can actually use what Heartwell and McComb did to gain support for the Royalists, but for the Libertarians. Say what you want about those two, but they did gain support for their party.

>What issue will she use to campaign on? I'm genuinely curious as at least McComb focused on outsourcing, economic anxiety, and national security which were and remain relevant issues. If Behrman is gonna become party leader she better pick an issue to campaign on and win support for, especially recapture lost supporters that switched over to the Christian Democrats and a second CAS referendum ain't gonna cut it.