Civil & Human Rights Security Act

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The Civil & Human Rights Security Act of 2010 is a federal level and solely sovereign law passed in the Union of Everett during the 8th Federal Assembly of States on July 6th, 2010. The law is the first of its kind in the country, stated within the text that the Act shall never be allowed to be legally repealed, removed, altered, destroyed or overridden, making it a "super-law". The law ensures the stated security and protection of the civil and human rights of Everetti citizens and those who visit, tour, vacation or maintain a refugee or immigration/work Visa status within the nation and its territories. The law was highly debated between Conservative states and the liberal states and passed with a moderate majority. The law specifically outlines who and what type of peoples are protected and under what senses and protections, reaffirming several civil rights laws and the Constitution's Bill of Rights.

Civil & Human Rights Security Act/Full Text


  • I. Definitions
    • A. Protection
      • 1. A protection is defined as a legal right that enforces the security and rights of a minority or indiviudal group from criminal activities, discrimination or offenses.
    • B. Civil Right
      • 1. A civil right is a right granted by the government to its citizens that allows citizens the freedom or rights to do, act or perform the specified right.
    • C. Human Right
      • 1. A human right is an inviolable and sovereign supreme right that human beings have. It is enforced by international law and allows the rights to do, act or perform the specified right without interference or oppression.
    • D. Minority
      • 1. A minority is a group of individuals, an ethnicity, sex, age group, gender, religious group or other form of persons who are lesser in population that the majority population in the nation.
      • 2. Minority groups may have special rights and protections enforced to ensure their equality.
    • E. Minor
      • 1. A minor is any person aged 17 years or younger.
    • F. Legal Non-Citizen
      • 1. A legal non-citizen is an authorized foreign national who with clearance through a Visa or passport, chooses to enter and visit, vacation, tour, work or undergo education within the Union of Everett.
    • G. Illegal Non-Citizen
      • 1. An illegal non-citizen is a foreign nation who does not have legal authority to enter or be within Union of Everett territory such as illegal immigrants, unauthorized border crossings or persons listed within travel bans.

Constitutional Rights

  • II. Constitutional Rights
    • A. First Amendment
      • 1. The first Amendment is hereby stated as an inviolable human right that no authority shall have the right to override, erase or destroy.
      • 2. All persons shall have the right to freedom of belief, religion and practice.
        • a. No belief, religion or practice shall have the right to destroy, disrupt, oppress, override or erase the rights of others.
      • 3. All persons shall have the right to freedom of expression, whether physically, emotionally or verbally.
        • a. No expression shall have the right to destroy, disrupt, oppress, override or erase the rights of others.
      • 4. All persons shall have the right to freedom of speech.
        • a. No speech shall have the right to destroy, disrupt, oppress, override or erase the rights of others.
      • 5. All persons shall have the right to freedom of the press.
        • a. No press shall have the right to destroy, disrupt, oppress, override or erase the rights of others.
      • 6. All persons shall have the right to freedom of protest and assembly in peaceful order.
        • a. No protest or assembly shall have the right to destroy, disrupt, oppress, override or erase the rights of others.
        • b. No protest or assembly shall have the right of rioting, destruction or cause damages against the safety or property of others.
      • 7. All persons shall have the right to freedom of privacy.
    • B. Second Amendment
      • 1. The second Amendment is hereby stated as an inviolable human right that no authority shall have the right to override, erase or destroy.
      • 2. All persons of adult age shall have the right to keep and bear arms.
      • 3. No person with a violent criminal record shall have the right to keep or bear arms.
      • 4. There shall be no limitation to the amount or type of arms nor the restriction of the formation of registered and unregistered militia, neighborhood defense, HDS authority or other form of defensive organization.
      • 5. It shall be the right of such legal possessor or bearer of arms to possess or bear such arms for the reasons of home or personal defense, sporting, hunting, gaming, collection, or any other lawful reason and it is the right of such bearers and possessors to state no specific reason at all.
    • C. Third Amendment
      • 1. No military authority, law enforcement or government agency, official or otherwise shall have the right to violate a house, stay or quarter themselves within the home or property of a citizen without consent.
      • 2. No warrant shall issue authorizing any military authority, law enforcement or government agency, official or otherwise the right to do so against the consent of the property owner and or lawful residents.
    • D. Fourth Amendment
      • 1. The right of the people to protection and privacy from invasion or interference of authority or government shall be protected and inviolable.
      • 2. Only under court order and warrant shall an authority intrude, invade, search, arrest or otherwise the property, vehicles or otherwise of a citizen.
    • E. Fifth Amendment
      • 1. The fifth Amendment shall be an inviolable human right.
      • 2. The right to silence and refusal to speak or incriminate oneself shall be protected.
      • 3. The right of the government to seize property under the guise of Eminent Domain shall from this day hereby be extinguished.
      • 4. The right of authority to seize property under the guise of civil forfeiture shall from the day hereby be extinguished.
      • 5. The right of trial by a grand jury shall be protected.
      • 6. The right of life, liberty and property shall be protected through due process and shall not be deprived or taken away without such process.
    • F. Sixth Amendment
      • 1. The right to fair trial shall be an inviolable human right.
      • 2. The right of a citizen to be informed of charges and actions against him or her shall be an inviolable civil right.
      • 3. A citizen shall have the right of Miranda warnings upon lawful arrest.
      • 4. The right of a citizen to representation, attorney or other during any and all arrest, detainment, interrogation, trial and process shall be an inviolable civil right.
      • 5. The right of a citizen to testify and possess witnesses and defenses in court proceedings shall be an inviolable civil right.
    • G. Seventh Amendment
      • 1. The right of a citizen to a trial by jury shall be protected.
      • 2. The right of a citizen to protection of double jeopardy reexamination of formerly judged court proceedings shall be an inviolable civil right.
    • H. Eighth Amendment
      • 1. The eighth Amendment shall be an inviolable civil and human right.
      • 2. The right of a citizen to protection from excessive fines, fees, bail and otherwise shall be a civil right.
      • 3. The right of a citizen to protection from extradition, trial, detainment and imprisonment in a foreign nation known for inhumane abuses of persons shall be a human right.
    • I. Ninth Amendment
      • 1. The ninth Amendment, which protects the citizens from the use of certain rights to abuse and override the rights of others shall be an inviolable human right.
    • J. Tenth Amendment
      • 1. The tenth Amendment shall be an inviolable right to the protection of states rights and the protection of the rights of the citizens.
    • K. Twelfth Amendment
      • 1. The twelfth Amendment shall be an inviolable human right.
      • 2. No citizen, foreign national or human being shall be held in slavery or servitude.
      • 3. A citizen may be forced into servitude through legal court proceeding and due process as punishment such as community services.
    • L. Thirteenth Amendment
      • 1. The thirteenth Amendment shall be an inviolable civil right.
      • 2. All persons born within Everetti territory are citizens of the Union of Everett.
      • 3. All persons cleared through immigration and naturalized by the Union of Everett are citizens of the Union of Everett.
      • 4. All citizens of the Union of Everett are hereby protected officially by the Constitution, laws, civil rights and human rights established within the Union of Everett.
    • M. Fourteenth Amendment
      • 1. The fourteenth Amendment is an inviolable civil right.
      • 2. The right to vote in equal and free Democratic elections of elected officials of government position by the citizens of the age of 16 or older is protected by this Act and law.
      • 3. No citizen of the Union of Everett, who is of voting age, shall be denied the equal right to vote regardless of any difference, minority or otherwise for any reason.
    • N. Sixteenth Amendment
      • 1. The sixteenth Amendment is an inviolable civil right.
      • 2. No citizen, of voting age, shall be denied their equal right to vote regardless of their status of payment or debt to taxes.
    • O. Seventeenth Amendment
      • 1. The seventeenth Amendment is an inviolable human right.
      • 2. The right of all citizens of the Union of Everett shall not be denied equal care for health.
        • a. All citizens shall have the legal right to care for medical, dental, optical, surgical and psychological illnesses, issues, crisis and health reasons.
      • 3. The inability to pay for medical care or those without coverage or insurance shall not be denied the right to equal healthcare.
    • P. Eighteenth Amendment
      • 1. The eighteenth Amendment is an inviolable civil and human right.
      • 2. No minor shall be denied the equal liberties and freedoms of citizens of the Union of Everett.
      • 3. The rights of minors to the Amendments of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights shall not be denied, refused or oppressed.
    • Q. Nineteenth Amendment
      • 1. The nineteenth Amendment is an inviolable human right.
      • 2. The right for a citizen to defend oneself from unlawful harm or danger shall not be infringed.
      • 3. The sovereignty and defense of one's home, business, vehicle or property shall not be violated, and the right of one to defend such property shall not be infringed.

Civil Rights & Legal Protections

  • III. Civil Rights & Legal Protections
    • A. Everetti Non-Discrimination Act
      • 1. All citizens are hereby under this Act are protected from discrimination, oppression, abuses and acts against them.
      • 2. ENDA is hereby established as an inviolable law, protected from repeal, destruction, denial or alteration that diminishes, destroys, disrupts or causes the loss of such rights as established in the END Act.
    • B. Privacy Security Act
      • 1. All citizens under this Act have the right of protection from invasion of privacy from government, media, private or public eye without justified reason or lawful warrant.
      • 2. The Privacy Security Act is hereby established as an inviolable law, protected from repeal, destruction, denial or alteration that diminishes, destroys, disrupts or causes the loss of such rights as established in the Privacy Security Act.
    • C. Federal Enforcement of Self Defense Act
      • 1. All citizens under this Act are given the human right to use force to defend and protect themselves from harm and dangers, including lethal force, to defend themselves, family, friends, neighbors, property, homes, businesses and strangers and or fellow citizens.
      • 2. The FESD Act is hereby established as an inviolable law, protected from repeal, destruction, denial or alteration that diminishes, destroys, disrupts or causes the loss of such rights as established in FESDA.
    • D. Federal Defense of Children's Rights & Security Act
      • 1. All minors who are citizens of the Union of Everett are provided full equal rights and protections from violations or oppression of their civil and human rights as stated within this Act. Minors are established as a protected class of citizens.
      • 2. The FDCRS Act is hereby established as an inviolable law, protected from repeal, destruction, denial or alteration that diminishes, destroys, disrupts or causes the loss of such rights as established in FDCRSA.
    • E. Department of Justice Federal Code Regarding Aggravated Bullying Harassment
      • 1. All citizens of the Union of Everett are protected in this Act from criminal offense and bullying forms of harassment and acts against them. Students, minors and those in public shall be protected in the Act from forms of criminal harassing behavior.
      • 2. Federal Code Regarding Aggravated Bullying Harassment is hereby established as an inviolable law, protected from repeal, destruction, denial or alteration that diminishes, destroys, disrupts or causes the loss of such rights as established in Federal Code regarding Aggravated Bullying Harassment.
    • F. Internet Rights Act
      • 1. All citizens of the Union of Everett are protected under this law from violations of their rights to internet neutrality, freedom of information and flow of such information, privacy and protections of their electronic devices from unwarranted searches and seizures and protection of online accounts from unwarranted intrusion.
      • 2. The Internet Rights Act is hereby established as an inviolable law, protected from repeal, destruction, denial or alteration that diminishes, destroys, disrupts or causes the loss of such rights as established in the Internet Rights Act.
    • G. Patient Protection & Healthcare Security Act
      • 1. All citizens of the Union of Everett are protected under this Act from healthcare industry, healthcare provider and healthcare insurance abuses and frauds. All citizens shall have the rights of protections from the refusal of healthcare or coverage for such healthcare, the denial of coverage for preexisting conditions and or the dropping or cancelling of coverage or care for acquiring such conditions. Citizens shall have the right to access alternative Universal healthcare coverage under government run insurance programs.
      • 2. The PPHSA, PPPA and HIV/AIDS Reduction Act are hereby established as inviolable laws, protected from repeal, destruction, denial or alteration that diminishes, destroys, disrupts or causes the loss of such rights as established in the PPHSA, PPPA and HIV/AID Reduction Acts.
    • H. Rights of African Everettis
      • 1. All citizens of African heritage, known as African Everettis, are hereby protected and provided defenses and protections from criminal offenses, discrimination, abuses, unlawful actions and oppression on the basis of their skin color.
      • 2. African Everetti citizens shall have protections from acts of hatred, known as Hate Crimes and other criminal offenses.
      • 3. African Everetti citizens shall be protected from discrimination, racism, offensive actions and behaviors based on their race and or ethnicity including during employment, education, housing, medical care, services and government positions including the rights to vote and run for an office or position.
    • I. Rights of Homosexual, Bisexual & Transgender Everettis
      • 1. LGBT citizens of the Union of Everett shall be hereby protected and provided defenses and protections from criminal offenses, discrimination, abuses, unlawful actions and oppression.
      • 2. LGBT citizens shall have protections from acts of hatred, known as Hate Crimes and other criminal offenses.
      • 3. LGBT citizens shall be protected from discrimination, hate speech, offensive actions and behaviors based on their sexual orientations and gender identities including during employment, education, housing, medical care, services and government positions including the rights to vote and run for an office or position.
      • 4. The right of LGBT to marry, adopt and serve in the military shall not be denied or abridged.
    • J. Rights of the Sexes
      • 1. Everetti citizens shall be hereby protected and provided defenses and protections from criminal offenses, domestic violence, discrimination, abuses, unlawful actions and oppression on the basis on their gender and or sex.
      • 2. Women shall be protected from discriminatory employment actions including discrimination against those who are pregnant or those who are mothers or actions that pay women less for equal work as male employees or actions of sexual harassment in the work place.
      • 3. Women shall have the equal right to serve in active military service.
      • 4. No one shall not face discrimination during employment, education, housing, medical care, services and government positions including the rights to vote and run for an office or position on the basis on their gender and or sex.
    • K. Rights of the Religious
      • 1. The right to freedom of religion and personal belief shall not be denied or abridged.
      • 2. The right of religious or non-religious persons to protection from discrimination in employment, housing, education, services, medical care and government positions including the right to vote or run for can office or position shall not be denied or abridged.
      • 3. Religion shall not have the right to oppress nor intrude nor affect the ongoing of the rights of others or the activity of government and law.
    • L. Rights of Immigrants
      • 1. Legal Non-Citizens shall have the privilege to immigrate and naturalize to become citizens of the Union of Everett.
      • 2. The Union of Everett shall have the right to refuse immigration status for legal, criminal, terrorist, military or other reasons.
      • 3. Illegal Non-Citizens shall have the right to return to their homelands and apply for legal entrance and submit application for immigration and naturalization to become citizens of the Union of Everett.
      • 4. Immigrants shall have the right of equal government social security upon successfully living within the Union of Everett for five consecutive years.
      • 5. Immigrants shall have protection from discrimination in employment, housing, education, services, medical care and government positions including the right to vote.
        • a. Immigrants shall not have the right to run for the office of President of the Union of Everett nor any executive position within the executive branch of the federal government of the Union of Everett.
        • b. An individual who is a lawful citizen or resident of a territory absorbed by or annexed into the Union of Everett after the establishment of this Union shall not be considered an immigrant, but a naturally born citizen of the Union of Everett and therefore eligible to the right to run for federal executive office.
    • M. Rights of Senior Citizens
      • 1. Senior citizens shall not face discrimination during employment, education, housing, medical care, services and government positions including the rights to vote and run for an office or position.
      • 2. Senior citizens shall have the protections and defenses to protection from criminal offenses, discrimination, abuses and unlawful activities.
    • N. Rights of Veterans
      • 1. Veterans are hereby a special protected class of citizens.
      • 2. Veterans of the Union of Everett armed forces shall have special legal rights in regards to the possession of weaponry and law enforcement authority.
      • 3. Veterans shall not face discrimination during employment, education, housing, medical care, services and government positions including the rights to vote and run for an office or position.
      • 4. Veterans shall have the special rights of government benefits, medical care, retirement benefits and other government aid.
      • 5. Immigrated and naturalized citizens who are Veterans of the armed forces of their former homelands who are military allies of the Union of Everett shall receive the same or similar benefits of Union of Everett armed forces Veterans.
    • O. Rights of Native American Everettis
      • 1. Native American Everettis are hereby a special and authorized autonomous class of citizens.
      • 2. Native American Everettis shall have a special level of government benefits and legal rights in regards to property and land ownership.
      • 3. Native American Everettis living on designated American Indian reservation land areas shall have legal autonomy.
      • 4. Native American Everettis shall not face discrimination during employment, education, housing, medical care, services and government positions including the rights to vote and run for an office or position.
      • 5 No authority shall be given to impose taxes or fees upon a Native American Everetti.

International Declaration of Human Rights

  • IV. International Declarations of Human Rights
    • A. Right To Education
      • 1. As per legal treaty, agreement and ratification of international law and regulation regarding human rights as stated within the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Security Alliance Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all citizens of the Union of Everett, regardless of differences, shall have the inviolable right to an education.
      • 2. As per international law, education of elementary, secondary and primary education shall be free of charge and available to all minors, funded and afforded through public funding. No initial education shall come at a cost under public education.
      • 3. As per international law, it shall be the right of citizens to have equal opportunity and access to a next level education such as college and university where additional education can be accessed.
        • a. Such education is not required to be free of charge.
        • b. As per federal law, college and university must be equally affordable.
    • B. Right To Healthcare
      • 1. As per legal treaty, agreement and ratification of international law and regulation regarding human rights as stated within the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Security Alliance Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all citizens of the Union of Everett, regardless of differences, shall have the inviolable right to healthcare.
      • 2. As per federal law, the citizens of the Union of Everett shall have the legal right to government funded Universal healthcare.
      • 3. As per federal law, the citizens shall have the right to choose a private insurer or both a private insurer and government insurer.
      • 4. No human being shall be refused medical treatment for any reason.
    • C. Right To Personal Freedoms
      • 1. As per legal treaty, agreement and ratification of international law and regulation regarding human rights as stated within the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Security Alliance Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all citizens of the Union of Everett, regardless of differences, shall have the inviolable right to freedom of speech, press, protest, assembly, expression, religion, opinion and belief.
    • D. Right To Justice
      • 1. As per legal treaty, agreement and ratification of international law and regulation regarding human rights as stated within the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Security Alliance Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all citizens of the Union of Everett, regardless of differences, shall have the inviolable right to fair and equal justice.
      • 2. The right to a trial by jury shall not be violated.
      • 3. The right to legal representation shall not be violated.
      • 4. The right to refuse self incrimination shall not be violated.
    • E. Right To Employment
      • 1. As per legal treaty, agreement and ratification of international law and regulation regarding human rights as stated within the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Security Alliance Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all citizens of the Union of Everett, regardless of differences, shall have the inviolable right to employment and to make a living suitable to survive for oneself or his or her family.
      • 2. Employment shall be equal opportunity where no person or specific groups of peoples shall be denied the equal ability to acquire work and for equal pay as any other equivalent worker.
    • F. Right To Protections
      • 1. As per legal treaty, agreement and ratification of international law and regulation regarding human rights as stated within the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Security Alliance Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all citizens of the Union of Everett, regardless of differences, shall have the inviolable right to legal protections, rights and security for persons.
      • 2. Civil rights to defend, protect and ensure the equality, liberty and justice of all citizens shall not be violated.
      • 3. The acts of segregation, racial divisions, discrimination, unequal pay for equal work, biases, racism, sexism and intolerance that infringes on the rights of other citizens shall be illegal.
    • G. Right To Welfare & Aid
      • 1. As per legal treaty, agreement and ratification of international law and regulation regarding human rights as stated within the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Security Alliance Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all citizens of the Union of Everett, regardless of differences, shall have the inviolable right to social security and special aid and protection.
      • 2. Legal citizens and immigrants of over five years naturalized shall have the legal right to apply for social security, welfare aid, food stamps, homeless shelters, unemployment payments, government medical coverage, retirement benefits, welfare benefits and other security in the event of personal troubles or losses.
      • 3. It is the legal right of citizens to acquire aid, rehabilitation, government training programs, job corps or other government programs to help citizens acquire education, employment and housing.

Rights of Minors

  • V. Rights of Minors
    • A. Constitutional Rights
      • 1. Minors who are citizens of the Union of Everett shall have full equal and inviolable rights to the Constitutional protections as stated with the Bill of Rights and further Amendments of the Constitution of the Union of Everett.
      • a. The right to freedom of speech shall not be violated.
      • b. The right to freedom of religion and belief shall not be violated.
      • c. The right to protest and assembly and freedom of association shall not be violated.
      • d. The right to freedom of expression shall not be violated.
      • e. The right to freedom of the press shall not be violated.
      • f. The right to equal justice shall not be violated.
        • 1a. Minors are entitled the legal right to submit court suits against another.
        • 2a. Minors are entitled the legal right to representation and attorney.
        • 3a. Minors are entitled the legal right of non-self incrimination.
        • 4a. Minors are entitled the legal right of protection from unwarranted searches and seizures.
        • 5a. Minors are entitled the legal right of protection from excessive bail, fines and fees.
      • g. The right to self defense from harm, danger and threat shall not be violated.
      • h. The right of equal healthcare shall not be violated.
      • i. The right to protection from oppression and suppression of the equal rights of minors shall not be violated.
      • j. The right to protection from unlawful servitude or slavery without court order such as community services shall not be violated.
    • B. Federal Human & Civil Rights
      • 1. Minors shall have the legal right to protection from abuse, neglect and parental mistreatment or harm.
      • 2. Minors shall have the legal right to protection from bullying, harassment and threats of harm.
      • 3. Minors shall have the legal right to a free education.
      • 4. Minors shall have the legal right to free healthcare.
      • 5. Minors shall have the legal right to protections from sexual offenses.
        • a. Sex offenders shall not have authority to reside within school zones.
        • b. Sex offenders must be publically known to neighborhoods.
        • c. Parents and guardians who commit sex offenses shall not have the right to possess a minor.

Rights of Non-Citizens

  • VI. Rights of Non-Citizens
    • A. Right To Justice
      • 1. Legal Non-Citizens shall have the legal right to due process of justice.
      • 2. Legal Non-Citizens shall have the right of legal representation or attorney.
      • 3. Legal Non-Citizens shall have the right of extradition to their homeland.
      • 4. Legal Non-Citizens shall have the right to be extradited and live their prison term in their own homeland.
      • 5. Legal Non-Citizens shall have the right to not face the Death Penalty for all criminal offenses.
        • a. Legal Non-Citizens charged with terrorism may face the Death Penalty.
      • 6. Legal Non-Citizens shall have the right to communication with their embassy or consulate.
      • 7. Illegal Non-Citizens shall have the right to deportation.
      • 8. Illegal Non-Citizens shall have the right of legal representation or attorney.
      • 9. Illegal Non-Citizens shall have the right of equal due process of justice.
      • 10. Illegal Non-Citizens shall have the right to communication with their embassy or consulate.
    • B. Right To Personal Freedoms
      • 1. Legal Non-Citizens shall have the right to freedom of speech.
      • 2. Legal Non-Citizens shall have the right to freedom of expression.
      • 3. Legal Non-Citizens shall have the right to freedom of religion.
      • 4. Legal Non-Citizens shall have the right to privacy.
      • 5. Legal Non-Citizens shall have the right to self defense from danger, harm or threat.
      • 6. Legal Non-Citizens shall have the right to emergency healthcare.
      • 7. Legal Non-Citizens shall have the right to exchange student or overseas education at college or university.
    • C. Right To Education
      • 1. Legal Non-Citizens shall have the right to enter the Union of Everett for college or university education.
    • D. Right To Healthcare
      • 1. Legal Non-Citizens shall have the right to Everetti government funded and covered healthcare should said non-citizen require emergency care during their stay.
      • 2. Legal Non-Citizens shall have the right to enter the Union of Everett for personal surgical procedures such as cosmetic surgeries or optional, non-emergency surgeries.
        • a. Cosmetic and optional surgeries of non-citizens shall not be covered by Everetti government health insurance.
    • E. Right To Return Home
      • 1. Legal Non-Citizens shall have the right to return home.
      • 2. Legal Non-Citizens, who are being detained for criminal charges, shall have the right to communication with their embassy or consulate.
      • 3. Legal Non-Citizens shall have the right to be extradited to serve prison sentences in their homeland.
      • 4. Illegal Non-Citizens shall have the right to deportation.
      • 5. Illegal Non-Citizens shall have the right to be extradited to serve prison sentences in their homeland.
      • 6. Illegal Non-Citizens, who are being detained for criminal charges, shall have the right to communication with their embassy or consulate.
    • F. Right To Enter
      • 1. Legal Non-Citizens shall have the privilege, when in possession of a legal passport or travel document, to enter Everetti territory.
      • 2. The Union of Everett shall have the right to deny entry to Everetti territory, any person designated as a potential threat to Homeland Security, including persons noted on terrorism watch lists, travel bans and other federal terrorism advisories.
    • G. Right To Immigrate
      • 1. Legal Non-Citizens shall have the privilege to apply for immigration into the Union of Everett, to become naturalized as an official citizen of the Union of Everett.
      • 2. Legal Non-Citizens, who pass immigration requirements and pass oath and affirmation as a citizen, shall have the privilege to acquire official citizenship status.
    • H. Right To Emigrate
      • 1. Any citizen of the Union of Everett shall have the legal right to choose to leave the Union of Everett and acquire citizenship in another nation.
        • a. Upon acquiring foreign citizenship, the citizen status as a citizen of the Union of Everett is void and negated.
      • 2. A former citizen of the Union of Everett who wishes to return the the Union of Everett and re-acquire such citizenship shall have the right to apply for citizen status and immigration processing.

Military & Government Powers

  • VII. Military & Government Powers
    • A. Declaration of War
      • 1. The Union of Everett federal executive government shall have the legal authority, when approved by the Judiciary, and authorized by the Constitution of the Union of Everett, to declare war, wage such war and deploy armed forces into the opposing nation.
    • B. Martial Law
      • 1. The Union of Everett federal executive government shall have the legal authority, in times of absolute crisis, to declare a state of emergency, a specialized status in which the armed forces may act as law enforcement and enforce the laws of the municipal, county, state and federal levels.
      • 2. The Union of Everett shall not at any time, have the legal authority to suspend or dissolve the Constitution of the Union of Everett, nor suspend or dissolve this official Act.
      • 3. Martial law shall have no authority to extinguish or infringe on the rights of law abiding citizens.
    • C. Quarantine & Containment
      • 1. The Union of Everett government and military shall have the legal authority, in times of absolute crisis, such as an outbreak of a deadly epidemic or pandemic, to quarantine and contain regions, areas and or zones of Everetti territory with the intent to prevent the spread of such pathogen or contagion to the rest of the nation.
      • 2. The military shall have the authority to contain citizens and non-citizens to such a zone and refuse to allow exit.
      • 3. The Centers For Disease Control, Paranormal Control & Investigation and or the Federal Emergency Management Agency, shall have the right to force upon infected individuals, treatment and healthcare for deadly contagions.
        • 3a. A deadly contagion is hereby defined as any biological pathogen with the capability to infect, spread and kill human beings on a global pandemic scale.
        • 3b. The common influenza is not considered a deadly contagion.
    • D. Passing of Law
      • 1. The Union of Everett federal executive government shall have the authority to pass bills into law which shall be reviewed and cleared into activity by the judicial branch of the government.
      • 2. The right to create and pass bills into law is authorized by the people, having elected into office such government officials and by the Constitution, which authorizes the government to create and pass laws.
      • 3. The right to repeal and dissolve certain laws shall be legal by either branch of the federal government; either through the executive branch or by overturning of said law by the judicial branch.
      • 4. The overall states of the nation, in a three-quarter vote of the Governors of each state of the Union and of the representatives of each autonomous division, shall have the right to overturn a law that the judicial branch and the executive branch have chosen not to overturn or repeal.
    • E. Military Authorities
      • 1. The military shall have the authority, as per command from the Commander In Chief, also known as the President of the Union of Everett and through command of the Secretary of Defense, also known as the Vice President, to conduct military operations during and not during war time, domestically or overseas.
      • 2. The military shall have the authority to command the Homeland Defense System forces, as per command of the President of the Union of Everett, to conduct emergency responses to disaster or domestic war time.
      • 3. The military shall have the authority to act as law enforcement during a time of declared State of Emergency.
    • F. Law Enforcement Authorities
      • 1. Law enforcement, in accordance with federal laws, shall have the right to enforce law and order having taken oath as an officer of peace and order, to patrol, enforce, arrest, detain and imprison suspects, criminals and citizens in accordance with federal standards and practices and in accordance with court order and warrant as described in the Constitution of the Union.
      • 2. Law enforcement, with court order and warrant, shall have the right to conduct investigations, searches, seizures and arrests of criminal activities or illegal activities of citizens and non-citizens within Everetti territory.
      • 3. Law enforcement of all levels shall have federal authority of jurisdiction to enforce laws and safety in any and all territories and states of the Union of Everett.
    • G. Judicial Powers
      • 1. The court system shall have the right to clear and provide court orders, subpoenas and warrants to issue or force citizens to appear in court, to submit to arrest, to submit to detainment, submit to court order and or decision in a matter or matters or cease and desist an activity or provide sentences, punishment or order for criminal cases.
      • 2. The federal judicial system shall have the authority to review laws passed by the executive branch and clear the validity of such laws and to interpret such laws.
      • 3. The federal judicial system shall have the right to make decisions and enforce decisions or orders that overrule or over power previous state level court decisions.
        • a. The state judicial system shall have the right to make decisions and enforce decisions or orders that overrule or over power a previous county or municipal court decision.
      • 4. A judge may have legal authority to override a jury decision.
      • 5. A jury shall have the power to declare nullification.