Danbotown is one of the Predecessors to modern-day Sylvesters Creek and was the Farm Settlement owned and Administrated by Ernest Danbo. Danbotown's Southern Dandelion Fields are now Known as Danbo Fields in Rememberance of Ernest Danbo. Danbotown was Founded as a Farm which was Owned by Traveller and Frontiersman, Samuel Danbo, who decided to Settle down and turn to Farming after discovering a Field and a plot of land. The Fertile green land that Layed across Danbo's Farm was prime for Grazing and Farming. Samuel eventually Invited his relatives and another Farm was Constructed Next to Samuels. Soon after Samuels Death his son, Ernest Danbo took over the Farm and began to sell of Nearby land for profit. This Attracted many Investors and Migrants seeking Labor. After Selling more land he began Hiring Migrants from Creeperville and Beyond to work as Farm Hands and later as Servants and Butlers. Ernest became rich off his Farm and sold it to Gerhard Nienerhoff who Continued the Expansion. Ernest began building a Shop in the Town Center and a Meeting hall. He also sponsored a Church which funded Ernests Indevors. With the Towns rapid expansion other buisnesses began to arise and Tailors, Butchers, and Bartenders became the Common Job. These workers lived in Huts and Shacks in the Valley that rested Inbetween Sylvesters Creek and Danbotown. This Community began to Fuse both Danbotown and Sylvester Creek together economically, physically, and culturally leading to Danbotown and Sylvesters Creek Combining into the Town of Sylvesters Creek in December of 1932. Danbotown remained a Neighborhood and the Neinerhoff Farm was sold leading to a Massive Park and later Civic Center. Danbotown's residential area remained a "Shanty town" type of area and was often Inhabited by poorer, lower class residents. Ernest Danbo died soon after and a field of Dandelions south of Danbotown was renamed to Danbo Fields.