Demographics of Everett

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Union of Everett Demographics



The 40 states of Everett
  • 1. Alabama
  • 2. Alaska
  • 3. Connecticut
  • 4. Delaware
  • 5. Florida
  • 6. Georgia
  • 7. Haiti
  • 8. Hawaii
  • 9. Illinois
  • 10. Indiana
  • 11. Kentucky
  • 12. Labrador
  • 13. Louisiana
  • 14. Maine
  • 15. Maryland
  • 16. Massachusetts
  • 17. Maya Coast
  • 18. Michigan
  • 19. Minnesota
  • 20. Mississippi
  • 21. New Brunswick
  • 22. Newfoundland
  • 23. New Hampshire
  • 24. New Jersey
  • 25. New York
  • 26. North Carolina
  • 27. Nova Scotia
  • 28. Ohio
  • 29. Ontario
  • 30. Pennsylvania
  • 31. Puerto Rico
  • 32. Quebec
  • 33. Rhode Island
  • 34. South Carolina
  • 35. Tennessee
  • 36. Vermont
  • 37. Virginia
  • 38. West Virginia
  • 39. Wisconsin
  • 40. Yucatan

Autonomous Regions

  • A. Nunatsiavut
  • B. North Colorado

Foreign Relations

File:United Nations Building.jpg
The United Nations headquarters is located in the Union of Everett.
  • Key Ally Nations:
    • Israel
    • Iraqistan
    • India
    • Mexico
    • Germany
    • Greece
    • Cyprus
    • Iceland
    • Russia
    • Taiwan
    • Japan
    • South Korea
  • Enemy Nations:
    • United States of America
    • United Kingdom
    • Pakistan
    • Yemen
    • Saudi Arabia
    • North Korea
  • International Relations:
    • IMF/World Bank Status: N/A
    • Memberships:
      • United Nations Security Council
      • NATO
        • DRA
      • CARICOM
      • Organization of American States
      • Security Alliance

Basic Information

Times Square in New York City, the largest city in Everett.
  • Population: 252,154,000
  • Largest City: New York City, New York
  • Tallest Structure: Liberty Tower, Everett City, New York
  • Computer Owners: 85%
  • Internet Users: 100%
  • Drivers/Car Owners: 61%
  • Location On Map: Eastern North America, Caribbean, Alaska & Hawaii


  • Water Pollution Rate: 3%
  • Air Pollution Rate: 2%
  • Land Pollution Rate: 3%
  • Fusion Power Plants: 21
  • Solar Power Plants: 51/9 under construction
  • Wind Turbines: 5,800/1,000 under construction
  • Hydro Dams: 102/2 under construction
  • Nuclear Power Plants: 0 (Decommissioned)
  • Oil Power Plants: 0 (Decommissioned)
  • Coal Power Plants: 0 (Decommissioned)
    • Clean Coal Power Plants: 1/4 under construction
  • Recycling Capacity (includes compost landfills): 75%
  • Landfill Capacity: 0% (Decommissioned)
  • Incinerator Capacity: 25%
    • Fusion Incineration Capacity: 0% (10 under construction (35% capacity))
  • Clean Transportation: 53%
  • National/State Park Land Area: 83,441 square miles


File:Car Factory Manufacture.jpg
Everett is one of the world's major vehicle manufacturers.
  • GDP Per Capita: $46,547 per year
  • Currency Equivalent: $1 EVD = $2.50 USD
  • National Tax:
    • 0% Poor Class
    • 7% Low Class
    • 15% Middle Class
    • 35% High Class
    • 45% & 50% Ultra Class A & B
  • Sales Tax Rate: None (Abolished)
  • Annual GDP: $11.737 Trillion +/-
  • Imports:
    • Cars (Japanese, British, German, Italian, French, Australian, USA)
    • Electronics/Microchips (Japanese, Israeli, USA)
    • Fruit (South America, USA)
    • Vegetables (South America, USA)
    • Grains (USA, China)
    • Medicine (USA, South America, Europe, Japan)
    • Natural Resources (South America, Iraqistan, Russia, Europe, USA)
  • Exports:
    • Grains (Wheat, Oats, Barley, Various)
    • Vegetables (Lettuce, Tomatoes, Various)
    • Cars (Chevrolet, Ford, GM, Chrysler, Avalon)
    • Robotics (Droid Tech)
    • Military Aid (Supplies/Vehicles, Peacekeeping Troops/Aid, Ammunition, Firearms)
    • Monetary Aid (Loans, Gifts, Funding)
    • Medical Aid (Medicine, Vaccinations, Supplies, Health Workers/Volunteers)
    • Natural Resources (Oil, Timber, Metals, Coal)


  • Languages: English (primary), Spanish (primary), French (primary)
  • Religions: Mixed (Christian, Atheist, Jewish, Islam, Voodoo, Others)
  • Crime Rate: LOW
    • Murder Rate: 2 per 100,000 (5,043 incidents per year)
    • Rape Rate: 3 per 100,000 (7,650 incidents per year)
  • Birth Rate: 12 per 1,000 population (3,025,000 per year)
  • Death Rate: 6 per 1,000 population (1,512,000 per year)
  • Immigration Rate: 8 per 1,000 population (2,016,000 per year)
  • Average IQ: 113
  • Average Height: Adult Male-6'0" Adult Female-5'6"
  • Average Weight: Adult Male-190 Adult Female-137
  • Average Life Span: 89
  • Average Life Span (smoker): 62
  • Gun Owners: 51%
File:LGBT Rights Rally.JPG
LGBT rights was a major topic of reform with the independence of Everett.
  • Common Beliefs/Standings:
    • 1. Nuclear Weapons: NO
    • 2. Abortion: Partial
    • 3. Gay Marriage: YES
    • 4. Equal Rights: YES
    • 5. Torture Methods: NO
    • 6. Death Penalty: YES
    • 7. Stem Cell Research: YES
    • 8. Innocent Until Proven Guilty: YES
    • 9. Assisted Suicide: Partial
    • 10. Criminal Rights: Partial
    • 11. Civil Freedoms: YES


File:Everetti Marine Corps.jpg
The Marines are Everett's primary offensive troop force, standing at two million as of 2013.
  • Nuclear WMD: 0
  • Fusion WMD: 2,500
    • GFW: 25,000
  • Marines Soldiers: 2,000,000
    • Other Ground Forces: 40,650
    • HDS: 38,000,000
    • Ground Vehicles:
190,000 Humvees (including all types and variants)
10,000 M1 Abrams tanks (including all variants)
3,500 M4A1, A2 & A3 Harris tanks
10,500 IFV/APC vehicles
1,800 Howitzers & MLRS vehicles
30,000 Supply, transport, storage, fuel & misc vehicles
  • Air Force Personnel: 435,000
    • Planes: 8,300
    • Helicopters: 1,975
  • Navy Personnel: 390,000
    • Vessels: 283
  • HADv2CD: 250,000
  • HADv3LE: 25,000
  • HADv4R: 4,000
  • HADv5A: 200
  • SBR: 250,000
  • VAD: 1,000
  • Wars/Incidents Involved:


  • Most Devastating Natural Disaster: 2010 Haiti Earthquake (~230,000 Dead)
  • Most Devastating Act Of War: None
  • Largest War Involved In: U.S. - Security Alliance War
  • Date Of Founding: July 4, 2003

Top Five Statistics

Christianity is the largest religion in the Union of Everett.
  • Most Deaths Caused By:
    • 1. Disease
    • 2. Injuries/Accidents
    • 3. Natural Disasters
    • 4. Crime
    • 5. Drug Use
  • Most Common Interests:
    • 1. Sports
    • 2. Hollywood
    • 3. Politics
    • 4. Activism
    • 5. Video Gaming / Computers
  • Most Common Hatreds:
    • 1. Violation of Liberties
    • 2. Corruption
    • 3. Crime
    • 4. War
    • 5. Terrorism
  • Most Frequent Vehicles (2013):
    • 1. Avalon
    • 2. GM
    • 3. Honda
    • 4. Toyota
    • 5. Ford
  • Most Common Violent Crimes:
    • 1. Robbery/Burglary
    • 2. Harassment
    • 3. Assault
    • 4. Gang Violence
    • 5. Rape
  • Most Common Religions:
    • 1. Christianity
    • 2. Atheism/Agnosticism
    • 3. Judaism
    • 4. Hinduism
    • 5. Buddhism