Demographics of Everett (FWNG)

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Federation of Everett Demographics

All Demographics data is as of YEAR 2052.


  • Official Name: Federation of Everett
  • General Name: Everett
  • Citizen Adjective: Everetti
  • Adjective Plural: Everettis
  • Abbreviation: FEV
  • Government Type: Interstellar Joint Federative Government
  • National Capitol: Tri-State City, New York
  • Current President: Matthew Andrew Dakota
  • National Anthem: Theme of Independence
  • National Motto: "Liberty, Justice, Equality"


  1. Alabama
  2. Alaska
  3. Alberta
  4. Arizona
  5. Arkansas
  6. British Columbia
  7. California
  8. Colorado
  9. Connecticut
  10. Cuba
  11. Delaware
  12. Destiny
  13. Flora
  14. Florida
  15. Georgia
  16. Haiti
  17. Hawaii
  18. Idaho
  19. Illinois
  20. Indiana
  21. Iowa
  22. Kansas
  23. Kentucky
  24. Labrador
  25. Louisiana
  26. Maine
  27. Manitoba
  28. Maryland
  29. Massachusetts
  30. Maya Coast
  31. Michigan
  32. Minnesota
  33. Mississippi
  34. Missouri
  35. Montana
  36. Nebraska
  37. Nevada
  38. New Brunswick
  39. Newfoundland
  40. New Hampshire
  41. New Jersey
  42. New Mexico
  43. New York
  44. North Carolina
  45. North Dakota
  46. Northwest Territory
  47. Nova Scotia
  48. Nunavut
  49. Ohio
  50. Oklahoma
  51. Ontario
  52. Oregon
  53. Pennsylvania
  54. Puerto Rico
  55. Quebec
  56. Rhode Island
  57. Saskatchewan
  58. South Carolina
  59. South Dakota
  60. Tennessee
  61. Utah
  62. Vermont
  63. Virginia
  64. Washington
  65. West Virginia
  66. Wisconsin
  67. Wyoming
  68. Yucatan
  69. Yukon

Foreign Relations

Basic Information


  • Water Pollution Rate: 0%
  • Air Pollution Rate: 2%
  • Land Pollution Rate: 1%
  • Fusion Power Plants: 51
  • Solar Power Plants: 125
  • Wind Turbines: 150,000
  • Hydro Dams: 300
  • Nuclear Power Plants: 0 (Decommissioned)
  • Oil Power Plants: 0 (Decommissioned)
  • Coal Power Plants: 0 (Decommissioned)
    • Clean Coal Power Plants: 37
  • Recycling Capacity (includes compost landfills): 100%
  • Landfill Capacity: 0% (Decommissioned)
  • Incinerator Capacity: 0% (Decommissioned)
  • Clean Transportation: 100%
  • National/State Park Land Area (Earth): 250,441 square miles
  • National/State Park Land Area (Flora): 410,000,000 square miles


  • GDP yr. 2052: $77.541 Trillion +/- [1]
  • GDP Per Capita: $93,123
  • Currency Equivalent: $1 EVD = $9.85 USD
  • National Tax:
    • 0% Poor Class
    • 6% Low Class
    • 14% Middle Class
    • 30% High Class
    • 44% Ultra-Rich Class
  • Sales Tax Rate: 1%
  • Imports:
    • Vehicles (Japan, British, German, Italian, French, Australian)
    • Electronics/Microchips (Japan, Israeli)
    • Fruit (Brazil, Central America)
    • Vegetables (Brazil, Central America)
    • Grains (Colombia, Venezuela)
    • Medicine (Israeli, Europe, Japan)
    • Raw Materials (Steel, Metals, Precious Metals/Gems, Timber, Rubber)
  • Exports:
    • Grains (Wheat, Oats, Cacao, Coffee, Varied)
    • Fruits (Apples, Oranges, Bananas, Pineapple, Strawberry, Varied)
    • Vegetables (Lettuce, Tomatoes, Carrots, Various)
    • Vehicles (Motor Vehicles, Defense Industry, Aerospace, Space Exploration)
    • Raw Materials (Timber, Steel, Coal, Hydrogen, Rubber)
    • Robotics (Droid Tech)
    • Military Aid (Peacekeeping Troops/Humanitarian Defense)
    • Monetary Aid (Loans, Funding)
    • Medical Aid (Medicine, Vaccinations, Supplies, Health Workers/Volunteers)


  • Languages: English (primary), Spanish (primary), French (primary)
    • Recognized Regional: varied Native American tribal, Hawaiian, Eskimo/Aleut
    • Other Languages: varied
  • Ethnicity: Mixed [2]
    • 33% White/Caucasian/European
    • 32% Hispanic/Latin
    • 27% African/Black
    • 2% Native American/Pacific Islander
    • 5% Asian
    • .6% Arab
    • .4% Other
  • Religions: Mixed (Christian, Atheist, Jewish, Islam, Voodoo, Other)
    • 65% Non-Religious
    • 35% Religious
      • 27% varied Christian denominations
      • 5% Hindu
      • 1% Judaism
      • 2% varied other (Buddhist, Islam, Voodoo, etc)
  • Crime Rate: VERY LOW
    • Murder Rate: 1 per 100,000 (4,520 incidents per year)
    • Rape Rate: .5 per 100,000 (2,260 incidents per year)
  • Birth Rate: 22 per 1,000 population (9,944,000 per year)
  • Death Rate: 3 per 1,000 population (1,356,000 per year)
  • Immigration Rate: 8 per 1,000 population (3,616,000 per year)
  • Average IQ: 130
  • Average Height: Adult Male-6'0" Adult Female-5'6"
  • Average Weight: Adult Male-179 Adult Female-135
  • Average Life Span: 105
  • Average Life Span (smoker): Smoke-Tobacco Outlawed
  • Gun Owners: 59%


  • Nuclear WMD: 0
  • Fusion WMD: 15,000
    • GFW: 125,000
  • Marines Soldiers: 6,000,000
    • Other Ground Forces: 165,000
    • HDS: 79,000,000
    • Ground Vehicles:
400,000 Utility Vehicles
10,000 GT1A1 (reserves)
15,000 GT1A2 & A3 tanks (active)
55,000 IFV/APC vehicles
10,000 MLRS vehicles
200,000 Supply, transport, storage, fuel & misc vehicles
  • Air Force Personnel: 500,000
    • Planes: 7,300
    • Helicopters: 2,500
  • Navy Personnel: 245,000
    • Vessels: 180
  • Space Force Personnel: 1,250,000
    • Space Fighters: 12,000
    • Vessels: 58
  • HADv7CD: 4,000,000
  • HADv6LE: 1,500,000
  • HADv8R: 1,125,000
  • HADv9A: 2,500
  • SBR: 4,000,000
  • VAD: 3,500,000
  • Wars/Incidents Involved:
    • 1. War On Terrorism
      • a. Pakistan Front (Everett vs. Taliban, Al Qaeda & Pakistani Rebels) WON
      • b. Afghan Instability (Everett vs. Afghanistan) WON
      • c. Operation Cpt. Sparrow (Everett & Coalition vs. Al-Shabaab/Al-Qaeda) WON
      • d. Hamas Conflict 2009 (Everett & Israel vs. Hamas) WON
    • 2. Iraqistan War (Everett & Iraqistan vs. Syria & Iran) WON
      • a. Hezbollah (Everett vs. Lebanon) WON
    • 3. North American Drug War (Everett, Mexico & USA vs. Mexican Drug Cartels) WON
    • 4. Aryan War (Everett vs. Nazist Domestic Terrorists) WON
    • 5. Libyan No Fly Zone (UN Coalition & Libyan Rebels vs. Libya) WON
    • 6. Operation: Child Shield (Everett, UN MONUSCO, Uganda, DR Congo, South Sudan vs. Lord's Resistance Army) WON


  • Most Devastating Natural Disaster: 2010 Haiti Earthquake (~230,000 Dead)
  • Most Devastating Act Of War: None
  • Largest War Involved In: Iraqistan War
  • Date Of Founding: July 4, 2003

Top Five Statistics

  • Most Deaths Caused By:
    • 1. Injuries/Accidents
    • 2. Aging
    • 3. Natural Disasters
    • 4. Crime
    • 5. Disease
  • Most Common Interests:
    • 1. Sports
    • 2. Video Gaming / Computers
    • 3. Activism
    • 4. Hollywood
    • 5. Politics
  • Most Frequent Vehicles:
    • 1. Avalon
    • 2. Chevrolet
    • 3. Ford
    • 4. Chrysler
    • 5. Toyota
  • Most Common Crimes:
    • 1. Assault
    • 2. Burglary
    • 3. Harassment
    • 4. Gang Offenses
    • 5. Murder
  • Most Common Religions:
    • 1. Atheism/Agnosticism
    • 2. Christianity
    • 3. Hinduism
    • 4. Judaism
    • 5. Buddhism


  1. GDP growth is based on IRL projections of U.S. & Chinese economic development at an estimated 3% and 8% respectively, based on Everetti policy, 6% increase in GDP each year. Population growth is averaged at an increase of 2.7% each year.
  2. Due to significant mixed breeding between the three primary races, whites, blacks and Hispanics, the Department of Health & Human Services estimates that the average Everetti citizen will be of mixed races of all three primary racial groups by the year 2105, that an estimated 85% of the population will have become a new racial genetic makeup, referred to as Americans.