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Federation of Disparu

Fédération du Disparu

ᒫᒪᐃᐧᓂᑐᐃᐧᐣ ᑎᔅᐸᕈ (cr)
ᑲᑐᔾᔨᖃᑎᒌᖏᑦ ᔨᔅᐸᕉ (iu)
Mawuhkacik Tispawu (pqm)

Wĭdegĕdooltimk tĕlā'Dĭsbawu (mic)
Motto: "Sans la démocratie, une nation n'a rien" (French)
(English: "Without democracy, a nation has nothing")
Anthem: Gens du Pays
("People of My Country")
Location of Disparu
Capital Férin
Official languages French
Recognised regional languages Algonquin, Atikamekw, Cree,
English, Innu, Inuktitut,
Mi'kmaq, Mohawk
Ethnic groups
Demonym(s) Disparuean (English),
disparuen(ne) (French)
Government Unitary parliamentary republic
• Establishment of Québec City
3 July 1608
• Québec Act
22 June 1774
• Canadian Confederation
1 July 1867
• Formation of Disparu
26 February 2009
• Re-Proclamation
24 June 2012
• Total
1,552,597 km2 (599,461 sq mi)
• 2010 census
GDP (PPP) 2013 estimate
• Total
DP₣ 1.718 trillion
• Per capita
DP₣ 170,526
Currency Disparuean franc (DPF)
Time zone UTC -4 to -5
Date format dd-mm-yyyy, mm-dd-yyyy,
and yyyy-mm-dd (CE)
Driving side right
Internet TLD .dp
Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Example.svg
This article contains Canadian syllabics. Without proper rendering support, you may see question marks, boxes, or other symbols instead of Canadian syllabics.
Fonts: Uqammaq or Pigiarniq

Disparu /ˈdɪspɑːrʌ/ Speaker Icon.svg (English | French), officially known as the Federation of Disparu (French: Fédération du Disparu), is a nation located in northeastern North America. It has a total area of 1,552,597 km² and a total population of 10,073,866.

It is comprised of the former Canadian province of Quebec, and outlying islands formerly within the territory of Nunavut. Its capital and largest city is Férin, with Montréal being its second largest city. Disparu is composed of nineteen departments and one external territory. Disparu is bordered by the Republic of Labrador and the Atlantic Ocean to the east, the State of Ontario to the west, the Acadian Democracy and the Atlantic Confederacy to the south, and the Arctic Ocean to the north.

Disparu is a unitary parliamentary republic; according to its Basic Laws, it is a sovereign, secular, and egalitarian liberal democracy. Its government is split into three branches: the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary. Its head of state is the Administrator, currently Lamont de Solidor, while its head of government is the Chancellor, currently Paul Berlitz. Its unicameral legislature is known as the National Assembly. The government is somewhat technocratic and meritocratic, often selecting law-makers based on their professional skill and expertise, rather than their popularity.

Disparu's economy is considered to be a mixed economy, as the private sector functions within a series of laws and regulations set by the government, and many state enterprises, some enjoying a government monopoly in a particular industry, exist and are well-established within Disparu.

Disparu is a member of the Green Protection Agency, the Green Trading Sphere, the United Nations, the Francophonie, the Berlin Treaty Organization, and numerous other international organizations.


The name Disparu directly comes from the Disparu Committee, the committee that helped form Disparu. Disparu is also the past tense form of the French verb disparaître, meaning to disappear in English, emphasizing how Disparu disappeared from the map of Canada after its secession. Disparu is also similar to the English word disparity, which is a synonym for different, emphasizing the former nation's dominant French culture, in contrast with the more dominant Anglo-American culture of the nation it seceded from.


Disparu is a sizable, well developed, and ancient nation with citizens primarily of French ethnicity who follow mixed religions. Its technology is first rate and its citizens marvel at the astonishing advancements within their nation. Its citizens pay extremely high taxes and many despise their government as a result. It is an aggressive country that some say has an itch for war. It believes nuclear weapons are necessary for the security of its people. Plans are on the way within Disparu to open new rehabilitation centers across the nation and educate its citizens of the dangers of drug use. Disparu allows its citizens to protest their government but uses a strong police force to monitor things and arrest lawbreakers. It has an open border policy, but in order for immigrants to remain in the country they will have to become citizens first. Disparu believes in the freedom of speech and feels that it is every citizen's right to speak freely about their government. The government gives foreign aid when it can, but looks to take care of its own people first. Disparu will not make deals with another country that has a history of inhuman treatment of its citizens.


Jacques Cartier was the first European to describe and map the Gulf of Saint Lawrence.

While the lands now known as Disparu have been occupied for many centuries by the Aboriginal peoples, Disparu's recorded history only began in 1534 upon the arrival of the French explorer Jacques Cartier. The land became the first province of New France, which was France's colonial efforts in North America. In 1608, Samuel de Chaplain would establish the Habitation de Quebec, the first successful settlement in New France. The settlement is now known as Québec.

New France fell under British control in 1759 during the Seven Years' War, where it was reorganized as the Province of Quebec. In 1791, the British parliament split the province into two sections — the Anglophone Upper Canada and the Francophone Lower Canada. In 1837, a rebellion by Francophones against British rule led to the merger of the two Canadas as the Province of Canada in 1841, in an attempt to assimilate the Francophone population.

In 1867, Canada, along with New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, formed the Dominion of Canada. The former Province of Canada was once again split, this time into Anglophone Ontario and Francophone Quebec. Over the next decades, cultural and lingual differences between Quebec and the other provinces of Canada led to political conflicts between Francophones and Anglophones.

Jean Lesage, the 19th Premier of Quebec, led the province into an era of rapid social change termed as the "First Quiet Revolution".

The birth of modern Quebec nationalism occurred during the First Quiet Revolution, a progressive period of rapid political, economic and social change that followed the conservative Grande Noirceur. This rise of nationalism led to the October Crisis.

The crisis sparked unrest and rebellion in Quebec, and resulted in the rise and establishment of Saboria, a rational communist state. While somewhat setting back political progress by establishing a totalitarian democracy, the establishment of a communist state led to a period of extreme economic development, several technological breakthroughs, and scientific progress. During this time, the state flourished into an advanced, industrialized society that had the ability to project its power worldwide.

Unfortunately, the communist state was dissolved after a referendum, and Quebec returned to Confederation. Despite attempts to recognize Quebec's status as a society distinct from the rest of Canada, tensions and conflicts between the Francophone and Anglophone communities continued. This culminated in two referendums on the secession of Quebec from Canada — the 1995 referendum and the 2006 referendum. Both referendums resulted in voters rejecting Quebec sovereignty by a small margin.

The 2006 referendum, while resulting in Quebec staying in the Confederation, and external factors such as rising oil prices caused the Canadian Crisis, a period of civil unrest that resulted in the breakup of most of the Canadian Confederation. The crisis was felt in Quebec as parts of it were either invaded by New Englander forces or unilaterally seceded from the province. By the end of the crisis, only three provinces remained — Ontario, Manitoba and Quebec — and Canada fell under United Nations control.

The rise of domestic problems in the two other provinces, and fears that it would spread to Quebec, led the Disparu Committee, formed earlier to support the separatist cause, to petition the Quebec Government for another referendum on secession in 2009. In the referendum that followed, nearly 80% of Québécois supported secession. Despite having the support of the people, the Canadian Government refused to negotiate terms for secession, forcing Quebec to secede unilaterally.

Lance Pikachurin was influential in the development of Disparu.

Despite facing uncertain odds, the Disparu Committee successfully led conventions that laid the framework of the new state. As a result, the new state was named "Disparu" in their honour. Disparu formally seceded from Canada and established itself on 26 February 2009. Nevertheless, Canada continued its opposition to the new state and claimed that it remained part of its territory. Despite this, the elected Chancellor Lance Pikachurin successfully pursued initiatives that strengthened Disparu domestically, and also improved its position internationally as a sovereign state by opening the nation to foreign trade. Unrest in other parts of the world, the rise of an alternate diplomatic order and Canada's eventual fall led to the complete legitimization of Disparu's independence and sovereignty.

In the months that followed, Disparu faced wars and crises that it successfully overcame. Disparu pursued diplomatic relations with other nations, helped found military and economic blocs, mediated diplomatic relations between two belligerent nations, led peacekeeping missions in neighbouring lands, and experienced continuing prosperity and growth. In 2011, however, the FLQ Crisis led to many controversies against the Government, resulting in its fall in 2012. In the Second Quiet Revolution that followed, however, Disparu's governance was reformed through the creation of the Basic Laws. It re-established itself on 24 June 2012.


Disparu occupies a vast territory that features a diverse range of geographical areas. The nation can be split into two distinct topographic regions — the southern Saint Lawrence Lowlands, which is home to a majority of Disparu's population, and the northern Laurentian Plateau, which composes 95% of Disparuean territory.

Mont d'Iberville of the Torngat Mountains, rising at 1,367 m (4,485 ft), is the highest point in Disparu. Disparu is home to other mountain ranges, such as the Laurentian Mountains and the Appalachian Mountains.

Disparu is home to 3% of the world's renewable freshwater supply. Disparu possesses 4,500 rivers and more than half a million lakes that pour out into the Atlantic Ocean. The largest body of water in Disparu is the Caniapiscau Reservoir. The largest natural lake, meanwhile, is Lake Mistassini, which had been the home of the former capital of Jubilife.

Disparu's St. Lawrence River has some of the world's largest inland Atlantic ports, and is also home to numerous species of whales, fish, and birds. The Saint Lawrence Seaway provides a navigable route between the Atlantic and the Great Lakes.


Disparu is composed of nineteen departments, each possessing their own unique history, culture, population, and geography. These departments are further grouped into four distinct regions: Almie, Coronet, Grand Gaspésie and Nunavik. These regions were based on the borders of Disparu's former provinces, the administrative subdivision used prior to the Second Quiet Revolution.

Section I, Article 3(b) of the Basic Laws mandate that all departments must be within Quebec's borders on 11 March 1927. Section I, Article 3(d) further defines Disparu's nineteen current departments; it has been argued that an amendment to the Basic Laws would be needed in order to merge or split the existing departments.

Due to the unitary nature of the Disparuean Federation (in contrast with the former federal system), each department is generally governed directly by the Government in Férin. To ensure that departmental affairs are managed at the local level, however, each department is managed by a Council of Elected Officers (French: Conseil des officiers élus), composed of mayors and deputies within that department. Each council votes on a prefect, who directs and manages their council's meetings.

Each department also acts as a judicial district: each department is under the jurisdiction of a superior court, and other 'lower' courts found in other towns and cities within that department. Furthermore, each department acts as a single electoral district for seats in the National Assembly.

Here is a list of Disparu's nineteen departments, organized by region:

Department Postal Code Administrative Seat Population Area (km2)
Côte-Nord CN Sept-Îles 95,948 233,950
Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean SL Saguenay 274,095 95,893
Ville de Férin FE Férin 2,800,000 2,750
Abitibi-Témiscamingue AT Rouyn-Noranda 144,835 57,340
Centre-du-Disparu CD Drummondville 228,049 6,921
Chaudière-Appalaches CA Lévis 397,827 15,071
Estrie ES Sherbrooke 302,161 10,195
Lanaudière LA Terrebonne 434,872 12,313
Laurentides LR Saint-Jérôme 518,621 20,560
Mauricie MA Trois-Rivières 260,461 35,452
Montérégie MO Longueuil 1,386,963 11,111
Outaouais OU Gatineau 347,214 30,504
Ville de Montréal MR Montréal 1,873,971 498
Ville de Québec QC Québec 671,468 18,639
Grand Gaspésie
Bas-Saint-Laurent BL Rimouski 201,692 22,185
Gaspésie GA Gaspé 95,872 20,272
Eeyou Istchee EI Chisasibi 14,131 5,586
Jamésie JM Mistissini 14,871 298,200
Kativik KA Ivujivik 10,815 443,372

Three departments — Ville de Férin, Ville de Montréal and Ville de Québec — have some autonomy from the Government in terms of trade, language, business and financial affairs due to these cities' roles as centres of finance in both Disparu and North America.

All three departments of Nunavik — Eeyou Istchee, Jamésie and Kativik — have a great deal of autonomy from the Government, especially in cultural affairs and resource management, as these departments are primarily home to the Aboriginal peoples of Disparu. This is primarily because of the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement signed in 1975 by the Quebec Government. First Nations communities located elsewhere, such as in Côte-Nord, also enjoy some autonomy from the Government.

External Territories

Lands that are part of Disparu proper, but were not within Quebec's borders on 11 March 1927, are defined by Section I, Article 3(c) of the Basic Laws as "external territories". At the moment, only the Arctic Archipelago, composed of several islands in James Bay, Hudson Bay, Ungava Bay and the Hudson Strait, is considered as an external territory. These islands are generally uninhabited save for military or scientific bases.

Politically, external territories have territorial councils that manage their affairs locally. However, they are not represented in the National Assembly. Residents of external territories also do not pay certain taxes. All Disparuean external territories are managed and are responsible to the Ministry of Territorial Affairs.

Protectorates, regions protected by Disparu from foreign aggression, are not considered external territories since they are technically not part of Disparu proper. Protectorates are governed locally by an elected legislature largely independent from the Disparuean Government, with Disparu only managing the foreign affairs and defence of that protectorate. However, protectorate governments are still responsible to the Disparuean Ministry of Protectorate Affairs and the National Assembly itself.


Largest Metropolitan Areas in Disparu
Rank City Department Pop. Rank City Department Pop.

v  d  e


1 Férin Ville de Férin 2,800,000 16 Victoriaville Centre-du-Disparu 46,354
2 Montréal Ville de Montréal 1,873,971 17 Rouyn-Noranda Abitibi-Témiscamingue 41,798
3 Québec Ville de Québec 671,468 18 Salaberry-de-Valleyfield Montérégie 40,077
4 Gatineau Outaouais 314,501 19 Saint-Georges Chaudière-Appalaches 34,642
5 Sherbrooke Estrie 201,890 20 Val-d'Or Abitibi-Témiscamingue 33,265
6 Saguenay Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean 157,790 21 Alma Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean 33,018
7 Trois-Rivières Mauricie 151,773 22 Baie-Comeau Côte-Nord 28,789
8 Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu Montérégie 92,394 23 Sept-Îles Côte-Nord 28,487
9 Drummondville Centre-du-Disparu 88,480 24 Thetford Mines Chaudière-Appalaches 27,968
10 Granby Montérégie 77,077 25 Rivière-du-Loup Bas-Saint-Laurent 27,734
11 Saint-Hyacinthe Montérégie 56,794 26 Matane Bas-Saint-Laurent 18,368
12 Shawinigan Mauricie 55,009 27 Amos Abitibi-Témiscamingue 17,090
13 Rimouski Bas-Saint-Laurent 50,912 28 Dolbeau-Mistassini Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean 16,019
14 Sorel-Tracy Montérégie 47,772 29 La Tuque Mauricie 15,130
15 Joliette Lanaudière 46,932 30 Lachute Laurentides 12,551


Autumn in the Gaspésie.

Climate in Disparu is mainly affected by two ocean currents — the cold Labrador Current and the warm Gulf Stream. Disparu is within the temperate zone, which causes Disparu to experience four seasons; spring, summer, autumn and winter. Disparu is further split into three main climate regions, as explained below.

Southern and western Disparu, which includes most urban centres, are considered to have an warm summer subtype of a humid continental climate, experiencing warm, humid summers and long, cold and snowy winters. Due to the great influences of storm systems from central North America and the Atlantic Ocean, precipitation is abundant for most of the year. During summer, severe weather phenomena, such as tornadoes and severe thunderstorms, occasionally occur.

Central parts of Disparu, which includes the capital, are considered to have a subarctic climate. Winters are long and among the coldest in North America, while summers are warm but short due to the higher latitude and the greater influence of Arctic air masses. Precipitation is also less compared to the south.

Disparu's far north is considered to have an Arctic climate, with very cold winters and short, much cooler summers. Due to Disparu's proximity to the magnetic north pole, the aurora borealis could be seen at Disparu's northern latitudes.


The National Assembly House in Férin, the seat of Disparu's legislature.

Disparu is a democratic unitary parliamentary republic, although before the Second Quiet Revolution it had been a constitutional monarchy. Despite being theoretically egalitarian, its Government is better described as a meritocracy and a technocracy, as it supports those of better knowledge, skill and ability.

The Government of Disparu derives its power and authority from the consent of the governed. It is separated into three branches — the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary.

Disparu's head of state is the Administrator, currently Lamont de Solidor. The Administrator leads the executive branch and pursues Disparu's foreign affairs. The executive branch, composed of various ministries and agencies, manages the day-to-day affairs of the Government. It is responsible to both the legislature and the judiciary.

Disparu's head of government is the Chancellor of Disparu, currently Paul Berlitz. The Chancellor leads the legislature. The Disparuean legislature is composed of both the Chancellor and the unicameral National Assembly. The National Assembly is composed of elected representatives (called deputies, or députés) who pass, amend, and repeal laws. The National Assembly also has the sole power to adopt budgets. The Chancellor and the executive branch must retain the confidence of the Assembly in order to remain in power. If it loses this confidence, the Government is dissolved and elections are held. Following the Second Quiet Revolution, the Assembly's supremacy over the executive has been entrenched in the Basic Laws, as the alleged corruption of the executive branch led to the fall of Disparu. Nevertheless, the laws it passes are reviewed by the judiciary.

The judiciary is composed of the Supreme Court and other lower courts. It is informally headed by the Chief Justice, currently Lyse Gagnon. It is responsible for the interpretation of Disparu's laws, and to provide a mechanism to resolve disputes between two parties. It is also charged with ensuring that both the executive and the legislature remain accountable and within the bounds of the Basic Laws.

Smaller subdivisions within Disparu, such as cities, are governed by a similar democratic structure.




The Basic Laws confers Disparuean citizenship on the basis of jus soli. All children born in Disparu and its external territories are automatically granted Disparuean citizenship, provided that they are not children of foreign diplomats. Children born outside Disparu to at least one Disparuean parent are also automatically granted citizenship. Disparu also grants citizenship through naturalization, in which case those petitioning for citizenship must have been a permanent resident for five years.

As Disparu is a relatively new nation-state, a majority of its residents were born prior to the country's establishment. This initially posed a problem at the time in determining which people in the new state were citizens. To resolve this, Disparuean citizenship was immediately granted to persons meeting the following requirements:

  • The person was born in Québec.
  • The person has continuously lived in Québec for the past five years.
  • The person is a member of an Aboriginal nation within Québec.
  • The person was adopted by someone meeting one of the above requirements.

Anyone who met one of the above requirements were granted citizenship, regardless of their current place of residence (for instance, there were possible citizens living outside Québec at that time). Those who were granted citizenship through this policy were allowed to reject Disparuean citizenship, provided that doing so would not turn them into a stateless person. People who were either Canadian permanent residents or refugees residing in the new nation at that time were given the option of transferring their status to the new Disparuean state.

Foreign Affairs

As Quebec, the nation had played a role in foreign affairs. It was the site of the Quebec Conference of 1943 and the Second Quebec Conference, which were both top secret military conferences held during World War II between the governments of Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. It was also the site of the 3rd Summit of the Americas, held in 2001, to discuss the proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas. As a part of Canada, Quebec, along with New Brunswick, was a subnational member of the Francophonie.

After Disparu's formal secession from Canada and its subsequent declaration of independence, the new nation had difficulty gaining recognition from the international community. This was mainly caused by Canada's attempts to diplomatically isolate Disparu, by claiming that the nation was still part of its territory. Disparu, however, managed to gain support from the Francophonie, which quickly accepted the nation as a member state. Later support for Disparu's sovereignty, as well as Canada's eventual collapse, allowed Disparu to gain full membership in the United Nations and its associated agencies, the World Trade Organization, and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

The rise of alternate military and economic alliances and continuing international instability allowed Disparu to gain more support from the international community. The nation pursued membership in the Democratic Order, where it was quickly accepted. As part of the order, then-Chancellor Pikachurin opened the nation to international trade by joining the Aqua Trading Sphere. Disagreements with the Order's government led to Disparu joining the Aqua Defense Initiative. That organization's collapse caused Disparu, under then-Chancellor Celeste, to pursue membership in both the Imperial Order and the Blue Trading Sphere. Following the Second Quiet Revolution, the election of a Social Democrat-Liberal coalition under Administrator de Solidor and Chancellor Berlitz caused a shift in Disparu's foreign affairs policy, which resulted in Disparu resigning from the Imperial Order and pursuing membership in the Green Protection Agency and the Green Trading Sphere.

Through the Disparuean Embassy Exchange Program and the Treaty for the Recognition of Disparu signed with Tahoe and Viniland, Disparu was able to legitimize its independence and sovereignty, and thus gain recognition from the international community. This recognition allowed it to successfully pursue diplomatic relations with other nations. Although the fall of Disparu forced many nations to close their diplomatic missions in Disparu, the re-establishment of Disparu has resulted in many nations re-opening their missions once again. At the moment, Disparu has exchanged ambassadors with ten nations, including Großgermania, Grand Besaid, J Andres and Transvaal. Disparu's diplomatic missions are overseen by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, although the separate Ministry of North American Affairs oversees Disparu's foreign relations with its fellow North American nations.

File:CAN HQ.jpg
The former headquarters of the Confederation of Arctic Nations in Ivujivik.

Disparu has played a role in international politics. It was a founding member of the Confederation of Arctic Nations, a military and economic bloc for nations located in the Arctic. Disparu hosted the bloc's headquarters at Ivujivik, and also served as the moderator during its meetings and debates. Under Chancellor Celeste, Disparu pursued an aggressive foreign policy, often taking the lead in settling diplomatic problems that arose in neighbouring nations. Disparu often threatened to use its military forces against aggressive nations who undermined the security and stability of the nation and its allies.

Disparu has pursued treaties with other nations. Its first treaty was the Disparu-Arctica Treaty, an agreement between Arctica and Disparu that guaranteed safe passage for Arctican submarines travelling through Disparu-controlled Hudson Strait. The most important treaty signed by Disparu is the now-defunct Good Neighbour Treaty, which became void after the dissolution of the third J Andres. The Good Neighbour Treaty had served as the foundation for the long-standing friendship between Disparu and J Andres and its two predecessors, the Republic of New England and the Federated States of America.

Disparu has also pursued international treaties between numerous nations. Disparu was one of the first to ratify the Berlin Treaty, designed to protect and preserve the environment, after sending representatives to Berlin, Germany for the Berlin Summit on 2 April 2011. Furthermore, Disparu, representing Canada as its successor state, is one of the signatories of the Second Spitsbergen Treaty, a treaty recognizing the sovereignty of the Union of Svalbard.


File:FA22 Raptors Oct2007.jpg
Two Disparuean F-22 Raptors flying towards the Disparu-Ontario border during the Unknown War.

The unified armed forces of Disparu are the Disparuean Forces, tasked with the defence of Disparu and its allies from foreign and domestic threats, the neutralization of foreign threats, and the protection of Disparuean interests abroad. As conscription is illegal, the military is a completely professional and voluntary force. The Ministry of Defence is tasked with the command, coordination and management of the Disparuean Forces. The military is well-funded due to the numerous threats it faced earlier in its existence. As a result the Disparuean Forces are equipped with state-of-the-art weaponry and equipment.

The Disparuean Army and the Disparuean Expeditionary Forces combined have a total of 300,000 active personnel and 400,000 reserve personnel. The Disparuean Air Force, considered by many to be the best branch of the Disparuean military, is equipped with 1,260 fighter aircraft and bombers, spread over 105 squadrons and three wings, and thousands of support aircraft. The Disparuean Air Force has been instrumental in numerous wars waged by Disparu. The Disparuean Navy is a blue-water navy capable of defending Disparu's waters and projecting the nation's power globally. It also possesses patrol and research ships mostly used within Disparuean waters. Special Operations is the most secretive branch of the military, due to the sensitivity of the duties it performs. However, it is known that they have been deployed in various operations of the military.

Disparu is a nuclear-capable nation, and possesses nuclear weapons. Disparu also possesses several ICBMs. Both have been used by Disparu in the past, although the latter is more commonly used than the former in order to limit damage caused to both the environment and civilians.

The Disparuean Forces maintain a missile defence network codenamed "Aurasphere" in order to defend the nation against airborne attacks. Furthermore, the Disparuean Forces maintain numerous bases, outposts and research facilities (such as the Black Mesa Research Facility) throughout Disparu in order to successfully defend against invading forces.



As Disparu is a parliamentary democracy, its legislature and Government relies on the existence of political parties. The parties that are currently represented in the National Assembly are the Centrist Coalition Party, the Christian Democrats, the Conservatives, the Liberals and the Social Democrats.

These five parties represent various positions in the political spectrum, thus demonstrating the diversity of political opinions within Disparu. However, Disparueans are generally left-leaning; as such, nearly all political parties, even conservative ones, reflect this fact. What may be considered centre-right in Disparu may be considered centrist in other nations.

Following the foundation of Disparu, parties formed by members of the Disparu Committee possessed a significant amount of political clout in the system they created. Since the 2010 elections, however, the committee's clout has noticeably decreased. After the Second Quiet Revolution, the committee lost nearly all of its power.

Until recently, parties with an affiliation with religion have been barred from electing officials into the Government, as it was feared that they would interfere with the separation of church and state in Disparu. This has since been partially revoked: moderate parties have been allowed to appoint candidates, while overzealous parties remain banned. Parties that are believed to be a threat to the democratic and constitutional order by the Supreme Court are also banned from appointing candidates, although their existence remains protected under the freedom of association and the freedom of assembly.


A voting machine similar to the one commonly used in Disparuean elections.

Elections in Disparu for seats in the National Assembly and the Administratorship are scheduled every five years, or are held when the National Assembly passes a motion of no confidence against the ruling Government. By-elections are also held for seats in the Assembly that have become vacant in-between scheduled elections. So far, there have been three elections in Disparu.

The Chancellorship is an appointed position: it is given to the leader of the largest party in the Assembly (or one of the leaders if a coalition is formed) after an election.

Elections are also held at the local level for the position of mayor and seats in a city council, although these are strictly scheduled every five years, and there is no way to schedule early elections as in the national level.

Elections in Disparu are overseen by the independent, non-partisan Elections Disparu, which is led by an appointed Elections Commissioner. Under the Basic Laws, only Disparuean citizens over the age of 16 may generally vote in elections. The Basic Laws further prevents officials from the judiciary and the Elections Commissioner from voting, in an attempt to prevent corruption.

To ensure that all voters are proportionally represented, and that the most-liked candidate is elected rather than the most-popular one, the Disparuean electorate system uses the Schulze STV method for legislative assemblies (such as the National Assembly); as a result, a single electoral district can be represented by numerous officials. For positions requiring one winner (such as the position of Administrator), the Kemeny–Young method is used instead.

Ministers, the Judicial Triumvir (now the Chief Justice), and other executive positions were formerly elected individually; however, the former Democratic Party's reforms to the electorate system has transformed these positions into appointed rather than elected ones.

The Basic Laws state that a candidate who wishes to run in an election must be able to vote and must not be in prison or under investigation for breaking the Criminal Code. Elections Disparu must approve a candidate first before he or she can start his or her campaign. Those who are not approved do not appear on the ballot list during the election. Candidates have a month before the election to campaign in their constituency.

A debate between candidates is usually held a few days before the actual election. These debates are attended by members of the public and journalists, and usually present a series of questions about current issues to the candidates. Time is also given for candidates to describe their plans if they are elected. At the national level, two debates are held: one for candidates in the election for the Administratorship, and one for party leaders in the election for the National Assembly. These debates are held at the DNN Centre in Férin and are conducted in French.


Disparu has an advanced, mixed and open economy.




Disparu is abundant in natural resources, which benefits its economy greatly. The Ministry of Resources is mandated with managing the use, exploitation and preservation of Disparu's resources.

It has vast forests, covering about half of its territory, and a large amount of metallic minerals, which are extrated from the country's numerous mines. Both resources were historically significant in the economy, and remain a central component of the modern Disparuean economy. Both resources are often exported to other nations due to their abundance and high quality.

In modern times, Disparu's mining industry profits the most from the extraction of uranium, which has been recently prospected within its territories. The mining of uranium is severely restricted and monitored by the Government, due to the possibility of Disparuean uranium being used by rogue entities in weapons of mass destruction. Despite this, Disparu freely exports its supply of uranium to allied nations. Other significant metallic minerals extracted by Disparuean mines include gold, iron, copper, and zinc. The extraction of asbestos, formerly pursued in Quebec, has been banned due to health and safety concerns. Disparu's Arctic and sub-Arctic regions are also predicted to be rich with diamonds from kimberlite pipes; as a result, many mineral explorations have been started in these regions.

Disparu's Saint Lawrence Lowlands possess rich soil and good climate that make it the country's most prolific agricultural area. It produces dairy products, vegetables, fruit and maple syrup. The Lowlands' good climatic and land conditions also makes it a good place for wine making. Sugar production had been previously attempted in these lands; however, they have been largely abandoned due to difficulties in growing sugar in the Disparuean climate.

Disparu is rich in glacial lakes and rivers. Resources in these are managed by the Ministry of Fisheries and Oceans. It is estimated that the country has more than one million lakes and rivers, composing 21% of its territory. These rivers and lakes are primarily used for recreation and the fishing industry, although successive economic restrictions on the latter has nearly wiped it out.




The interior of the Grand Library of the Université de Férin, which features one of the largest collections within Disparu.

The right to education, being a human right, is guaranteed by the Basic Laws. As such, the Government maintains a well-funded and extensive public school system governed by the Ministry of Education within Disparu. Seeking to emulate the success of the Finnish education system, the post-Second Quiet Revolution Government has introduced numerous reforms to the Disparuean education system that has transformed it into an egalitarian system that is accessible for free by the nation's residents. Schools operated by the Catholic Church and other private organizations, which were previously well-established within the country, have been abolished. Homeschooling remains as an alternative to government-run education.

The Government has built numerous schools throughout the country, ensuring that all children live near a school. If that is not feasible (such as in rural areas), transportation is provided free of charge. Schools within Disparu feature low student-teacher ratios, are staffed with teachers with excellent qualifications, and are equipped with state-of-the-art materials. All classrooms are equipped with Smart Boards (or at the very least, whiteboards) and video projectors. Students are issued tablet computers (identical to the iPad) that have essentially replaced traditional materials such as books. Free, nutritional meals are also provided to students in all schools.

Following Disparu's four-day week, primary and secondary schools run from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM, from Monday to Thursday, from the first week of September to the last week of July. Occasional holidays and two week-long breaks (one during the winter and one during the spring) interrupt the school's schedule. Times for post-secondary students vary, depending on the course the student is taking.

Courses taught at Disparuean schools are free from political or religious bias, especially scientific courses, to ensure that all students develop into rational thinkers. As such, topics such as evolution and the Big Bang are taught comprehensively within Disparu. Responding to critics about the lack of "alternative" views in education, Minister of Education Adélaïde Rutherford likened the teaching of creationism in schools to the teaching of crystal healing in medical schools.

Education in Disparu begins through daycare programs provided to babies and toddlers until age 6. Educational levels beyond this are split into different grades, which are based on the children's age. This then transitions into a compulsory primary comprehensive school attended by children aging from 7 to 16. Due to the large age range at this level, children aged 7 to 12 are taught at elementary schools, while children aging from 13 to 16 are taught at secondary schools. At this level, students do not get much homework; instead, education is focused more on hands-on work. Extra-curricular activities such as sports or music are greatly encouraged; programs supporting these activities are subsidized by the Government.

By age 17, graduating students may either choose to enter the workforce directly, or enroll in either an upper secondary school or a vocational school in order to specialize their skills. Enrollment in these schools, while free, is more restricted. Students who wish to enter the school must pass an entrance exam. At age 19, students who have graduated from these schools can further choose to go to a university or a CÉGEP (polytechnic school), respectively. Prominent universities within Disparu include McGill University and the École polytechnique de Montréal.

The country's renowned education system, as well as the societal emphasis placed on academic excellence, has resulted in Disparu having a 100% literacy rate. The latest census has shown that 99.9% of Disparueans have completed mandatory learning at primary comprehensive schools. The census further reveals that about 75% of the population has completed some form of post-secondary education.


A hospital in Disparu.


There are currently 12 statutory holidays observed within Disparu. There are also numerous other holidays that are normally observed by Disparueans. Some holidays celebrate significant events concerning the nation's history, while others, such as the August Civic Holiday, have merely been arbitrarily declared as holidays by the National Assembly. Several holidays within Disparu are a result of the nation's European and Roman Catholic roots. Despite this, other religious holidays are observed as well by Disparueans of that faith.

Science and Technology


Breakdown of Religions in Disparu
Religion Percentage
Catholic Christian
Other Christian
No religion

While the Government itself is extremely secular and does not promote any religion, freedom of religion is nevertheless a constitutionally-protected right within Disparu, guaranteeing the right of everyone within the nation to follow a religion (or lack of) and assemble with fellow believers. Religious institutions dedicated to providing services to its religious community are granted tax-exempt status.

Despite this, an organized religion believed to be a threat to the constitutional and democratic order of Disparu may have its recognition as a religion revoked, thus losing its tax-exempt status and possibly barring Disparueans from practicing that religion. An example of this occurred around March 2010, when the Government, following the moves of its allies, suppressed the activities of the Dragon Cult, fearing that the group posed a threat to several nations.

In the most recent census, a majority of Disparueans have declared an affiliation with a certain religion. Within Disparu, more than 65% of the population follow some form of Christianity. 60.8% of the population declare themselves to be members of the Catholic Church. 4.76% are members of another Christian church, with most of these people being Protestant. The large number of Christians within Disparu stems from the nation's French Catholic roots, and the Catholic Church's control of the public education system until the First Quiet Revolution. 30.6% of Disparueans are irreligious, with most declaring themselves as either atheist or agnostic. 3.84% of the population follow another religion, the two largest ones being Islam and Judaism. Other religions followed by Disparueans include Buddhism and Hinduism.

Despite the large amount of Disparueans being affiliated with a religion, additional census information reveal that religion plays a limited role within Disparu, compared to the rest of the world. In the most recent census, more than 70% of respondents have stated that religion does not play an important role within their lives.


A game of ice hockey between the Canadiens-de-Montréal and the Boston Bruins.

Sport is considered to be a cornerstone of Disparuean culture. The Ministry of Education's Department of Sports and Recreation is mandated with the promotion of sports and physical activity in Disparu and the funding of programs and services dedicated to these goals.

Ice hockey, the country's national sport, is played by Disparueans of all ages. Hockey games, both amateur and professional, are often held all year round, though most amateur matches are scheduled during the winter. Children are also often seen playing road hockey within the streets. Other popular sports within Disparu include basketball, football, gridiron football, lacrosse, skiing and snowboarding.

There are many established professional and amateur sports teams within Disparu that compete in organized competitions both domestically and abroad. For instance, Disparuean hockey teams participate in the National Hockey League, competing with teams from the former United States and Canada. A few teams also participate in the National Basketball Association and the National Football League.

Disparu had participated in several international athletic events.

An official team was sent to participate at the 2010 Olympic Winter Games, which were held in 2010 at Frankfurt am Main, Großgermania. The Disparuean team won four gold medals and four silver medals. The most notable Disparuean victory during the Olympic Winter Games was that of the Disparuean men's ice hockey team over the Baltic Duchy during the gold medal game.

A state-sponsored gridiron football team known as the Disparu Dratinis was sent to compete in the first and second Gridiron Football Tournament held in the Sarnungian Republic. The Dratinis won the tournament on both occasions.

An official football team was also sent to participate in the fourth Transvaal World Cup, where it finished at 11th place, defeating other, more established nations.


Disparu solely uses the SI metric system for measurements, a system it has been using since Quebec's (and Canada's) metrication in 1973. The metric system is required in science, and a majority of commerce and personal deals use the metric system. Furthermore, as it is a member state of the International Organization for Standardization, Disparu subscribes to the organization's published standards in order to facilitate business and trade with other nations.


Disparu has numerous state symbols, used as to uniquely represent the nation and its people as a whole internationally. Some of them come from tradition and historical precedent, while others were seemingly arbitrarily chosen by the Disparu Committee. The official symbols of Disparu are enshrined in the Basic Laws or are legislated by the National Assembly. The Ministry of Culture promotes the use of these symbols and also educates the public on their origins and significance.

The flag of Disparu is raised during National Holiday celebrations.

The most well-known symbol of Disparu is its flag, known as the Unity Flag or the Drapeau de l'unité in French. It is based on the flag of Canada. The flag was originally known as the Canadian Duality Flag; red represented English Canadians, while blue represented French Canadians. The colours were in proportion to the population of both Anglophones and Francophones within Canada. Following the formation of Disparu, however, the flag's symbolism has been redefined to represent bravery and progress (red), the nation's Francophone heritage (blue), and unity and peace (white). The flag was controversially chosen by the Disparu Committee over the established flag of Quebec. Since then, however, it has been accepted as the flag of Disparu by both Disparueans and the international community.

Another symbol of Disparu is its coat of arms, which is another controversial creation of the Disparu Committee. It is mostly used by government institutions. It features various symbols, representing its lush forests, cold winters, history, culture, and people. The coat of arms is supplemented by a banner that contains Disparu's motto: "Sans la démocratie, une nation n'a rien" ("Without democracy, a nation has nothing"). The motto is a reminder to the Government that it derives its authority to govern from the people, and that its rule is legitimized solely by the democratic process.

Disparu's anthem is Gens du Pays, a patriotic song written in 1975 by Gilles Vigneault.

Two symbols that are commonly associated with Disparu are the maple leaf and the fleur-de-lis. The former is more recognized internationally, while the latter is more recognized domestically. The maple leaf was adopted as a symbol from Disparu's predecessor, Canada. It evokes the image of the maple tree, which is found in abundance within the country. The maple leaf was also historically used to represent people from both Quebec and Canada. The fleur-de-lis is an ancient symbol of the now-deposed French monarchy, and was historically used as Quebec's symbol. Both symbols are often incorporated into logos that wish to evoke an association between Disparu and the logo's owner.

The national animal of Disparu is the snowy owl (Bubo scandiacus), whose habitat includes Disparu. The national flower of Disparu is the blue flag (Iris versicolor), an indigenous spring flower that grows from the St. Lawrence Valley to the shores of James Bay. The national tree of Disparu is the yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis), which grows in southern Disparu.


An underground path from Montréal's Central Station to Place Ville-Marie.

Transportation networks in Disparu are managed by the Ministry of Transportation and its associated agencies. Some of the Ministry's responsibilities include the construction of additions to these networks, such as additional roads or sea lanes, the maintenance of existing infrastructure, and the control of movement within these networks.

Cities, towns and other locations in Disparu are connected through an advanced network of controlled-access highways, while networks of streets and other roads connect locations within urban centres. Disparueans drive on the right. Disparuean roads are notable for generally lacking speed limits, although speed limits within cities are occasionally enforced. Traffic signs, nevertheless, are common sights in Disparuean roads. There are some laws governing driving, such as a ban on drinking and driving and a ban on using a handheld cellphone while driving (the use of handsfree devices is legal, however).

Increases in the price of petroleum has led to a rebound in the use of trains. High-speed rail reaching speeds of 300 km/h is used to connect major urban centres as well as distant locations in Disparu. Efficient light rail and subway networks are used to connect locations within cities. Bus services are also used as a means of public transport within and between cities.

Disparu is one of the most pedestrian-friendly countries in the world, featuring large paths for pedestrians and numerous bike lanes in cities. The cities of Montréal and Férin have large underground networks (such as the RÉSO) used exclusively for pedestrians.

Disparu has numerous airports, such as the Montréal-Maurice Richard International Airport and Sarkara-Leclerc International Airport in Férin. These airports are used for both domestic and international flights. Disparu's flag carrier is aeroDisparu. Disparu also has numerous regional airlines for domestic flights. Disparu's civil air navigation system is operated by AéroNavigation Disparu, an agency affiliated with the Ministry of Transportation.

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