Elections in Tournesol

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 This article is an E-class article. It may be subject to deletion if there are no significant improvements. This article is part of Altverse II.

Elections in the Continental Republic of Tournesol are held at the local, departmental or district, and federal level. At the federal level, citizens directly elect a President (head of state) and the National Assembly. The president and members of the National Assembly are elected for a five-year term by citizens. Other high-ranking state positions including the premier (head of government) are elected indirectly. The National Assembly consists of both multi- and single-seat constituencies. All citizens at the age of 16 are automatically enrolled and registered to vote, although participation in elections are completely optional and voluntary. The Central Election Committees (CEC) oversees the administration and certification of elections, including the screening and selection of candidates.

Tournesol is divided into departments and districts, with each department and district headed by department or district executives, and legislated by a department or district assembly with their own respective elections.

All elections occur within Tournesol's one-party system and must adhere to the Continentalist Party of Labor's leadership, as defined by the Constitution. The only political parties by which a candidate may run under are the Continentalist Party of Labor or any of the affiliated minor registered parties. Candidates may run as independents, unaffiliated with any party, at any level of government, provided they are formally approved by the CEC. By law, all state elections must allow citizens the option to cast write-in or blank votes, or otherwise be able to spoil their vote. In addition, absentee ballots are permitted at the federal level and most other jurisdictions. This method of voting was first introduced and implemented during the mid-2000s but did not gain greater acceptance and practice until the COVID-19 pandemic.

Non-citizen voting is allowed in limited local jurisdictions, provided a non-citizen voter has established permanent residency for at least 10 years in Tournesol, and can demonstrably prove that they do not have any allegiance or membership to any foreign anti-communist or anti-socialist party.

Levels of election


Departmental and district


Central Election Committees

Political parties



The Constitution provides that no citizen may be denied to vote on account of their sex, gender, race, color, ethnicity, ancestry, language, or religion. Subsequent statutory law has extended this language to include protections on account of one's sexual orientation, sexual identity, gender identity, disability, veteran status, marital status, or HIV/AIDS status. The minimum age to vote is 16 and all citizens are automatically enrolled upon attaining the age of majority or one's citizenship. The right to vote cannot be revoked unless a citizen has been formally convicted of a crime which expressly calls for disenfranchisement or listed in a statute specifying such disenfranchising crime. Generally, this is reserved for serious crimes such as murder or rape, and also includes those convicted of political crimes, treason, or sedition. Voting is voluntary at all levels of government.


See also