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The world of Elysion has many peoples, which are:

Main Peoples

  • The Angeli: The first race of elysion to ever worship the gods, angeli seek isolation of the other peoples, which allowed them to create the 'forbidden realm of heaven'.
  • The Dæmoni: The first race of elysion to ever worship the devils, dæmoni seek the destruction of other peoples, which allowed them to create the 'forbidden realm of hell'.
  • The Humans: The most numerous of the races, humans seek power more than anything, as consequence, they had wars with most of the other peoples, making both enemies and allies.
  • The Gundies: A race known for both 'lust for gold' and abilities to work with the element, gundies are the best architects and smiths of all peoples.
  • The Vampires: Anciently in war with humans and gundies, vampires are now allied to both, using their knowledge to help on government and war.
  • The Felini: Known as cat people, felini are a race of merchants and rogues who once fought the caninus people.
  • The Canini: Known as dog people, canini are a race of smiths and fighters who once fought the felinus people.
  • The Equini: Known as horse people, equini are a race of farmers and guards who provide food and safety to felinus and human settlements.
  • The Kaiju: Known as monsters, and swore enemies of humans, kaiju are a race of semi-demonic beings.
  • The Birdmen: Known as sky people, birdmen are a nomadic race who avoid contact with other peoples.
  • The Fishmen: Known as water people, fishmen are a race of fishermen who provide food to other peoples.
  • The Specters: Known as undead people, specters are the evil, undying enemies of the gundy people.
  • The Elves: Known for their magic abilities and long lifespan, elves are forest-dwellers who avoid other peoples when possible.
  • The Orcs: Known as pig people, orcs are aggressive forest-dweller who hate the elf people.
  • The Ogres: Known as fire people, ogres are violent volcano-dwellers who enjoy the meat of magical peoples like the humans, elves and vampires.
  • The Dragons: Known as ancient ones, dragons are a wise, ancient race who is said to have seen the arriving of the gods, they are respected by all people, even the gods and the devils.
  • The Fairies: Known as tiny people, fairies are enormously powerful insect-sized magical beings, which are said to have enough power to even harm the gods, but unable to hurt ogres.



  • Demiangel: Born from the union of a Human and an Angelus.
  • Demidemon: Born from the union of a Human and a Dæmonus.
  • Demielf: Born from the union of a Human and an Elf.
  • Demiorc: Born from the union of a Human and an Orc.
  • Demigundy: Born from the union of a Human and a Gundy.
  • Manfish: Born from the union of a Human and a Fishman.
  • Manbird: Born from the union of a Human and a Birdman.
  • Dhampir: Born from the union of a Human and a Vampire.
  • Aberration: Born from the union of a Human and a Kaiju.
  • Werecanis: Born from the union of a Human and a Caninus.
  • Wereequus: Born from the union of a Human and a Equinus.
  • Werefelis: Born from the union of a Human and a Felinus.


  • Angelf: Born from the union of an Elf and an Angelus.
  • Dælf: Born from the union of an Elf and a Dæmonus.
  • Hommelf: Born from the union of an Elf and a Human.
  • Jaunelf: Born from the union of an Elf and a Gundy.
  • Sangelf: Born from the union of an Elf and a Vampire.
  • Caninelf: Born from the union of an Elf and a Caninus.
  • Equelf: Born from the union of an Elf and a Equinus.
  • Felf: Born from the union of an Elf and a Felinus.
  • Monstrelf: Born from the union of an Elf and a Kaiju.
  • Elf-porc: Born from the union of an Elf and an Orc.
  • Elf-poisson: Born from the union of an Elf and a Fishman.
  • Elf-oiseaux: Born from the union of an Elf and a Birdman.

Legendary Peoples and Races

Legendary Halflings