Green Party of Georgeland
The Green Party of Georgeland, usually just referred to as The Greens is a left-wing, environmentalist political party in the United Islands of Georgeland. The party holds 10 seats in the House of Commons and 6 in the Senate - after 1 January 2020, the party will hold nine Senate seats.
Green Party of Georgeland | |
National Convenor | Lisa Lees |
National Campaign Director | Mike Lin |
Leader | Helen Hollis |
Co-Deputy Leaders |
Taylor Yates Dana Nathan |
Founded | 1989 |
Headquarters | 18-20 National Avenue, Topstad FD |
Membership | 25,000 |
Ideology | Green politics |
House of Commons | 10/265 |
Senate | 6/80 |
The Green Party was formed in 1989 by amalgamating the six state Green parties and a number of small fringe parties. At the 1991 federal election, the party won two Senate seats, and in 1995 the party won its first seat in the House of Commons. At the double-dissolution election of 1999 the Greens lost all their parliamentary representation. In 2002, the Greens elected two MPs - Greg Downes and Jessica Starr - to the House of Commons but failed to win a Senate seat. A small number of Labour Senators, and one MP, joined the Greens when the Labour Party collapsed. At the 2005 election, Downes was narrowly defeated by the Conservative candidate in his seat, and Starr lost her seat by a large margin to the Liberal Democrats.
Structure and leadership
The Greens leadership follows a largely collective model based on consensus, however, it does have a single federal leader. The leadership is elected by the membership of the party, while the deputy leadership is elected by parliamentarians. If the federal leader is not a parliamentarian (which has never happened), a parliamentarian must be deputy leader.
Senator Helen Hollis was elected the party's fourth leader in 2019. There are two co-deputy leaders, Taylor Yates MP and Senator Dana Nathan.
The party's members elect a National Committee, which is presided over by a National Convener. The National Convener acts as the party's chief executive.
Party leaders
Leader | Served |
Senator Greg Downes | 2010-2019 |
Senator Helen Hollis | 2019- |
Electoral performance
Elected representatives
House of Commons
Member | Seat | State | In office |
Michael Redmond | Chipwich South | MLD | 1995-1999 |
Greg Downes | Pamby | EM | 2002-2005 |
Jessica Starr | Cunningham | WM | 2002-2005 |
Peter Enders | Neilson | WM | 2003-2005 |
Jane Markey | Wilkes | LE | 2003-2005 |
Kevin Simpson | Edwards | CAP | 2017-2019 |
Roberta Osman | Cheltenham | EM | 2017-2019 |
Umma Chakra | Cathedral | SCO | 2017-2019 |
Rachael Garbutt | Queensbridge | SCO | 2017-2019 |
Diane Chou | Cardiff | WM | 2017-2019 |
Dhani Jeddah | Cliff | WM | 2017-2019 |
Taylor Yates | Cunningham | WM | 2017- |
Deanna Quincy | Romphumburg | WM | 2017-2019 |
Gary Stanton | Waters | SCO | 2019- |
Poh Ling Wah | Kingston | EM | 2019- |
Colin Prendergast | Blake | WM | 2019- |
Colin Woods | Huzzah | EM | 2019- |
Sunil Jahan | Georgetown | DI | 2019- |
Vijay Ray | Gaffer | EM | 2019- |
Emma Bowman | Pearmont | WM | 2019- |
Laura Heston | Parkhurst | EM | 2019- |
Grant Bear | Garden Island | WM | 2019- |
Member | State | In office |
John Bellinger | MLD | 1992-1999 |
Isobel Michaels | LI | 1992-1995 |
Tony Daley | BRA | 1995-1999 |
Lucy West | LI | 1995-1999 |
Greg Downes | EM | 2008-2019 |
Janice Frost | WM | 2002- |
Roy Beckerman | CAP | 2008- |
Dana Nathan | LI | 2008- |
Helen Hollis | WM | 2014- |
Karen Loomis | CAP | 2014-2019 |
Casey Lowes | CAP | 2019- |
Paul Malik | EM | 2019- |