Hani–Sierra relations

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Replaced with: Sierra–Tondo relations
Hani-Sierra relations
Diplomatic mission
Hani Embassy, Porciúncula Sierra Embassy, Zhenjing
Jie Zi
Ambassador Juan Smith

Hani–Sierra relations refers to the bilateral relations between the Great Han Empire and the Kingdom of Sierra. Relations were established following the ratification Zhenjing Declaration in 1946, which asserted Hani's sovereignty and independence, and the recognition of control over Guam, the Caroline Islands, and Palawan, all former constituent territories of the Sierran East Indies. While the latter has since been returned, the others are now independent states, albeit with large Han minorities. In 1965, following the Han Jasmine Revolution and the Han-Sierran Basic Treaty, relations were normalized, which since has flourished due to cooperation stemming from a mutual hatred of communism and increasing interdependence.

As of 2017, Hani and Sierra are both among the largest economies in the world, with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimating Hani's economy being slightly smaller than Sierra's in market exchange rates (4th vs 3rd), but larger than Sierra's in power purchasing parity (3rd vs 5th). Hani and Sierra are strong, strategic partners, with both being founding members of several key organisations, including the Trans-Pacific Allied Community and the Asian Development Bank. Hani is also an observer in the Conference of American States, and its only non-American participant. While relations has been generally stable, several recurring issues have strained their relationship and caused the antagonization of Sierra by the Han public, including: historical treatment of Hans under Sierran rule, Han's hardline single-party non-democratic political system (which has contributed to numerous human rights violations), and unfair trading practices on Hani's behalf.

Public opinion between both countries have fluctuated, though Han opinion generally being far more negative than Sierran opinion. As of 2016, Hani's public opinion of Sierra is at 15%, which is significantly lower compared to its opinion on other Western nations (the United Commonwealth stands at 55%, and Alaska at 83%). Meanwhile in Sierra, public opinion has generally been around 60-70%, with the lowest at 33% during the early 2000s during the widely publicized Han attacks against Sierran nationals living in Palawan and Cuyo.

Country comparison

Great Han Empire Kingdom of Sierra
Coat of Arms Imperial seal of the Southern Han dynasty.svg Coat of arms of Sierra.svg
Flag File:Haniflag.png Flag of Sierra.png
Demographics 152,503,933 (2017 est.) 83,484,232 (2014)
Area 115,831 sq mi (300,000 km2) 569,037 sq mi (1,473,799 km2)
Population density 1,316.60/sq mi (508.34/km2) 166.76/sq mi (64.38/km2)
Capital Zhenjing Porciúncula
Largest cities Zhenjing
San Diego
Government Unitary single-party constitutional monarchy Asymmetric federal parliamentary
constitutional monarchy
First monarch Diyi Emperor (Li Yang) Charles I
Current monarch Lùtao Empress (Li Meiyu) Elizabeth II
Official languages Han English, Spanish, Mandarin, Vietnamese, Korean,
Thai, Han, Japanese, Serran (federal); Hawaiian
(in Hawaii only)
Main religions 78% Confucianist
18% Other Faith
4% Unaffliated
82% Christian
4% Other Faith
12% Unaffiliated
3% Don't know/refused to answer
Human Development Index 0.903 (very high) 0.934 (very high)
GDP (PPP) (2017 est.) $7.326 trillion ($48,040 per capita) $5.153 trillion ($61,725 per capita)
Expatriates and immigrants 3 million Sierrans living in Hani 5 million Hans living in Sierra
Military Troops 1,600,000 (active only) 1,000,781 (active and reserve)
Military expenditures $ 58.34 billion $47.65 billion
English speakers roughly 83.8 million speakers (55% of the population) 57,281,994 (Native: 77% of the total population)
Telecommunications 104,385,733 73,731,485


Southern Han dynasty and Sierra

Although Sierra did not formally establish relations with the Southern Han dynasty until the late 1870s, Sierran businessmen and merchants had already been trading with Hans (through illegal means) as early as 1858, under the supervision of the Spanish colonial authorities on what is now Han city of Taibao (then it was a Spanish-owned port). Public knowledge and interest in Hani was minimal, with Sierran interests initially invested in other Pacific areas, particularly the Hawaiian Islands and the Gilbert and Ellice Islands, both of which were later acquired by the Sierran government by the end of the 1860s. Increased desire for access to Hani and its ports occurred after the end of the Sierran Civil War as entrepreneurs were seeking to expand their markets into Asia, which they saw could yield greater fortunes rather than solely trading in the Americas. Hani, which had historically close ties with China and was strategically located off the Asian mainland, was seen as essential for the advancement of Sierran global trade.

Sierran East Indies

Great Han Empire and the Kingdom of Sierra

Economic relations and trade

Cultural exchange

Hani to Sierra

Sierra to Hani

Important issues

Colonial legacy

Camp Maiden


Views of leaders

Public opinion

Diplomatic missions

See also
