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A hohjaudite (Onshokoese: Onshokoese ho.svgOnshokoese oh.svgOnshokoese ja.svgOnshokoese o.svgOnshokoese di.svgOnshokoese te.svg, "shining ghost") is a small traditional handmade doll hung outside doors and windows in Onshokoese countries in hope of sunny weather. Made from tissue paper or cloth, hohjauditechi are usually white figures with strings tied around their necks. The dolls can also be hung upside down to hope for a rainy day, traditionally during long periods with no rain and severe droughts.

The doll is said to be an incarnation of the weather spirits known as TBD, which shine during sunny weather. The doll therefore calls to the sun goddess Shonjobishun's magical powers to stop or prevent rain. If hung upside down, they instead call to the rain god TBD's magical powers to bring forth rain.

In particular, hohjauditechi are popular among Onshokoese children, who are introduced to the charms in kindergarten or daycare through the nursery rhyme "Oh Hohjaudite", which calls the hohjaudite to bring back sunny days, promising lots of [wild rice wine] if the wish is fulfilled, but decapitation if not. The nursery rhyme is usually sung by children as they make the doll. They became popular during the Byuhdebwassho period among urban dwellers.


Nursery rhyme

A nursery rhyme known as "Oh Hohjaudite" is traditionally sung by young children while making hohjauditechi. Its lyrics were first recorded in 1921 by TBD.

Lyrics of "Oh Hohjaudite"
Onshokoese Transliteration English
Onshokoese a.svgOnshokoese i.svg  Onshokoese ho.svgOnshokoese oh.svgOnshokoese ja.svgOnshokoese o.svgOnshokoese di.svgOnshokoese te.svg, Onshokoese a.svgOnshokoese i.svg  Onshokoese ho.svgOnshokoese oh.svgOnshokoese ja.svgOnshokoese o.svgOnshokoese di.svgOnshokoese te.svg, Ai Hohjaudite, ai Hohjaudite, Oh Hohjaudite, oh Hohjaudite,
Please make tomorrow a sunny day,
Like the sky in a dream sometime,
If it's sunny I'll give you a golden bell;
Onshokoese a.svgOnshokoese i.svg  Onshokoese ho.svgOnshokoese oh.svgOnshokoese ja.svgOnshokoese o.svgOnshokoese di.svgOnshokoese te.svg, Onshokoese a.svgOnshokoese i.svg  Onshokoese ho.svgOnshokoese oh.svgOnshokoese ja.svgOnshokoese o.svgOnshokoese di.svgOnshokoese te.svg, Ai Hohjaudite, ai Hohjaudite, Oh Hohjaudite, oh Hohjaudite,
Please make tomorrow a sunny day,
If you make my wish come true,
We'll drink lots of sweet rice wine;
Onshokoese a.svgOnshokoese i.svg  Onshokoese ho.svgOnshokoese oh.svgOnshokoese ja.svgOnshokoese o.svgOnshokoese di.svgOnshokoese te.svg, Onshokoese a.svgOnshokoese i.svg  Onshokoese ho.svgOnshokoese oh.svgOnshokoese ja.svgOnshokoese o.svgOnshokoese di.svgOnshokoese te.svg, Ai Hohjaudite, ai Hohjaudite, Oh Hohjaudite, oh Hohjaudite,
Please make tomorrow a sunny day,
But if the clouds are crying,
Then I shall snip your head off.

See also