Holy Thritanian Empire

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Holy Thritanian Empire

Shinrei Thritania Teixyoqu (Floranian)
Flag of Holy Thritanian Empire
Coat of Arms of Holy Thritanian Empire
Coat of Arms
Motto: "All hail Thritania!!!"
The Iris System, the home system of Thritania
The Iris System, the home system of Thritania
Capital Thorrendragon, Heafea, Iris System
Largest city Great Thritain, Heafea, Iris System
Official languages Floranian, Golagat
  • Secular (de jure)
  • Thriteranity (de facto)
Demonym(s) Thritanian
Government Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy
Legislature Schneizelium
Establishment January 13, 1813
• 2033 estimate
39.5 billion
  • Gaulis (1813-TBA)
  • Imperial sters (TBA-present)
Today part of Federative Planets of Polyingffhaestia

The Holy Thritanian Empire, also referred to as simply Thritania, is a stellar power controlling the Iris System and one of the many civilizations absorbed into the Kingdom of Kerolon during the latter's era of interstellar expansionism, during which Thritania existed as an autonomous dominion of the Kerolonian Kingdom. Its capital is the city of Thorrendragon, located on the Thritanian homeworld of Heafea; its dominant species is the firefly-like Floranias, native to Heafea.

Thritania's history notably mirrors that of Kerolon in numerous ways. The nation began as an intraplanetary power known as the Kingdom of Great Thritania, one of four superpowers controlling Heafea's surface and the last remaining monarchy on the planet. A democratic revolution fueled by controversy over the mistreatment of a homosexual prince, Wilhemon hil Thritania, ousted the Thritanian royal family from power, forcing them to retreat to their only ally, the United Slytannian States. A cold war then ensued between Slytannia and the other two Heafean powers - the Naglee Federation and the Cambrian republic - for several decades, with both sides gradually building up their military strength. During this time, Slytannia reorganized into the Holy Thritanian Empire after the loyalist Slytannian populace voted to install the exiled Thritanian monarchy as official Slytannian government officials.

In 1900, the Thritanian Empire used its newly-manufactured Gazazel Disturbers to disable Naglee and Cambria’s military technology, including their military arsenals. The Third Great Heafean War ensued, which culminated in Thritania invading its two neighbors and commencing military operations in space. Thritania subsequently colonized the entirety of the Iris System, which came at the detriment of the inhabitants of other Iris worlds such as Lemuria and Pacifico; at the same time, Thritania began to embrace a a number of imperialist ideologies including a resentment of non-Thritanian cultural groups. Eventually, a rebellion led by exiled Thritanian princess Lemrina vi Thritania toppled the Empire's expansionist regime, causing Thritania to reform into a fairer parliamentary monarchy; nonetheless, it continued to suffer from internal disputes and systemic discrimination issues fueled by the remaining pre-Lemrina-era politicians.

The Holy Thritanian Empire, in spite of its name, is neither a theocracy nor an autocracy. Much like Kerolon, Thritania employs a parliamentary governmental system that utilizes proportional representation; Thritania's parliament is known as the Schniezelium. This legislature is unicameral. Thritania also features a royal family as well as nobility whose power is strictly regulated by the nation's constitution; thus, their roles are relegated to ceremonial and cultural ones. However, this upper class once exerted significantly more influence over Thritanian societal affairs; for instance, nobility once occupied an upper house in the Schniezelium that consisted of nobles, corporate executives, and various other esteemed wealthy individuals.

Thritania's culture, society, and infrastructure also mirrors Kerolon in numerous ways. The Holy Thritanian Empire embraces an aristocratic culture with a heavy emphasis on the arts, creativity, cuisine, and sports. With recent progressive reforms, philanthropy and charity have emerged as important cultural values, allowing Thritanians of all social classes to enjoy the nation's culture (as opposed to only the upper classes). Thritania's infrastructure and economy generally follow those of a social democracy, with modern Thritania offering a robust welfare system, highly advanced public transportation, power generation in the form of various renewable energy farms, etc. Nonetheless, traces of Thritania's prior imperialist attitudes persist; though few Thritanians practice outright species discrimination against other species, subtle nationalism remains popular amongst certain parts of the Thritanian populace.


Origins and Prince Wilhemon Controversy (pre-1813)

Heafea was originally dominated by four nations, of which three had fully democratized: the United Slytannian States, the Cambrian Republic, and the Naglee Federation. The fourth nation - the Holy Thritanian Empire’s predecessor, the Kingdom of Great Thritain - was the last remaining monarchy on the planet.

Cloud Rebellion (1800-1813)