Imperial Intelligence and Enforcement Bureau (Dark Age)

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We see you. We've watched and are always watching. We're everywhere. Meddling with elections? That's just a small taste of what we're capable of. We have the power to transform whole societies into whatever we want them to be. Erase whatever or whoever we want from history. All from the shadows just beyond your reach. We are everywhere. The world is under our control. We are gods.

—Director ███ speaking to ███
Imperial Intelligence and Enforcement Bureau

Flag of IIEB
The IIEB is not limited by any set borders
The IIEB is not limited by any set borders
and largest city
The Apex, Zone Prime, North America
Administrative center Director’s Citadel
Official languages English
Government Global Shadow Organization
• Director
Legislature Dual Councils
Intelligence Council
Enforcement Council
Establishment August 5, 1978
Date format DD/MM/YYYY

The Imperial Intelligence and Enforcement Bureau (IIEB), also known as simply the Bureau, is a shadowy international organization that has de-facto overjurisdiction over the entire world. Once the American Empire's secret police force, the Bureau rapidly gained monumental amounts of power in the Empire's final years, to the point where it eclipsed the Imperial Military in terms of sheer capability. As the Empire and its military fragmented in late 2023, the IIEB used its vast resources to seize the Empire's nuclear stockpile.

In addition to securing itself a nuclear arsenal, the IIEB took full control of Imperial Center, the Empire's capital city. They then proceeded to use the former Empire's already-existing infrastructure to establish a network of hidden bases, outposts, research facilities, and ████. By operating out of this hidden network, and with IIEB agents placed in key locations scattered throughout the hundreds of post-Imperial states, the IIEB was able to claim de-facto control over all of the Empire's former territory. The post-Imperial states are constantly under the IIEB's watch, with the Bureau cataloging everything ranging from benign figures to bloodthirsty warlords. Anyone or anything deemed a big enough/direct threat to the IIEB or the former Imperial populace is dealt with in a variety of ways

However, the IIEB's reach does not end there. As of 20██, the Bureau has deployed secret operatives to every single government in the world and has established hidden bases on every continent. A few governments are aware of the IIEB's presence, but have done nothing to combat them nor reveal them to the general public, presumably out of fear of provoking the Bureau's wrath. The IIEB is capable of influencing national elections, sabotaging any form of infrastructure, causing widespread power/internet outages, carrying out assassinations, "disappearing" people, orchestrating mass public deception, initiating government takeovers/military occupations, commencing nuclear strikes, and more.

Though the IIEB is immensely powerful and feared by those who know of its existence, they are not entirely unopposed. They possess an arch-enemy in the form of the Shadow Confederacy, a loosely-connected alliance of other “shadow” organizations.





Nominally, all of the IIEB’s actions of interfering with global society are for the sake of ensuring the Empire’s basic ideals (Order, Security, Prosperity) live on, lest the world fall into complete chaos and anarchy. It uses this belief to also justify all of its actions and operations initiated against the general population. The “Age of the Empire” lives on through the IIEB.

In actuality, everything the IIEB does is part of an elaborate plot to very gradually destabilize global society and cause it to crumble. The full extent of this plot, masterminded by the IIEB’s Director, is only known to the highest echelons of the organization.

Leadership/Organization Structure

The IIEB is lead by whomever holds the position of Director. Due to the IIEB’s status, the Director is the de-facto ruler of Earth and most powerful person in the world. Alongside the Director is the Vice Director. The Vice Director presides over the Dual Councils and assists the Director in managing the IIEB. The current reigning Director is [TBA].

Beneath the two Directors are the Dual Councils: the Intelligence Council and Enforcement Council. The Intelligence Council is responsible for overseeing global acts of espionage, mass surveillance, information gathering/cataloging, classification of new anomalies, modification of public records, the “disappearing" of people, and more. The Enforcement Council is responsible for overseeing a massive range of operations such as election meddling, carrying out assassinations, destruction of infrastructure, cyberattacks, capture of new anomalies, undertaking coups/government takeovers, and more.


Occult Department of Transcendence
File:IIEB Cult Banner.png
Banner of the ODT


Administrative Divisions

The IIEB has divided the world up into different Zones. Each Zone is led by a Sub-Director and contains a varying number of hidden Bases and Outposts. Each Base has its own hierarchy and one Base is not necessarily managed in the same way as another. However, they all report to their respective Sub-Directors. Imperial Center, former capital city of the American Empire and current capital of the IIEB, has been placed within a Zone named Zone Prime. The city has been transformed into a fortress and the Imperial Palace (heavily damaged during the Empire’s collapse) has been rebuilt into a massive structure known as the Director’s Citadel.



Armed Forces




Advanced Weaponry


Secret Projects


Most Powerful Weapons



Certain people of interest are “disappeared” by the IIEB. When this happens they are taken to one of their hidden bases to be imprisoned and “studied”. During this time they are classified as an “anomaly” and all public records of the “anomaly” are modified beyond recognition. Upon completion of the “studies”, an anomaly can experience a number of fates. They are either heavily indoctrinated into the IIEB itself and given a new identity, with their “anomaly” status removed. In other cases they’re kept alive for the sole purpose of undergoing indefinite “studies” and experiments. This sometimes leads to the creation of actual anomalies…

Supernatural/Otherworldly Anomalies


Anomaly Examples


The Network/Geography



Bases and Outposts


Research Facilities