Kennedy-class Frigate

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Kennedy class Starship
File:Kennedy Frigate.png
Rendering of the Kennedy class.
Operator Union of Everett
Builder Armor Militant/Lockheed Martin
Classification Frigate
Status Active
Number of Ships 28
Length 600 ft
Width 175 ft
Power plant Starship Class C Fusion Generator
Propulsion 2 Fusion Hyperdrives
Wormhole Generator
Starship Anti-Gravity Drive
Operating Crew 175
Maximum Crew Capacity 3,500
Armament 2 PDS Bomb Module
1 x 2 Ion Plasma Cannon (primary)
6 Missile Modules
EMP Generator Cannon
750 HADv7CD droid storage
2 Fighters
Ship class of the Union of Everett Space Forces

The Kennedy-class frigate, formerly classified as an aerial battle-cruiser, is a class of Federation of Everett military starship. Initially designed, built and entered into service in 2015 as a flying battle-cruiser, mothership and command center for the Union of Everett Air Force, it later became a low level attack frigate in the Federation of Everett Space Forces following the release of the Nebula-class Destroyer and later Universal-class Assault Carrier.


The Kennedy-class frigate is nearly 600 feet long and 175 feet wide, slighter larger than an Everetti Arleigh Burke-class destroyer. The Kennedy-class was the first flying battle station, troop carrier and command center since the development of the East Asian Federation's Leviathan-class aerial platform. It is powered a fusion generator which provides energy to anti-gravity engines and later fusion engines for space propulsion. The Kennedy-class has space for landing damaged SF-22 Raptor II or SF-9 Predator fighters or any form of VTOL aircraft including retractable helipads for bringing wounded aboard. The Kennedy-class contains a medical bay with surgical rooms, trauma rooms and a small veterinary clinic for wounded military K-9 unit dogs. The Kennedy-class maintains a storage room for holding and deploying up to 750 droids.

Armament & Defenses

The Kennedy-class is provided PDS style bomb bay modules for firing plasma bombs as well as plasma laser turret batteries. As a primary weapon, the Kennedy is armed with a dual plasma cannon on the underside of the craft. The vessel is also armed with missile launching bays for firing air-to-surface, air-to-air or GFW missiles. Electronic, AWACS, EMP weapons and other non-lethal weaponry are installed as well. The Kennedy-class is provided an energy shield to defend itself from low grade fighter attacks but can be depleted from missile strikes or attacks from larger vessels' laser barrages. The Kennedy-class is capable of carrying and deploying low, mid and high grade fusion weapons.


Kennedy-class vessels are named after Presidents of the United States and Everett.

Name Registry Number Base Port Launch Date Status
EVSS Spencer KCF-100 SPCCOM Aquarius 2015 Operational
EVSS Kennedy KCF-200 SPCCOM Aquarius 2016 Operational
EVSS Lincoln KCF-300 SPCCOM Aquarius 2016 Operational
EVSS Washington KCF-400 SPCCOM Aquarius 2017 Operational
EVSS Grant KCF-500 SPCCOM Aquarius 2018 Operational
EVSS Roosevelt KCF-600 SPCCOM Libra 2018 Operational
EVSS Jefferson KCF-700 SPCCOM Taurus 2019 Operational
EVSS Adams KCF-800 SPCCOM Taurus 2020 Operational
EVSS Madison KCF-900 SPCCOM Scorpio 2020 Operational
EVSS Jackson KCF-1000 SPCCOM Libra 2020 Operational
EVSS Wilson KCF-1100 Destiny Space City 2021 Operational
EVSS Hoover KCF-1200 SPCCOM Libra 2022 Operational
EVSS Truman KCF-1300 SPCCOM Scorpio 2022 Operational
EVSS Eisenhower KCF-1400 SPCCOM Taurus 2023 Operational
EVSS Carter KCF-1500 SPCCOM Scorpio 2024 Operational
EVSS Coolidge KCF-1600 SPCCOM Scorpio 2024 Operational
EVSS Monroe KCF-1700 SPCCOM Scorpio 2025 Operational
EVSS Garfield KCF-1800 SPCCOM Libra 2025 Operational
EVSS Arthur KCF-1900 SPCCOM Aquarius 2026 Operational
EVSS Cleveland KCF-2000 SPCCOM Taurus 2027 Operational
EVSS Ford KCF-2100 SPCCOM Taurus 2027 Operational
EVSS Reagan KCF-2200 SPCCOM Aquarius 2028 Operational
EVSS Taft KCF-2300 SPCCOM Taurus 2028 Operational
EVSS Johnson KCF-2400 SPCCOM Scorpio 2029 Operational
EVSS Fillmore KCF-2500 SPCCOM Aquarius 2029 Operational
EVSS Scotia KCF-2600 SPCCOM Aquarius 2032 Operational
EVSS Dakota KCF-2700 SPCCOM Libra 2036 Operational
EVSS Stevens KCF-2800 SPCCOM Libra 2046 Operational
EVSS TBD KCF-2900 TBD 2054 Under Construction
EVSS TBD KCF-3000 TBD 2059 Approved (LAST OF CLASS)