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 This article is part of The Objective: Legend of Urlum the Evil.
Imperial Capital Korroway
Gosgnul Gnitahlawulam Korroway
Capital City
Skyline of Imperial Capital Korroway
Map of the Old Korroway section of the city
Map of the Old Korroway section of the city
Map of the New Korroway section of the city
Map of the New Korroway section of the city
Country Kingdom of Kerolon
Stellar Dominion Imperial Dominion of Ingffhaestia
Planet Uingffh
Province Korroway Province
Named for Korroway Volcanic Arc
 • Capital City 15,276,300
 • Metro 3.482 million
Demonym(s) Korrowan
Intelligent species demographics
 • Tabulon 37.5%
 • Morteus 27.63%
 • Lordion 21.5%
 • Tristanian 12.37%
 • Other species 1%

Korroway, officially the Imperial Capital Korroway, is the capital city of the Kingdom of Kerolon, located on the northwestern portion of the Korroway Peninsula on the habitable moon Uingffh, itself located in the Ingffhaestian System. Its core metropolitan regions sit at the foot of Mt. Lazarus and Mt. Rotorua, two volcanoes that sit near the northern terminus of the Korroway Volcanic Arc. A total of 3.482 million people live within its metropolitan area, but more live in the city's outlying communities; with these taken into account, the city boasts a total population of over 15 million, making it among the largest cities along the southeastern coast of the Ulstonian supercontinent. As the capital of Kerolon, Korroway also hosts both the nation's royal family and its parliament, the Kerolonposium.

Like in all Uingffhian cities, the vast majority of Korroway's residential buildings are tetrahedron-shaped as a countermeasure against earthquakes and other natural disasters. The core metropolitan sector of Korroway is split into two sections: Old Korroway (the city's historic sector) and New Korroway (a technologically advanced sector constructed later in the city's history). While Old Korroway more closely resembles a human city in design, New Korroway boasts a much more alien design featuring a vast superstructure and various obelisks. Korroway Imperial State University is located in Old Korroway while the Korroway Imperial Palace lies on a hill just north of New Korroway, and is connected to the city via a bridge.

Korroway was founded alongside the wider Kingdom of Kerolon on November 14, 999 on the former location of the Hadrian Dominion, the microstate of origin of Nero rei Hadrian, one of the Kingdom's founders. Korroway then grew throughout the succeeding centuries, seeing a major influx of goods from across Uingffh as Kerolon engaged in an imperialist campaign to conquer all of Uingffh. As Kerolon's imperial influence began waning in the 16th Century, Korroway became the site of a major violent protest that ultimately led to the establishment of democracy in Kerolon in the form of the Kerolonposium, a parliamentary body. Korroway then continued to thrive as a cultural center until 1699, when a major tropical cyclone known as Calaklum Ao almost completely destroyed the entire city. Kerolonians subsequently rebuilt Korroway in a much more disaster-resistant, sustainable, and eco-friendly matter. Afterwards, as Kerolon advanced into a spacefaring superpower and began conquering other star systems as part of a second imperialist campaign, Korroway once again became a hotspot for trade and cultural interaction - this time with other alien civilizations. Korroway, alongside Kerolon as a whole, notably saw a significant influx of members of the Tristanian species during this era; other intelligent alien species also began immigrating to Korroway, albeit in much smaller amounts.

Aside from its political and governmental importance, Korroway is highly notable across both Uingffh and the wider stellar community for its eco-friendliness and its importance in art and music. Korroway relies almost completely on renewable, eco-friendly power sources including solar, wind, geothermal, and Thegasia wormhole energy facilities established after Calaklum Ao; for instance, large wind farms exist on the slopes of nearby hills while massive solar panels exist both at the top of and adjacent to the superstructure comprising New Korroway. Korroway also acts as a major hotspot for Kerolon's art and music scenes; the city is renowned for its monthly and annual art festivals, orchestral concerts, and other similar events.


Korroway was officially founded at the same time as Kerolon's establishment on November 14, 999; however, the city's location had acted as a major population center for Kerolonian tabulons for decades beforehand. Prior to the Kingdom's unification, Korroway's location acted as the site of the Hadrian Dominion, one of the many warring microstates that originally inhabited the Kerolon region as well as the home sovereign state of Nero rei Hadrian, one of the Kingdom of Kerolon's three founders. After fighting in the War of Unity and crowning firself as the first monarch of Kerolon, Nero had the Hadrian Dominion rebuilt as the city of Korroway after it had been devastated by the war.

Korroway's population and size then steadily grew over the next several decades and centuries. Korroway Imperial State University was established in 1180 as various noblemen constructed castles and palaces throughout the city; it was also during this period that Korroway became an important location for various art- and music-related events, leading to the construction of numerous museums and concert halls. During Kerolon's First Age of Imperium, when it conquered all of Uingffh, Korroway became a center for trade and commerce, with various goods and artifacts across Uingffh making their way into the city. Even as Kerolon lost large portions of its territories to the Unified States of Osuwa and the Great Imperial Hegemony of Morbidia's secessions, various multicultural artifacts remained in Korrowan museums and similar facilities.

Korroway Riots

The outbreak of the Osuwan Revolution and the adoption of democracy as Osuwa's governmental system inspired the Kerolonian populace to think more critically of the Kerolonian governmental system. Noticing and desiring the Osuwans' high political freedom, Kerolonian citizens began calling for the establishment of a more democratic system of government for the Kerolonian homeland. This led to the outbreak of numerous pro-democracy protests throughout the latter half of the 1570s.

These protests proved difficult to suppress due to their sheer size, eventually culminating in the Korroway Riots of October 16, 1580, when an estimated 12,000 democratic protesters attacked the Korroway Imperial Palace with the intent of removing the monarchy from power and establishing a democracy in its place. Though the protesters were ultimately driven away, they and the Kerolonian government soon attempted compromise solutions facilitated by government officials sympathetic towards the cause of democracy. Eventually, on December 25, 1580, King Rictell conceded to establish a democratically elected parliament - the Kerolonposium - and shift his role into that of a constitutional monarch.

A large parliamentary building was erected near the center of Korroway to host the Kerolonposium and its meetings. The rise of the Kerolonposium corresponded to a decline in the influence of nobility and royalty, which included the opening of parts of the Korroway Imperial Palace and other affluent residences to the public.

Calaklum Ao and Blue Power Initiative


Map of the Korroway Volcanic Arc. The central metropolitan areas of Korroway are situated at the foot of the volcanoes Mt. Lazarus and Mt. Rotorua.
Central Korroway from overhead, displaying the wider landscape.

The city of Korroway sits within a medium-sized valley carved by the Korro River and other waterways known as Karrizo Valley. To the south lie the Kalien Mountains, a comparatively short and ragged mountain range formed by strike-slip tectonic processes. To the city's north lie the volcanoes Mt. Lazarus and Mt. Rotorua, which lie near the northern boundary of the Korroway Volcanic Range - the namesake of the city.

Mount Lazarus

Mount Rotorua


Notable locations
