Legacy of the Red Banner

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Welcome to the History of Emar and its surrounding universe

Current Timeline is 4035 AC (Equivalent 2027 CE)

Welcome to the Legacy of the Red Banner, a sci-fi fantasy scenario set on a distant planet at the edge of the Andromeda Galaxy facing the Milky Way and its neighboring galaxies, with the core knowledge being a mysterious event that led to the sudden explosion of a civilization on a pre-historic world in a perpetual ice-age, orbiting a dim red dwarf just barely close enough in the Goldilocks-Zone to sustain life. Currently, this world has been colonized by a weakening empire that has so far been struggling to keep its hold on its brewing colonies.

Beyond the borders of this empire lie other massive Empires, Federations and the like, along with systems and worlds currently undiscovered...

This project is undergoing constant revisions and updates. Certain pages may be missing content, having inconsistent data, or require rewrites. Various new stories might be added, with many old might be cleaned.

The Universe




Emar, known by its native name as 01100111 01100101 01101100 01110101 (Gelu, or ice), is the main setting of the project. Consisting of countless cultures, traditions and politics, this is the planet on which...WIP On this planet, numerous species of different backgrounds and cultures interact with each other through exploration, diplomacy, trade, politics and war.

Currently, this planet is divided into several sub-sections Due to its status as a colony, but they are not very stable: