Longhouse Emperors

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The Longhouse Emperors (or Durcorachids) were a dynasty of Reachmen that ruled the Empire of Cyrodiil for a period of 44 years, from 2E 533 to 2E 537. The line was founded by Durcorach the Black Drake.


The sixth century 2E was in the thick of the Interregnum. The Empire of Cyrodiil only controlled the Heartlands, while Skyrim was divided between eastern and western kingdoms. These conditions left the Reach to its own devices, and set the stage for local kings to expand their influence beyond the highlands. Such a phenomenon had occurred during previous interregna (for example, the time after the Alessians but before the Remans), but never to the extent that Reachmen could hold Cyrodiil proper. Things changed with Durcorach, whose bold southward thrust took the Imperial City by surprise and triggered its swift capitulation.

UESP logo This page uses material from the UESP page Lore:Longhouse Emperors, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License (view authors).