The Lugo'Belinos is a world-spanning council of mages, sorcerers, and artifact hunters. Individual chapters of the council may have their own private agendas, but as a whole the Lugo'Belinos is driven by the need to learn, teach, and understand the world around them.
The Lugo'Belinos was originally founded in -2,645 DE by the first seven followers of Corann, also known as the Master of the Planes. Corann was the grandson of Evonne, the first sentient human, and when her powerful magic failed to yield decisive victory against the Shakaran, he traveled into the jungles of Immartu to find the source of the panther race's strange pact rituals. When he returned with total mastery of both the pact ritual and high magic, he selected seven followers to join him in helping civilization spread throughout the jungle.
When Corann died without spreading the final secrets of his knowledge, his seven disciples founded the Lugo'Belinos to find the answer themselves. Carefully setting tiers of control over their own apprentices, they began collecting relics of the lost Mustel civilization, and discovered the Mustel Tunnels, the demi-plane of travel the dragon-race disappeared into. They kept this discovery a secret even from the highest level apprentices, until The Child's War, when they used the power of the Tunnels and ancient pact magic to bring an end to the war.
Modern Era Activities
The Lugo'Belinos have outposts across the world, gathering all the knowledge they can. Most of the Tunnels and their linked boltholes are under the college's control, and the greatest masters of magical theory are students of their teachings. They are consistently purchase or at least analyze magical artifacts of all types for adventurers.
The major centers of the Lugo'Belinos are:
- The original college in Lugios, on Immartu.
- The abstirinth in Epoch, on Nim.
- The holdings of Cordina, on Nim.