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This Ardai-project article may be subject to change, and should not be taken as definitive canon in its current state.

The Mondozean ("World Ocean" in the Saphonic languages) is an ocean lying between the Topeian Archipelago to the east and the continent of Nuro to the west. To its north lies the Northern Ocean.


The ocean is colloquially referred to as the Eastern Ocean (or equivalents) by the people of Nuro, and as the Western Ocean (or equivalents) by the people of Topei.

Seas, arms and inlets

  • Adseia, a mediterranean sea dividing Nuro and Sorca; connected to the Mondozean via the Straits of Patience
  • Great Firth, a large gulf or inlet lying between Eicony and Suestria
  • Firth of Siud, an inlet between Cirthad and Siud
  • Ring Sea or Sea of Hullin, surrounding the Otinian Peninsula and watering the lands of Rovinadia
    • Otinian Sea or Roenish Sea, a small sea in Roenland connected to the Ringsea by a narrow strait
