National Aeronautics and Space Administration (EV)

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The National Aeronautics and Space Administration or NASA is an agency of the Everetti government, responsible for the nation's civilian space program. NASA was established by the National Aeronautics and Space Act on July 29, 1958, in the United States, replacing its predecessor, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA). The agency became operational on October 1, 1958. NASA has led U.S. efforts for space exploration ever since, resulting in the Apollo missions to the Moon, the Skylab space station, and later the Space Shuttle. Currently NASA has two international branches, one in the United States and one in the Union of Everett. Both branches are supporting the International Space Station. The United States is developing new Ares I and V launch vehicles while Everett took the route of designing new fusion shuttles and Expedition class shuttles. Everett currently possesses control of the Mars Research Station, in orbit of Mars and has landed astronauts on the planet's surface.


The Everetti space program began in 2004 with the re-launch of the shuttle program, following the Columbia disaster. Since the release of advanced technologies in 2006, the space program launched forward. Three new fusion powered shuttles were deployed. The YF22A Raptor Fusion Fighter was released in 2008. All Everetti space craft have requirements and default standards such as EMP protection, anti-gravity, artificial gravity and fusion engines. Everetti military craft are primarily armed with laser and plasma weapons rather than missiles because of the already powerful damage a plasma blast can leave. All future forms of space craft will include low grade or normal grade hyperdrive systems, depending on the size of the craft. Current fighter and civilian models do not have hyperdrive systems but standard fusion engines. The newer civilian craft, the Expedition-class shuttle will have a low grade hyperdrive engine. By mid 2009, all Everetti space fighters will have low grade hyperdrive engines.

Civil Class

Civil class space craft are civilian craft. These ships are considered non-combat craft. Some though, may have weapons for asteroid and meteor defense but other than that, these craft are unable to enter combat. Civil class ships may consist of fully civilian craft such as passenger craft and luxury space cruiseliners or they may be science and research craft, designated for space exploration, colonization or other means.

Space Transportation System Shuttles (STS)

The Union of Everett possesses six NASA shuttles. Three are standard Space Transportation System (STS) shuttles that require rocket fuel and are aided by two massive rockets and a massive fuel tank. These shuttles are named Discovery, Endeavour and Atlantis. The other three shuttles are replacements, ordered by the military to replace the aging shuttle fleet. After the Columbia disaster, new shuttles were needed. With the completion of fusion technology and anti-gravity, the three newer shuttles were built and released. The Saturnus, Terra and Explorer were released as the new fusion shuttle fleet. The new fusion shuttles remain exactly the same in design but have been replaced with triple fusion reactor engines and anti-gravity. The shuttles are capable of basic space travel speed (70,000 miles per hour and second speed mode which is about 250,000 miles per hour. These shuttles are unarmed, civil science and research space craft.

Expedition Class Shuttle

File:NASA Expedition.jpg
NASA Expedition Class Shuttle (Next Gen)

The Expedition Class shuttle was originally designed by Lockheed Martin as the X-33. The program was cancelled in 2001 because of costs. With the creation of fusion power, anti-gravity and artificial gravity, the shuttle design was picked up again by the Everetti government. The newly designed version became the Expedition shuttle. Design of the shuttle was completed in 2008 but with the release of the new fusion shuttles, the program went on hold. It was decided in 2009 that the program would continue, the new Expedition replacing the fusion shuttles. The original fusion shuttles are limited in their abilities because of design, only capable of travelling as far as Mars. The Expedition will be capable of travelling much further, built with a low grade hyperdrive system, it will be capable of travel within our own solar system. Because of it's larger size, it can carry more supplies and crew.

The first Expedition began construction on February 10, 2009 and was completed on May 15th. The first shuttle, named Expedition, began it's test flight at 12:00 noon on May 16th. The shuttle contains anti-gravity and fusion power for flight and a low grade hyperdrive giving it the ability to travel at a maximum of 750,000 miles per hour. Using a fusion weapons burst engine, the craft may launch itself up to 1.25 million miles per hour or 536 times slower than the speed of light. The craft is the first shuttle to feature artificial gravity. It's slower speed limits the Expedition to travelling within the solar system unable to perform interstellar travel. Inside are living areas, small offices, a large storage and supply room, a laboratory, a restroom that includes showers, a water treatment system, oxygen generation system and the cockpit. The main body of the craft is the size of a 747, wing to wing, front to back giving over a dozen times the space than a regular shuttle.

Shuttle Missions

Date Code Shuttle Mission
July 26, 2005 STS-114 Discovery First post Columbia flight. Flight safety evaluation/testing, ISS supply/repair, MPLM Raffaello
July 4, 2006 STS-121 Discovery ISS Flight ULF1.1: Supply, crew rotation, MPLM Leonardo
September 9, 2006 STS-115 Atlantis ISS assembly flight 12A: P3/P4 Truss, Solar Arrays
December 9, 2006 STS-116 Discovery ISS assembly flight 12A.1: P5 Truss & Spacehab-SM, crew rotation
June 8, 2007 STS-117 Atlantis ISS assembly flight 13A: S3/S4 Truss, Solar Arrays, crew rotation
August 8, 2007 STS-118 Endeavour ISS assembly flight 13A.1: S5 Truss & Spacehab-SM & ESP3. First use of SSPTS (Station-to-Shuttle Power Transfer System)
October 23, 2007 STS-120 Discovery ISS assembly flight 10A: US Harmony module, crew rotation
February 7, 2008 STS-122 Atlantis ISS assembly flight 1E: European Laboratory Columbus, crew rotation
March 11, 2008 STS-123 Endeavour ISS assembly flight 1J/A: JEM ELM PS & SPDM, crew rotation
May 31, 2008 STS-124 Discovery ISS assembly flight 1J: JEM - Japanese module Kibo & JEM RMS
November 14, 2008 STS-126 Endeavour ISS assembly flight ULF2: MPLM Leonardo, crew rotation
February 9, 2009 STS-127 Saturnus Satellite deployment, repair
February 9, 2009 STS-128 Terra Satellite deployment, repair
February 9, 2009 STS-129 Explorer Satellite deployment, repair
February 10, 2009 STS-130 Endeavour Satellite deployment, repair
February 10, 2009 STS-131 Atlantis Satellite deployment, repair
February 11, 2009 STS-132 Discovery Satellite deployment, repair
February 27, 2009 STS-133 Saturnus ISS assembly flight 15A: S6 Truss, Solar Arrays
May 12, 2009 STS-135 Atlantis Last Hubble Space Telescope servicing mission (HST SM-04). Final Non-ISS flight.
May 15, 2009 STS-136 Endeavour ISS assembly flight 2J/A: JEM Exposed Facility (EF) & JEM ELM ES.
May 16, 2009 STS-134 Expedition Test run systems, dock and deploy supplies to ISS, flight to Mars.
August 6, 2009 STS-137 Discovery ISS assembly flight 17A: MPLM Leonardo & 6 person ISS crew.
August 18, 2009 ETS-001 Expedition Human Mars landing and exploration. Preparation of research base.
August 18, 2009 STS-138 Explorer Flight to Mars, satellite deployment, space assist with Expedition.
November 12, 2009 STS-139 Atlantis ISS assembly flight ULF3: EXPRESS Logistics Carriers (ELCs) 1 & 2.
November 14, 2009 ETS-002 Expedition MRS deployment.
November 27, 2009 ETS-003 Futura MRS supply and crew deployment.
December 10, 2009 STS-140 Endeavour ISS assembly flight 20A: Node 3 and Cupola.
January 3, 2010 ETS-004 Expedition MRS completion.
January 3, 2010 ETS-005 Solaris MRS completion.
February 11, 2010 STS-141 Atlantis ISS assembly flight Utility and Logistics Flight 4: Multi-Purpose Logistics Module Raffaello. Final planned flight of Atlantis.
April 8, 2010 STS-142 Discovery ISS assembly flight 19A: Mini-Research Module 1. Final planned flight of Discovery.
May 31, 2010 STS-143 Endeavour ISS assembly flight ULF5, ELCs 3 & 4. Final flight of Endeavour.
June 2, 2010 STS-144 Terra ISS assembly mission.
July 17, 2010 STS-145 Explorer ISS assembly mission.
September 21, 2010 STS-146 Saturnus ISS assembly mission.
October 3, 2010 ETS-006 Expedition Satellite deployment, sync.
October 15, 2010 ETS-007 Solaris MRS supply/crew.
January 4, 2011 STS-147 Terra ISS assembly mission.
Feburary 10, 2011 ETS-008 Futura ISS crew/supply.
February 28, 2011 ETS-009 Expedition MRS supply/Mars landing.
April 16, 2011 STS-148 Explorer MRS research shuttle deployment.
June 10, 2011 STS-149 Explorer MRS research mission to Phobos.
June 21, 2011 STS-150 Explorer MRS research mission to Deimos.
June 23, 2011 STS-151 Saturnus ISS assembly mission.
August 9, 2011 ETS-010 Futura MRS supply/crew.
September 14, 2011 STS-152 Terra ISS assembly mission.
October 1, 2011 STS-153 Saturnus Space-Enviro mission, debris cleaning.
October 2, 2011 STS-154 Terra Space-Enviro mission, debris cleaning.
December 17, 2011 ETS-011 Expedition ISS crew/supply, ISS assembly.
December 27, 2011 ETS-012 Solaris MRS Mars landing/surface mission.
January 3, 2012 STS-155 Terra Space-Enviro mission, debris cleaning.
January 4, 2012 STS-156 Saturnus Space-Enviro mission, debris cleaning.
February 12, 2012 ETS-013 Futura MRS crew/supply.
March 11, 2012 ETS-014 Expedition GEMPA/PDS maintenance.
April 1, 2012 ETS-015 Solaris 2012 DA14 Asteroid intercept mission.

Space Stations

Mars Research Station

NASA and the Everetti government have constructed a space station in Mars orbit. This is a base point for human colonization of Mars. The station is smaller than the International Space Station but features artifical gravity and fusion power sources primarily instead of solar. The MRS currently contains eight crew. The Mars research station was used in the 2009 Mars mission and Mars landing by the Expedition shuttle with aid from the shuttle Explorer. MRS primarily researches samples from Mars and monitors and studies Mars' weather systems.


The Union of Everett possesses almost 1,000 satellites in orbit of Earth, varying in types of communications, military, GPS, television and radio broadcasts and satellite phone and cellular systems. Thirty of these satellites belong to the PDS satellite system, a military orbital bombardment and attack satellite system. Additional PDS satellites are planned to be deployed with greater capability of firing more powerful bursts of plasma energy. An undetermined number of satellites belong to the Project Alexis/Project Titan military program, which itself is also highly classified within the military. About 375 satellites belong to the military, controlling GPS, communications, automated forces control, fusion weapons launch and deployment, reconnaissance, spying, cyber warfare attack satellites, PDS, SDI, EDS tracking and other applications. Another 250-350 satellites are civilian, controlling satellite radio, television, cellular and satellite phone communications and corporate private satellites. The remaining satellites are used for Earth and space exploration, mapping the Earth (as seen in programs such as Google Earth), telescopes used for space exploration, NASA control satellites and other space exploration uses.

Space Craft Naming Pattern

Everetti space craft are named in a specific order and through a specific type of word or use of synonyms. When a ship or craft is destroyed and new one takes it's place, it retakes the name of the destroyed craft. Space shuttles, including the Expedition-class ships are named after scientific respect and values such as Discovery, Explorer, Expedition and Endeavour. The ships can also be named after specific space icons or other related things such as the shuttle Atlantis and a new Expedition-class shuttle, Solaris.


Class Name Ship # Status
Test Orbiter Enterprise 000 MUSEUM
Orbiter Columbia 001 DESTROYED
Orbiter Challenger 002 DESTROYED
Orbiter Atlantis 003 MUSEUM
Orbiter Discovery 004 MUSEUM
Orbiter Endeavour 005 SOLD
Fusion Orbiter Terra 006 Functional
Fusion Orbiter Saturnus 007 Functional
Fusion Orbiter Explorer 008 Functional
Expedition Expedition 009A Functional
Expedition Solaris 010A Functional
Expedition Futura 011A Functional

Anti-Space Debris Program

File:Elenin Collider Mission.png
Red depicts Elenin's new trajectory while blue depicted the former trajectory and the yellow is the path of Elenin Collider.

Since 2009, the Union of Everett military ordered a NASA program to research the defense of the planet from various forms of space debris including asteroids, comets and meteors. In 2010, NASA and the Air Force test fired the PDS satellite array to destroy a close flyby of asteroid debris using both a PDS satellite to destroy one while NASA launched a rocket carrying a fusion weapon to intercept and destroy the other asteroid. Both close flyby asteroids were not projected to strike the Earth but the mission proved a basic defense from small scale space debris. In April of 2010, NASA launched the Elenin Collider, a spacecraft armed with a high grade fusion warhead, which was set to impact into the side of the incoming comet Elenin. Elenin is nearly two and half miles in diameter and was projected to come within 21 million miles of Earth. On May 3rd 2011, the collider mission slammed into the side of Elenin and detonated, shoving the comet off course. The mission was declared a success in the first deflection of a large scale target. Future missions are planned including automated drill boring weapons systems designed to penetrate a target and detonate within to destroy a target from the inside.

NASA Space-Enviro Program (EarthGrid)

In 2011, a joint report from space agencies discussed the issue of growing man-made space debris in orbit of Earth including dead satellites and parts of launched space craft, such as rocket boosters. NASA announced in August of 2011 it would begin a space program to track down some of the 22,000 trackable man-made space debris and shove it into the Earth's atmosphere where the debris would be burned up and destroyed. The program, beginning in October of 2011, would use fusion Orbiter shuttles to catch and send into the the atmosphere, the debris, piece by piece. Space-mobile drones are currently also in the works at Armor Robotics and NASA to track and remove space debris using automation to cut costs and speed up the process.

In April 2012, NASA announced the beginning of EarthGrid, a joint Department of Defense and Department of Disaster Response project to establish an array and constellation of satellites to monitor and track moving celestial objects within the solar system to ensure the security of Earth from potential near-Earth impacts of debris such as asteroids, comets and meteors.