Operation Nordic Protection

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Operation Nordic Protection
Part of NORDEFCO military assistace policy
Nordefco 09.jpg
Skandinavian Grippens patrolling over the coast of Baltica.
Operational scope Tactical
Planned September 1993
Planned by NORDEFCO
Commanded by Major General Juha Bottas
Objective Provide Baltica with a protective force within NORDEFCO.
Date 25/10/1993 –
Executed by Finland and Skandinavia
Casualties 18 (accidents) killed
203 (accidents) injured

Operation Nordic Protection is a NORDEFCO military operation hat was born with the aim of providing Baltica with a protection force from its foundation until it can maintain effective defense forces. The main goal of the operation was rethought in 2005 to remain as a supporting force within the NORDEFCO umbrella.


When Operation Baltic Shield was nearing completion, Baltica joined NEA and subsequently to NORDEFCO. Within the scope of NORDEFCO's cooperation, the government of Baltica requested support to ensure their protection while working to rebuild their armed forces. At that time Operation Nordic Protection was planned with the aim of maintaining a joint defensive force capable of deterring potential enemies.

Starting in 2005, the main objective of the operation was redefined as the Defense Forces of Baltica were able to secure a significant part of their defense operations. The new objective of the operation, with a smaller number of personnel, was updated to focus on training and operational support tasks.

NORDEFCO forces doing joint exercises in Estonia region.

Participants 2020

  • Skandinavia: 1 Army Brigade and support units, 1 Air Squadron (30 planes and helicopters with different roles) and extending Baltic Sea patrolling to the waters of Baltica.
  • Finland: 3 Army Battalions and some air units.
  • Greenland: 1 Home Guard company


Although no fighting occurred during the operation, there were some accidents that ended in casualties among NORDEFCO forces, specially one helicopter accident in 1999 where 14 soldiers lost their life. In total, 18 deaths and 203 injuries were recorded up today.