Project Dragons and Geofiction

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This is a meta page for the Dragons and Geofiction universe and therefore, should be treated as out of character.
Project Dragons and Geofiction
D&G logo Transparent .png
Genre Collaboratively made Campaign Setting
Established 2020
Creator phantomaquamarine
Progress Active, ongoing

Project Dragons and Geofiction or Project D&G is a Discord server that combines that Dungeons and Dragons and Wiki-Based Geofictional Roleplaying using the Constructed Worlds Wiki (until we can use a better site), were DM’s collaborate to create the world of Ebenrok, and use there allocated territory as the setting for their own adventures. This will hypothetically have the effect of creating an in-depth campaign setting at the fastest possible rate. When games are taken into other geofictional states, a new DM takes over. A DM can create up to 5 nations which they can do almost whatever they like with (weather it be making it a tribal confederation of Kobolds or a Dracolich's Theocracy) to set their campaigns. Players with no DM experience can create only one nation but can only have one character tied to the nation's history (eg: a member of there nations nobility).

Map and Claims

D&G map 2.png

Project D&G claims

DM Claims
User Nations Characters
phantomaquamarine None
[[User:|]] None
Player Character Claims
User Nation Characters
Wolftheriot None None