Roleplay:Montebello Peace Conference

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This is a meta-page for all roleplay associated with the Montebello Peace Conference of 24-27 January 2020. As it is unlikely users will be able to respond to each other in a manner similar to an actual, face-to-face conference, discussion outside the canon time frame is allowed. Users are encouraged to notify fellow roleplayers if they are making any edits to this page via Discord, in order to prevent any edit conflicts. Out of character dialogue which is not setting a scene must be clearly marked as such, and any out of character discussion is encouraged to be kept to either Discord or user specific talk pages.

Friday, 24 January 2020

The official first day of the conference.


  • 09:00 to 10:00: Reception of delegates, journalists, and other conference functionaries to the Château Montebello
  • 10:00 to 11:30: Initial preparation time for delegates; rooms allotted for press briefings
  • 11:30 to 13:00: Formal luncheon held in honor of delegates and other attendees
  • 13:00 to 13:30: Additional time for preparation or press briefings
  • 14:00 to 17:00: First meeting of delegates
    • 15:30: Mid-meeting break
  • 17:00 to 18:30: Time allotted for press briefings, preparation, or recreation of delegates
  • 18:30 to 22:00: Formal dinner and ball (Delegates or individuals given chance to make speeches)

12:00 EST, President Woodley's luncheon speech

The Dining Room of the Chateau Montebello, the location of the luncheon

At 11:30 EST, delegates and other attendees were allowed into the Dining Room of the Château, where a white table cloth luncheon was to inaugurate the peace conference. Attendees were given the first thirty minutes of the luncheon to enjoy a selection of cocktails and hors d'oeuvres inspired by provincial Quebecois cuisine. By 11:55, all of the attendees of the luncheon were seated and service of appetizers began. As delegates enjoyed a Quebec-style split pea soup, President of Canada Sarah Woodley took the podium to give the inaugural speech.

After finishing her toast, the President steps down from the podium. The luncheon proceeds as planned, and delegates begin leaving the room at around 12:45 to begin preparations for the first rounds of talks.

14:00 EST, First round of talks

Following about an hour’s break, the delegates assemble in one of the conference rooms of the Château. Delegates from the United Commonwealth and Tournesol are seated to one side of the table, while representatives from Superior and Sierra are seated across from them. Officials from the CAS sit at one head of the table, while Canadian delegates sit at the other end. At the start of the hour, President Woodley begins the proceedings.

President Woodley: Hello again everyone. I am honored to be with you all today. I would like to begin these talks by offering everyone the chance to make an opening statement. My hope is that the objectives of each of our delegations can be made transparent, and starting from there we can work to find a compromise between our positions. My Government has prepared for me a proposal of our own, but that can wait until after we hear from all of you.

Standing up from the Continentalist side of the table, Jeanne-Lucille Desmarais takes the offer first, beginning her opening speech in a heavily accented English.

People's Secretariat Desmarais: Thank you for the opportunity to speak on the behalf of the Tourneser people. Our community is under attack, ever since the far-right terrorists have begun wrecking terror and destruction in our country, sponsored by none other than the Sierran and Superian governments. You have dragger our people into conflict, letting hundreds be killed by these subversive radical terrorists. Our demands are clear; we want Superior and Sierra to stop funding these terrorists, and want the immediate recognition of the People's sovereign government as the only government of Tournesol. We are ready to give clemency to those Tournesers who were falsely inspired by the terrorists to take up arms against us through misinformation, but the leading culprits must be arrested, extradited if needed and immediately tried in a Tourneser court!"

Scribner remains seated, nodding at the conclusion of Desmarais's speech. He leans over to one of his military advisers, dressed in full dress. Scribner dawning a dull grey suit and a crimson tie. He looks around the table before, quickly interjecting a informal request.

Secretariat Scribner: We will guarantee legal clemency for all ranking members of the Tournesol Freedom Front. Additionally, subsidies will be given to the Tournesol government and funds will be provided to the the communities affected by the war. While I understand the conviction by the Desmarais government, we must come to a peaceful resolution to the conflict. There is no need for a period of extensive court battles and litigation, we need to heal the fissures now.

Standing up after Scribner's remarks, Jennifer Granholm is the first to speak for the non-Continentalist participants.

Jennifer Granholm: I would like to thank all of you for coming to this event and for being able to voice your own concerns and terms. It is no secret that since this conflict began, both Superior and Sierra have been providing armed support to the Tourneser Freedom Front as relations between the kingdoms and the Continentalist state of Tournesol have been tense and uneasy for decades so us supporting the TFF once the insurgency began was inevitable. The Superian government was initially under the belief that the conflict would be contained and that it wouldn't escalate beyond Tournesol's borders, but the United Commonwealth airstrikes from January 13th proved otherwise. Despite of the initial fears, we were able to quickly realize that a diplomatic resolution was necessary thanks in part to Brazoria's chancellor for condemning the militaristic decisions by both sides. I am hear to say that I apologize for having helped fuel the flames of the anxiety and fear that rose in the immediate aftermath of the attack. The Superian government will no longer continue armed support to the TFF and I will pass a neutrality act through parliament once this conference is over. I am fully committed to reaching a diplomatic resolution as a means of showing my apologies for my hasty decisions following the missile strikes and will work hard to begin peace talks between both sides. My goal is simple; to hopefully kickstart peace talks between the Continentalist government and the TFF in order to end the conflict for the good of Tournesol and its people and will speak with people from both sides in order to achieve it and I hope to speak with them personally soon."

Secretariat Scribner: You escalated a war within a foreign nation, under the pretense that it wouldn't escalate within you're own? Perhaps the CAS should reconsider its options before it illegally supports a terrorist organization in another country. The Continental States will always stand beside it allies. Now that we have an apology, I believe its time we begin the discussion on how to dismantle the terrorist cell that is the TFF and allow for a peaceful transition.

The Secretariat snickers, shaking his head in disbelief.'

Jennifer Granholm: I understand the United Commonwealth's support to Tournesol and will not stop it. I also take responsibility for my brach decisions that have escalated the situation and will not deny that armed support to the Freedom Front by both Superior and Sierra has allowed them to fight and has escalated the conflict. As we both seek a peaceful transition and hope to start peace talks, I agree that the Freedom Front must dismantle its military infrastructure and will have to formally disarm and integrate as a civilian governmental entity, but international pressure must be applied in order for the TFF to take such a step. Options I can take within Superior include searching for and dismantling all TFF camps within the Tournesol-Superior border, cracking down on Superian militias sending supplies to the TFF over the border and screening Tourneser refugees for possible TFF fighters hiding among them. I will not call on the CAS to send battle-groups to the border and will pressure TFF officials into agreeing to peace talks, but other nations must partake in forcing the TFF into negotiating with the Continentalist government and the latter must also be open to negotiating with them as well in order to reach a settlement and for a peaceful transition to begin as neither side must be ignored.

Prime Minister Nemesis Heartwell nods to President Granholm's impassioned message and stands up to speak, speaking characteristically in her peculiar manner of speech.

Prime Minister Heartwell: First and foremost, I would like to say that I think it is very, very wonderful that we have this fantastic opportunity to come together to discuss matters of peace. I would like to express my gratitude to the Canadian government and President Woodley. She has done a terrific job, we are all so very thankful. As you all know, we all here want to ensure that there is peace and goodwill across the North American continent. Now I am certain that the military situation in Tournesol is quite unfortunate and undesirable. There are some very, very bad things happening there and I hope that things will calm down there, which is why we have come here today to resolve civilly. Sierra is a nation that stands for peace and diplomacy, but we are also very reliable and very dependable friends who keep our allies safe. What happened in Tournesol is such a tragedy, such a shame. No one wants war there. Now, we were under the impression that the TFF folks were very nice people––you know the media has given some very conflicting reports. I have heard them be called freedom fighters and others call them terrorists. Let me be clear though, we do not work with terrorists and let me tell you, Mr. Secretariat Desmarais, you are a very brave and great leader. It takes a lot to lead a nation as fine as Tournesol and so I just want to say I am of course, very confident that you will be able to handle the situation effectively. And Mr. Secretariat Scribner, I would also like to say how I view you with great respect and admiration. I appreciate what you have done for your country and how you were willing to come to this meeting despite all the rumors. Sierra and the United Commonwealth are, as I hope, fantastic neighbors and I look forward to strengthening our relations. You know there were many, many talks of World War III but frankly I thought, 'Oh those stories are just ludicrous. The Secretariat and I are such good friends!' Well I am just happy that it was all just fake news and by the way, Mr. Secretariat, let me just say how I am so grateful, yes so grateful when you defended me and Her Royal Majesty from that rapper ThugBentley. He said some very nasty things about me and the Queen, so allow me to express my gratitude to you not just for myself but on behalf of the Queen. You are a terrific man, thank you. Now, with regards to Sierra's position throughout these talks, I just want to make it clear that we are willing to work out whatever issues there are. We are looking to come out with a great deal that all sides can agree on. We will not be interfering in Tournesol. Believe me, we have no business doing anything military-related there so I just want to say, we want peace and we will do whatever we can that we can to achieve that.